omg now i get " INVALID USER ID "
'); var yuipath = 'clientscript/yui'; var yuicombopath = ''; var remoteyui = false; } else // Load Rest of YUI remotely (where possible) { var yuipath = 'clientscript/yui'; var yuicombopath = ''; var remoteyui = true; if (!yuicombopath) { document.write(''); } } var SESSIONURL = ""; var SECURITYTOKEN = "guest"; var IMGDIR_MISC = ""; var IMGDIR_BUTTON = ""; var vb_disable_ajax = parseInt("0", 10); var SIMPLEVERSION = "4112"; var BBURL = ""; var LOGGEDIN = 0 > 0 ? true : false; var THIS_SCRIPT = "showthread"; var RELPATH = "showthread.php?page=3&t=68"; var PATHS = { forum : "", cms : "", blog : "" }; var AJAXBASEURL = ""; // -->
omg now i get " INVALID USER ID "
Its correct ..
Since today - users with "tweaked" ID will be kicked...
please read my post -
....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
there are only 37 users who has it ...
so - please fix it ...
....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
Ow...and please do not just edit it ...
New functionality i've made - if not now - but eventually will detect that as well...
....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
by the way, talking about functionality it reminds me to tell that the "auto update" doesn't work anymore... It's really useful.. could you check it soon please?![]()
what is your problem with colored nicknames? my nickname is simple not even flashing. what file are you reffering too? user profile?
wtf i even changed player slot and got also invalid user id, that is really stupid to ask people to reinstall the game to play on your server! And what is the purpose of this change?
i see, to get back the old system i must protest as observer
Nice triple post lol, dude just reinstall the game, it takes 3 minuts... you won't die for that lol
what??? i must again set my commands???? what's with the invalid user id?
hiya tiho here , im admin too tigru , but only in coop, too many bitch fights in frag i think [ reading the comments]lol
i hope yu get this resolved , i have no input as i have no idea bout frag , but keep hard , never back down
Purpose of this change - is better player identification.
Your game installation - at the moment has ID set to "00000000000000000000000000000000" -witch is invalid
Your id also equal to ID of other 37 players.
In case any of you are banned - all users with this ID banned as well.
Thats why players with invalid id will no longer be allowed to join servers.
You dont have to - you can copy "Scripts" directory before installation ....and restore it after installation...
....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
Tisztelettel megk?rdezn?m, mi?rt vagyok bannolva. Nem csalok, nem haszn?lok csal?st, nem is haszn?ltam. M?gis sokszor bannoltak m?r -alaptalan?l, ?s jogtalan?l -csal?sra hivatkozva. Soha nem csaltam.Bannoltak az?rt, mert azt mondt?k, antil?thatatlans?got haszn?lok. Nem haszn?ltam, nem csaltam, csak a t?vcs?ves pusk?val lehet l?tni a sziluettet, amikor valaki felveszi a l?thatatlans?got. Ez nem csal?s. Most, azt mondt?k csalok, ?s 5 napra bannoltak. Nem csaltam, ?s nem is fogok. Eddig nem sz?ltam, let?lt?ttem a jogtalan b?ntet?seket, de most m?r nem nyelem le, ha ?rtatlan?l, csak az?rt mert egy mag?t j? j?t?kosnak tart? ember bepanaszol, az?rt, mert egyenrang? f?lk?nt tudtam vele harcolni.Ezek az emberek mindenkit noobnak neveznek, len?znek, mindenkit lekezelnek, ?s mindenkit aki esetleg legy?zi ?ket, bannra tesznek, megv?dolnak csal?ssal.
K?rem azokat az embereket, akik felel?sek ez?rt, ne bemond?sra bannolnak, ne a bar?ti k?r szava d?nts?n, hanem az igazs?g. K?rem j?t?k jogom vissza?ll?t?s?t, ?s a j?v?ben ne z?rjanak ki, csak az?rt, mer tegy j?t?k adminnak, vagy bar?ti k?r?nek nem tetszik, ha vissza merek sz?lni neki, vagy esetleg legy?z?m ?ket.
Voltam m?r kiz?rva az?rt, mert sz?lni mertem egy adminnak meg mertem ?n, a noob, v?dolni, hogy esetleg ? az aki csal.
K?rem az oldal ?zemeltet?j?t, n?zzen ut?nna ezeknek a dolgoknak, ?s v?ltoztasson rajta. Az nem val? adminnak, aki vissza?l a hatalma?val, ?s ezt a hatalmat, amit kapott, rosszul haszn?lja.
Tisztelettel k?rem a j?t?k jogaimat vissza?ll?tani, mert nem csaltam, ?s nem is fogok.
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....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
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