So here I am going to explain how to do it:
First, you have to make sure your ports are forwarded. I found a little tool to do it for 1.05 servers, cuase they are TCP ports. These can be easily trackable using
this tool. If you want to setup a 1.07 server you need to skip this alinea. First start your server, switch back to Windows and enter the port 25600 into the text box and press [ENTER]. If it says something like "Success: I can see your service on ***.**.**.*** on port (25600)" or anything like that, you won't have to setup anything and you can just start your server. If it says "We could not connect to your server on port 25600", goto the next step.
So you either have port 25600 closed or you have a 1.07 server and you can't check? Well, first goto
this website and click the router you have. Now click on START -> RUN and type CMD and press [ENTER]. Now a little black screen pops up. Now type "IPCONFIG" and press [ENTER]. You will see something like Standard-Gateway. Copy and paste that IP into your Internet browser, and goto that sort of website. Now go back to the portforwarding site where u clicked on your router, and follow the tutorial. You will need to add port 25600 TCP, 25600 UDP, 25601 TCP, 25601 UDP. And if you are running on 1.08 you might also want to open 5000 TCP for the AutoDownloader server.
Optionally: Make sure your local computer firewall is either turned off OR the ports unblocked.
So there you go. You now have a server of everybody to see.
Notice that 1 player in the server uses 10 kBps of your upload connection. So you can count on it like this:
Upload Speed | Maximum players
50 kBps | 5
100 kBps | 10
120 kBps | 12
160 kBps | 16
etc. That means: net speed / 10 = maximum players. (This is in my experiences, 10 kBps up per player.)
If you have more than 5 players when you have 50 kBps upload speed, the kBps upload will be balanced across the whole connection speed = lag thus high pings.
So I hope this helped you. If it did, please give me some rep, thanks
If you can, run your server on 1.07 instead of 1.05. Why? Read