[Rocketers] is a Serious Sam Co-op Clan that specialises in rocket rocket jumping. Rocket jumping isn't as easy as it looks. We have quite a lot of talented members willing to teach other players how to rocket jump. We mostly play The First Encounter because it has a lot of walls that are suitable for rocket jumping. So come play with us !!
The clan was created in 2002 by Cleggy an enthusiastic player who loved rocket jumping and decided to make a clan dedicated to doing it.
Current list of clan members (after 2012)
Alex [Russia] - Support Leader
Apis [Germany]
C.T.P.A.X. [Serbia]
Chris [United Kingdom] - Leader
Devon [Russia]
EL.RO [Germany]
Hero [Belgium]
Karel [Czech Republic]
kix [United Kingdom]
Oben [Turkey]
R2D2 [Poland]
Ryana [Germany]
Sandy/Sandman [India]
Skorup [Poland]
X-Ray/Ace/Legion [Russia]
X-ray - may or may not be a member of the clan in its sole discretion, is not forbidden, and she and the other position :-)
Archive list of clan members (up to 2012)
Cleggy [Rocketers] Clan Founder
Alex [Russia]
Apis [Germany]
C.T.P.A.X. [Serbia]
Chris [United Kingdom]
Dani/ELEKTRIKA [Ireland]
Dead Eye/cockvein [United States]
EL.RO [Germany]
Hero [Belgium]
Jimmy [Turkey]
kennybo [Ireland]
kix [United Kingdom]
OOmpa[United States]
Mike [Austria]
R2D2 [Poland]
Skorup [Poland]
Ryana [Germany]
Lank348 [United States]
Lucky [United States]
Oben [Turkey]
Scott [Germany]
Seriouz [United States]
static/electric [Ireland]
zaw [United States]