There is a big camper at this time he is staying with cannon at lava top
is name is FALCONER
in the past I was ban for this play due to rules server
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There is a big camper at this time he is staying with cannon at lava top
is name is FALCONER
in the past I was ban for this play due to rules server
Si Serious Sam avait été pensé comme un jeu compétitif, les maps n'aurait jamais eu d'endroits pour camper comme en haut de la lave, malheureusement, à l'origine Serious Sam n'aurait même pas dut avoir de mode deathmatch. Croteam ont juste mis des maps test et en ont fait un mode deathmatch à la zeub (qui fut incroyablement populaire pour selon xD)
Depuis l'arrivé des serveurs de Ostap en 2010, on a vu le retour des powerups sur les serveurs (car avant les "pros" des communautés s'étaient dit qu'ils ne fallait pas les utiliser, mais c’était complétement ridicule comme idée, en fait ils étaient tellement obsédés à mourir le moins possible qu'ils ne supportaient pas l'idée de se faire tuer par un noob qui avait le serious damage, alors ça les arrangeais mieux de les enlever. Comme ça les "pros" continuaient de faire des scores faramineux et les joueurs occasionnels n'avaient aucune chance et continuaient de se faire piétiner. C'est ce qui a d'ailleurs causé une massive chute d'activité du jeu entre 2009 et 2010). On avait même été jusqu’à faire des scripts pour les retirer des serveurs. L'arrivée des serveurs d'Ostap nous a permis de retrouver beaucoups de joueurs, mais malheureusement pas autant qu'avant. Après multiples bugs de GameSpy qui ont duré plusieurs semaines (rendant impossible de consulter la liste des serveurs ni d'en rejoindre un), les gens ont fini par déserter le jeu.
Mais maintenant que cette "règle" (qui n'était que pure hérésie) n'est plus, tu peux chercher le sniper, descendre sous l'eau prendre le powerup d'invisibilité et plomber la tronche de l'autre guignol en haut de sa pose caca
....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
Why I'm banned? Blin! For nickname Pedofil? Blin!
If name MYSELF with any bad or not bad word it's not offencive! Because I don't offend anybody because this fucked word related TO ME. I named pedofil MYSELF! Not anybody! Blyad!
I would understand if I set nickname "you're a pedophile!". It can be offencive. But in not my case! Here is word related to me.
And word "pedofil" isn't offensive it's fucked scientific termin for people which are sick. Nothing more.
Or look at this screenshot. It was 18-04-2015. But anyway. Fucked admin banned guy who I know for nickname "vanya109". What the fuck? Vanya is Russian name and 109 is only number. Where here is any offensive word? Probably he is banned by polish admin jerk. But anyway I think admin who banned v109 on last screenshot really fucked jerk.
It's really shit what you can be banned for "offensive nickname" when it's not really offencive.
Да, Танкист это легенда Сейчас разбаню.
[Rocketers] Alex
Fормально, с твоим постом нельзя поспорить. C другой стороны, мы то знаем правду. : D
p.s.: Kак же бесят настройки форума, преобразующие большие буквы в маленькие. (притом за 4 года так до конца и не понял, в каких случаях это происходит, а в каких - нет)
Last edited by Zeo; 19-09-2016 at 02:15.
Hi dudes, I got this evening this ban:
please remove this reason for ban, its useless.
And no, I don't want to remove the color tag . It was never a problem in this game ...
thanks in advance
The best regards . Grandpa
"Internet is virgin land for us" Angela Merkel - German Chancellor
sorry for the glitch ....
I were working on new rules for the nik name:
1 - Name could not be empty
2 - Name cannot contain ONLY symbol chars (@$%&*(%^)
3 - Name length could not be longer than 63 chars (exluding any formating tags)
4 - Name cannot contain "Enter/New Line" characters
5 - Name length must contain at least 2 chars not separated by space/tab/symbol
6 - Total character count (word letters, not symbols) - should be 3 or more (chars could be separated by space or tab)
7 - Name may not contain Alpha Tag ^a ...with values less than 35 (HEX)
rules 1-3 existed before ....
rules 4-5 are recently added...due to no way for other players to see who is typing as well conflicts with other nik names when previous name is malformed.
---------- Post added 07-10-2016 at 20:49 ----------
Minor update to the rules .... (Thanx to ZCaliptium)
1 - Name could not be empty
2 - Name cannot contain ONLY symbol chars (@$%&*(%^)
3 - Name length could not be longer than 63 chars (exluding any formating tags)
4 - Name cannot contain "Enter/New Line" characters
5 - Name length must contain at least 2 chars not separated by space/tab/symbol
6 - Total character count (word letters, not symbols) - should be 3 or more (chars could be separated by space or tab)
7 - Name may not contain Alpha Tag ^a ...with values less than 35 (HEX)
8 - Name may not contain none existing tags ^z , ^p ....etc....
Last edited by Ostap; 07-10-2016 at 20:59.
....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
Rule 7 sucks, i can understand if you forbid 0 values because it doesn't make any sense.
Maybe 00-0F (for guys that have problems with his eyes) but 35 is clearly visible, this is arbitrariness.
Sry Ostap, but this game has other problems than rules for the names.
Please protect fair players from swimmers , wh , out-of-the-map and lightbulbs , but not from colored double points ...
The best regards . Grandpa
"Internet is virgin land for us" Angela Merkel - German Chancellor
Huh. Those are some pretty strict restrictions.
Sorry if i offended someone in some way
but new rules stay...
no transparent names allowed...
I will rewrite the filter to accommodate nik names with partial transparency
but fully transparent names....or names with malformed color tag at the end - will be kicked...
i'm sure you know what i mean ....when due those player name faults - every next message gets invisible....or affectect by the player tag ...
....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
I agree... its not that i cant change this - but why is that suddenly soo restricted? its faced like swimming bug in servers! (with kick)
That wasnt here for many years, and suddenly after 7 years or so since 42 Amsterdam was created we have this rule(
The invisibility of a nickname ... pff ok - but why ^a-f is also removed? That was my cool color tag which i heave since soo many years) - you see that Join Date up there? since then
And its not so much about that - but because system is yet buggy: ANY PLAYER WITH ANY COLOR CODE IS BANNED!(At least that is what happened yesterday all day)
Ostap, меня уже задолбали эти выходки. Мало того, что и так мало людей сейчас играют, так ты еще придумываешь ИДИОТСКИЕ условия для игры на твоих серверах...
Ладно, смирились с тем, что показывают страну (вообще-то каждый должен иметь право выбирать: показывать, или скрывать эту информацию), но когда уже запрет на выбор персонального имени вступает в обиход?! Что за проблемы у Вас? Почему нам мешают играть так, как мы хотим? Что это за "культ личности 42Амстердама"?
Мне уже начинает казаться идея переходить на SS:Revolution не такой уж идиотской.
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