Hello Everyone,
Legend,Respected player Kix has requested to join {Pistolers}.
We'll glad to see you in clan
Since we started voting system for our new members,Kix must be voted.
Just our members allowed to vote!
Good Luck my Old Friend,
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Hello Everyone,
Legend,Respected player Kix has requested to join {Pistolers}.
We'll glad to see you in clan
Since we started voting system for our new members,Kix must be voted.
Just our members allowed to vote!
Good Luck my Old Friend,
The poll is still 2-0!
We don't count DeVon and Nobody's vote since they are not our members.
Seems like they confused the clan sections![]()
With counted votes,Kix got 3-0 !!
C'mon Kix!!! you are too close
EDIT: Kix made it 4-0!! only 2 votes needed now!
EDIT 2: Kix got 5 from Milena!
Just one vote needed for him!We beleive it!
Last edited by Oben; 07-03-2013 at 20:42.
Please accept my appologies Oben but I can not join Pistolers. It was my idea to join Pistolers to offer support to a friend. But now it appears it is causing more trouble for you. And that was never my intention.
Thanks to the kind Pistolers that voted me in and I am sorry for wasting your time.
your friend
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