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  1. #1
    *Cadis Etrama Di Raizel*
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Post <<X>> Clan Member List (2014)

    These are the members of <<X>> clan as of 2015

    SoNy! [Argentina] (Founder/Leader)
    Wind [Russia] (Founder/Co-Leader)
    Sandy [India] (Co-leader/Administrator)
    Zeeman [Palestine]
    Hero [Belgium]
    Frank [Mexico]
    Carly [United States]
    Matias [Argentina]
    Facu [Argentina]
    ydk[CHN] [China]
    Gasoseta [Guatemala]
    Gohan [India]
    Ratamahatta [Russia]
    Stokrotka [Russia]
    Serious Sam<CHN> [China]
    EasternInferno [Serbia]
    METEOR [Germany]
    M.A.C.H [India]
    sNEEE [Poland]
    Aki [Serbia]
    Anthrax [Jordan]
    TUAGHFATZ [Jordan]

    Note: This list contains active members only. For complete list of members http://clansony.wix.com/xjumpers#!members/c1a72.
    Last edited by S.a'n~d-y; 18-02-2015 at 19:32.
    [Rocketers] Sandy

    ~-[:42 A'dam Elite:]-~ *SANDY*



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