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  1. #1

    News & Announcements

    Two new additions to the forum ...
    actually its a combination server/forum

    In game commands:
    @admin - now also auto posts message to Forum Post Box ...
    @shout - new one - will post message to the shout box ...(at the moment everyone can post ..but later - i'll limit it to registered users only (if user can be identified))
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

  2. #2
    Cool, but the forum admin messages thing is spammy, already filled up the home tab I think you should put a limit for the @admin command, so you can't post duplicates.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Barktooth View Post
    Cool, but the forum admin messages thing is spammy, already filled up the home tab I think you should put a limit for the @admin command, so you can't post duplicates.
    agree ...
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

  4. #4
    Olai Oli
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Great work dude!

    Может быть стоит организовать бокс для оповещения юзеров форума про то, что творится сейчас на серверах, а именно, вообще что пишут в чат? Тобишь пост + ip игрока (IP только для админов), чтобы можно было потом забанить за цензуру. Предлагаю тоже не просто так, не "от балды", а давно хотел сделать что-то такое с другими серверами, но ничего не получалось. А раз ты имеешь талан в этом деле, то смог бы организовать. Многократно становился свидетелем того, как на форумах поступают жалобы и просьбы забанить игроков за мат, оскорбления в игре. Админы, конечно, у вас хорошие, не спорю, но не могут же они сутками сидеть и следить за серверами? Тем более их, насколько мне известно, уже более 70!

    Хотелось бы выслушать содержательный ответ от тебя, Остап. Каким бы он ни был.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Cooka Monsta View Post
    Great work dude!

    Может быть стоит организовать бокс для оповещения юзеров форума про то, что творится сейчас на серверах, а именно, вообще что пишут в чат? Тобишь пост + ip игрока (IP только для админов), чтобы можно было потом забанить за цензуру. Предлагаю тоже не просто так, не "от балды", а давно хотел сделать что-то такое с другими серверами, но ничего не получалось. А раз ты имеешь талан в этом деле, то смог бы организовать. Многократно становился свидетелем того, как на форумах поступают жалобы и просьбы забанить игроков за мат, оскорбления в игре. Админы, конечно, у вас хорошие, не спорю, но не могут же они сутками сидеть и следить за серверами? Тем более их, насколько мне известно, уже более 70!

    Хотелось бы выслушать содержательный ответ от тебя, Остап. Каким бы он ни был.
    This functionality already exists ...and available only to game server admins
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

  6. #6
    Olai Oli
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Okay man, np

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

  8. #8
    About those recent crashes today ...
    My bad

    Stats site and Forum - now tightly integrated ... and some major changes had to be made to my old site in order to work correctly with forum
    Of coz not without some bugs ....
    This morning coz of that - samtrack crashed on all servers - rendering servers un-managed ... Amazing - how annoying game may become if SPAMBOT is not functioning.

    Anyway - bugs are exterminated ... only little flies are left ...
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

  9. #9
    Type frag or type kill messages to admin via @admin command are banned ...
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ostap View Post
    Type frag or type kill messages to admin via @admin command are banned ...
    Wait, the person who typefragged you is banned or the person who sent the message? If its the second one don't tell Jebac

  11. #11
    Good news everybody...

    Recently i was contacted by Angelo - one of the authors of "Rockets Forever" mod that used on many SAM servers.
    Well ...

    With help of Angelo - i've implemented new ban system that works on unique user ID that assigned to the player at install time...
    New system is already active for couple of days - and should prove to be a bit more effective than just IP check (although it only works with players - not with observers... ) and old system will still be used - if new system fails.

    There are of coz some drawbacks - like players who manually changed they ID or players who copied game installation ...
    In my current setup - only invalid ID's will be kicked ... duplicate ID's are tolerated ...but it might result in consequentual ban - if someone with same ID is banned.

    Info that i've received from Angelo - allows not only retrieve user ID ...but also user position in the game
    some major tweaking in last couple of days were required to allow me to collect this info frequently enough without server performance degradation
    I"m not yet sure how user position could be used - but i've nice ideas about it ...so stay tuned...
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

  12. #12
    Some more ...

    Since today - users that have Invalid ID - will be auto kicked ...

    Invalid ID usually is a result of manual tweaking user profile file...(or copy from another system where it was manually reseted)
    In any case - the solution is to use different player (index 1....10) ..that was not reseted...
    Or reinstall the game to get the correct ID
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

  13. #13
    Some programs that allow user name tweak ...(coloring and what ever)
    please check if one you have - does not reset your ID to invalid state.

    in Upload section - there are couple of programs that should work fine...
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

  14. #14
    Good news everybody

    I've made some optimization's today on samtrack ... particularly - database communications for each active server....
    Its a minor change (lesser data is requested each second from DB ) - but it did unloaded CPU usage quite a bit !!!...
    If before all those changes - DB server consumed about 30-40% of CPU on a busy day.
    Now - its dropped down to just 3 - 5% (only the game servers ....this excludes any load for websites)

    All those changes - should make all servers bit more fluent now ...
    If you do notice change - please let me know...
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

  15. #15
    Good news everybody !

    Due to recent attacks on my servers by some Russian dude that spammed each server with 6000 - 8000 messages (using multiple users and proxy IPs)
    I've implemented proxy IP check - that will automatically deny connection if proxy IP is listed as spammer (there is website that keeps records world wide - www.stopforumspam.com of all IP's that were ever caught spamming....about 90% of all public proxy servers already been used by spambots...so chance of finding one that is not - is pretty slim)

    After that block was implemented - i guess dude was pissed BIG time - so he started to crash all SE 1.05 servers...ok...
    Today i've made auto activity check (every 5 sec) for all 1.05 servers - and in case crash or hang - server will auto reboot within 5 seconds.
    As well - IP that caused the crash will be permanently entered into server firewall - blocking ANY connection in the future.
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life


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