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  1. #1
    ~-[:42 A'dam Elite:]-~
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Stats calculation

    I had an idea and was wondering what others would think of it.

    The stats page has now only the Kill/Death rates on it (and they are not totally correct at the moment, but after enough deaths they are close )

    Now I would like it if there were some changes made:
    1) Players get scores instead of KD ranking
    if you kill a player that is not in the top 100 you get +1 score
    if that player is top 100 you get +2 score
    if that player is top 50 you get +3 score
    if that player it top 10 you get +5 score

    if you are killed by a player that is not in the top 100 you get -3 score
    if that player is in the top 100 you get -2
    if that player is in the top 50 you get -1

    something like that,.. and then just try to change the values to get a nice score flow

    2) Servers will have a top 3
    There are 8 FE frag servers, 27 SE frag servers and 2 warped servers
    so in a nice matrix you will have enough with a 5 x 8 roster to show all frag servers in a nice row (and the top 3 within this rosters)

    3) There will still be 3 top 100 lists (ALL - FE - SE)

    - Reason for changes -
    - I think players *that care about stats* will be encouraged to play more and in more different servers.
    - players that dont care about stats dont matter if this change will be made
    - the scores will be more fair (if you play much against noobs your score wont increase that easy)

    This is just an rough idea, all remarks and opinions are welcome.
    Serious Sam - The First Encounter

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Evolta View Post
    I had an idea and was wondering what others would think of it.

    The stats page has now only the Kill/Death rates on it (and they are not totally correct at the moment, but after enough deaths they are close )

    Now I would like it if there were some changes made:
    1) Players get scores instead of KD ranking
    if you kill a player that is not in the top 100 you get +1 score
    if that player is top 100 you get +2 score
    if that player is top 50 you get +3 score
    if that player it top 10 you get +5 score

    if you are killed by a player that is not in the top 100 you get -3 score
    if that player is in the top 100 you get -2
    if that player is in the top 50 you get -1

    something like that,.. and then just try to change the values to get a nice score flow

    2) Servers will have a top 3
    There are 8 FE frag servers, 27 SE frag servers and 2 warped servers
    so in a nice matrix you will have enough with a 5 x 8 roster to show all frag servers in a nice row (and the top 3 within this rosters)

    3) There will still be 3 top 100 lists (ALL - FE - SE)

    - Reason for changes -
    - I think players *that care about stats* will be encouraged to play more and in more different servers.
    - players that dont care about stats dont matter if this change will be made
    - the scores will be more fair (if you play much against noobs your score wont increase that easy)

    This is just an rough idea, all remarks and opinions are welcome.
    All seems plausible ... run-time check for player position in the list will require some changes...(coz stats calculated every 10 minutes and it takes a while ...7-11 seconds ...but some way around it like cached results could be implemented....
    (it all has to do with dynamic IP and searching database for player that is the same from different IP's he played.))

    ---------- Post added 25-10-2012 at 23:06 ----------

    But there are some issues with it ...
    first of all - top 100 list is very dynamic ..one game can put player at the bottom of the list...

    ---------- Post added 25-10-2012 at 23:11 ----------

    and this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Evolta View Post
    2) Servers will have a top 3
    There are 8 FE frag servers, 27 SE frag servers and 2 warped servers
    so in a nice matrix you will have enough with a 5 x 8 roster to show all frag servers in a nice row (and the top 3 within this rosters)
    i dont get it ...
    There is already top 20 for every server if you open it ...(only that server)
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

  3. #3
    ~-[:42 A'dam Elite:]-~
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    The top 100 will change from KD to score.
    A new IP player (or ID dont know how its done) will get 0 points from start. if you start playing this score will ofc increase pretty fast. (negative scores should not be possible)
    Maybe after a certain time players loose a percentage of there points? So that players cant gain unbeatable scores.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ostap View Post
    i dont get it ...
    There is already top 20 for every server if you open it ...(only that server)
    Its hardly visible I even forgot about it. I think the stats site should mainly show the score stats,.. other graphs are fun, but I dont think much players that go to the stats page care about it.
    Serious Sam - The First Encounter

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Evolta View Post
    Its hardly visible I even forgot about it. I think the stats site should mainly show the score stats,.. other graphs are fun, but I dont think much players that go to the stats page care about it.
    Agree ... stats site was made to include ALL possible info ...
    but different variations are absolutely possible ...
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

  5. #5
    Hm... this will cause that i get more hunters on my back than i already have. But it's ok 4 me coz i never care about score

  6. #6
    I think it's good plan =) make sure it's also visible on the admin stat page =)

  7. #7
    Campers Clan
    Join Date
    May 2012
    got to admit, very good idea

  8. #8
    ~-[:42 A'dam Elite:]-~
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Ok I have been away for a while, but maybe it would be nice to have some more input here so this idea can be developed or dismissed
    Serious Sam - The First Encounter

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Evolta View Post
    Ok I have been away for a while, but maybe it would be nice to have some more input here so this idea can be developed or dismissed
    It is in "to-do" list already
    donnow yet when i'll finish it ...but i'll let everyone know
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life



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