Serious Sam returns later this year. At least that creators of the Croatian studio Croteam. In one of the interviews revealed the approximate release date for Serious Sam 4, the existence of which was confirmed a few months ago.
About Serious Sam 4 do not know anything, except that arises. The game was revealed in an unusual way - at the beginning of June last year launched action in the series Humble Bundle, in which players could for any amount of money to buy all the views adventures Serious Sam. Collected in this way by the developers money had to be spent on the work of the "four".
Now, in an interview with the fansites portal Seriously! Roman Ribaric, CEO of Croteam studies, revealed that production should be released in the fourth quarter of this year. He revealed that his team is still working on the second draft, but he did not want him to say anything more.
---------- Post added 17-03-2014 at 16:47 ----------
Curiously which invented ... Continuation SS3 to First Encounter, but would not like prequel 3, because the darker atmosphere somehow does not fit me ... I wish it was the secound continuation Encounter with the pyramids and beautiful views BUT -> You are reading Serious Sam and you have a smile on your face