Quote Originally Posted by Stin View Post
.....wonderful thing about vodka. It's ready-to-consume. No cooking necessary
That is not entirely correct !
But it does of coz depends who is consuming.. and how.

Vodka could be consumed in few ways
here are most usual ways:

  1. The very possible minimum - each vodka shut must have something to "sniff on (a candy)" and if ladies are present - water to wash it off)
  2. Classic style - each shut is complemented by some "Hors d'oeuvres" present at the time (bread, pickles, caviar, garlic , onions...etc)
  3. Old style consumption - each shut is an additon to a fine lunch/dinner and in no way a main item on the table.

So as you see - only very minimal variant does not require any cooking.
classic - requires preparation for snacks to feast on and might or usually is complemented with hot potato's or pelmenies afterwards.
and old style - is just completely apposite what you just said ...

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Old stlyle: (vodka still in the freezer)
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