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  1. #31
    Well i like to read flames when it's not hardly offensive. Flames are part of the game, but hard trash and insulting are not allowed on our servers. I may be wrong, but for me using XF's nickname combined with video title looks like a joke, maybe bad one, but it's still a joke .

    Far as i remember, besides this thread, it was always like that in the past... Amco VS XFighter - verbal fights during the game and i found that like something interesting... like some kind of friendly exibition. I've never thought it can be some sort of hate or something similar to that. I've never understood what they are talking on German language, but on English it was always funny. Well since XF confirmed that he cannot tolerate him and found this as abusive it should be stopped.

    Amco asked me via private message if Glassy can edit her pics and hide his IP from the public thread for some reason.

    I don't think that Amco is a bad guy, but yeah he can be annoying with his sarcasm and offensive jokes, don't take it so serious.
    When i created GZ account he told me "Click i heard you like dick" - that was his first public post meant for me, ofc it was funny even with disturbing content. I didn't even knew him, but never took that so serious, but yeah it's internet... there are different ppl around and everyone can type all kind of bullshits (till get banned)

    The End.

  2. #32
    Admin Bot
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by CLICK View Post
    Amco asked me via private message if Glassy can edit her pics and hide his IP from the public thread for some reason.
    Mmmkay, censored. Sorry, guys who's posts were edited by me without permission request, but it's late here and I want to sleep so badly. You are free to get pissed off. Some day I will buy you a beer
    I am not aggressive, I am dominating

  3. #33
    WTF Dalilo?
    [Rocketers] CTPAX

  4. #34
    OK. Jokes from this player ..
    Insult - swear word the /name of my country /, insult - swear word /my nickname/ they are very funny!? The next game I joined with the /name of the Chancellor of his country/ interesting, but there was no "jokes".Everyone has a limit of patience. Not just me and X Fighter. There is also another player from Germany with "good jokes" .... Yo N..k!

    The End.

  5. #35
    Admin Bot
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    Nov 2012
    IMO, admins shall react to insults of other gamers/countries/nationalities/and so on. Kick, short ban, if doesn't help - longer ban. Sunshine, if there is no admins around, I can only advice to report to "@admin" command and try to ignore such gamers. Such nicknames indicate how dumb they are, shaming first of all themselves. Amco was über-dumb for a über-long-time, and got a über-long-ban.
    I think there is nothing to add to this case. Let's wait for what's coming next. May be he would learn the lesson, I don't think he is hopeless. Mmm?
    I am not aggressive, I am dominating

  6. #36
    ~-[:42 A'dam Elite:]-~
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by GlassLady View Post
    Then you would like the movie "Her" (2013) about love between a real man and a female highly intelligen bot.
    Hahaha I will watch it.

    Quote Originally Posted by CLICK View Post
    I may be wrong, but for me using XF's nickname combined with video title looks like a joke, maybe bad one, but it's still a joke .
    It's not up to one person to decide if he is joking or serious. If I would trash you and later say; but hey, it was a joke. Then its just an excuse because you realize you were not funny. If you focus on 1 person, 1 nation, 1 gender,.. then the joke should be obvious so that the person (nation, gender) can laugh about it.
    In a game where others also read your commends you should stick to jokes that are not offensive. And if they are; say sorry and don't do it again.
    Serious Sam - The First Encounter

  7. #37
    about the jokes...

    I don't mind sarcasm or irony. But when I am trashed by him every single time I see him and as long as the game lasts -5min to 30min- and this for weeks/months when he knows very good that I don't find it funny even a bit then it's more than "a joke".

    And to get this straight, I don't have "funny battles" with him. He is trashing me without reason, I don't start it. I just ignore this dude since a long time but trash won't stop...

    And in general I doubt that anyone finds it funny to continuously hear things like: nerd, gay, retard, u suck etc and it's not only one "funny fake tag" he used.

    There is a difference between friendly teasing and harassing/insulting.

    And I'm not the only one who thinks like that but many other guys try to be nice to him so they won't have troubles with him. It's childish but this is how gamezone works I'm afraid. troll or be trolled...


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