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Thread: Ostap

  1. #1



    Ostap, can u (or any other admin) remove my ban that i get from godlike?
    The reason is "To Typekill the Server Admin is not Allowed! bye".

    But in "rules" thread (https://42amsterdam.net/samforum/showthread.php?t=1906) clearly says - "Camping, spawn kill, type kill are not game violations by default."

    also will be great, if u will remove godlike from admins. i dont think that we need such selfish admin, who will ban players only for killing him. i did nothing wrong - im joined and killed him, this is all what this game about.

    bye, jacky was there
    Last edited by Jack.O; 31-03-2023 at 21:01.

  2. #2
    Campers Clan
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Immo has removed your ban (thanks to him)

    Just in case it wasn't clear for everyone: private server rules are the SAME as on the main servers. Everything related to gameplay (that can be considered a rule) is customizable dirrectly from the server configuration panel.

    We only had two private server admins for years for the LE server and they actually never showed up, we never needed to provide further information about it, this will be corrected as soon as possible.

    Godlike is informed that giving further bans that do not match to the server rules will lead to his removal of his admin responsibilities.

    Corsair ● Asus ● Razer ● Beyerdynamic

  3. #3
    ~-[:42 A'dam Elite:]-~
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    Jul 2012
    About this; But in "rules" thread (https://42amsterdam.net/samforum/showthread.php?t=1906) clearly says - "Camping, spawn kill, type kill are not game violations by default"

    By default not rule breaks, but you can enforce them as rules on a server? Or are they never rule breaks? And do we have a different viewpoint for tfe and tse?
    Are players informed properly about any rules on the server while playing? Because different rule sets can be confusing.

    Just some questions that pop in my head. Typefraggins is always lame in my opinion, no matter if it's against rules or not. But thinking something is lame is just an opinion and no rule :')
    Serious Sam - The First Encounter

  4. #4
    Campers Clan
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Evolta View Post
    About this; But in "rules" thread (https://42amsterdam.net/samforum/showthread.php?t=1906) clearly says - "Camping, spawn kill, type kill are not game violations by default"

    By default not rule breaks, but you can enforce them as rules on a server? Or are they never rule breaks? And do we have a different viewpoint for tfe and tse?
    Are players informed properly about any rules on the server while playing? Because different rule sets can be confusing.

    Just some questions that pop in my head. Typefraggins is always lame in my opinion, no matter if it's against rules or not. But thinking something is lame is just an opinion and no rule :')
    Camping, spawnkilling, typefragging are not game violation "by default" because in the server you're here to play and so your opponent is, you're not supposed to know if a player is camping/waiting behind a wall or if he's typing, Sam is a fast game and lot of things may happen in a very short time, same goes for spawnkill as you may kill a player to prevent him from killing you dirrectly after respawning (mostly on ST).

    How many times i've seen myself killed because I decided to stay fair? Seeing someone behind the wall and he suddently aims at me and kills me? Mercy someone who just respawned on ST and killed me right after?

    What is not acceptable in the other hand is intended anti-game behaviors such as what ostap called "camping singularly" which is for example camping on the minigun tower (RS) or top lava (hole), places where it may be extremely difficult to reach and extract the player, during an entire game, seeking purposedly double frag at respawn (blowing corpses) or not leaving a player a single chance to move few steps before killing them even in non direct threat situations.

    To this day there is sadly none way for us to communicate the server rules outside of the forums (in sam the MOTD may only show 5 lines at once), nevertheless our rules remain simple and match common sense.

    Corsair ● Asus ● Razer ● Beyerdynamic

  5. #5
    ~-[:42 A'dam Elite:]-~
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    In tse you are correct, but those maps play very different compared to tfe.

    If a good player doesn't play by the no gun rule the opponent just won't have a chance and in my experience that was only fun for the top player. Others would leave the server because they couldn't even touch a gun before getting killed. Desert temple is a very open map and you can as attacker easily defend all long ranged weapons if you are the only one that has them, combine that with some rockets into the basement and the opponent(s) are not going to enjoy it. The no gun rule was therefore created to give newer players a chance. So it might be difficult for admins to decide on a single kill or couple of kills if someone has a gun. And in my opinion kicking or banning someone for such gameplay is only allowed if it ruins the game (not some frags) for others. Because you can compare this gameplay with camping singularly.

    Just don't kill someone faced down towards a wall. Don't enforce it as rule but as a gentlemen agreement. If you play 300 frags in desert temple you might have to take a piss. Always nice to come back and see you are still alive. If not, meh.
    Serious Sam - The First Encounter

  6. #6
    Campers Clan
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Evolta View Post
    In tse you are correct, but those maps play very different compared to tfe.

    If a good player doesn't play by the no gun rule the opponent just won't have a chance and in my experience that was only fun for the top player. Others would leave the server because they couldn't even touch a gun before getting killed. Desert temple is a very open map and you can as attacker easily defend all long ranged weapons if you are the only one that has them, combine that with some rockets into the basement and the opponent(s) are not going to enjoy it. The no gun rule was therefore created to give newer players a chance. So it might be difficult for admins to decide on a single kill or couple of kills if someone has a gun. And in my opinion kicking or banning someone for such gameplay is only allowed if it ruins the game (not some frags) for others. Because you can compare this gameplay with camping singularly.

    Just don't kill someone faced down towards a wall. Don't enforce it as rule but as a gentlemen agreement. If you play 300 frags in desert temple you might have to take a piss. Always nice to come back and see you are still alive. If not, meh.
    I must recognize I haven't played FE enough to identify the gameplay and balance problems it might have, all I know is that the no supers rule was as toxic as the no powerups rule in SE, so I prefer not to trust all those kind of imaginary rule mostly made by sore losers who are discontent of the original gameplay

    Don't get me wrong, I do believe the game may need gameplay adjustments if it's truely needed. I will have a closer look on FE soon and ask help from many other FE players

    Corsair ● Asus ● Razer ● Beyerdynamic

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Evolta View Post
    Typefraggins is always lame in my opinion, no matter if it's against rules or not. But thinking something is lame is just an opinion and no rule :')
    hmhhmh imagine this: you are at LT and there is 5-6 players on servers. i guess u know, how LT FFA action is going on - everyone spam rockets/grenades trying to prefire opponents, who trying to take rocketlauncher/grenadelauncher (obvious af for me ). and then, someone decide to stay afk - and get killed by my (or not my, just for example) random grenade. typefrag? technically - yes. but was it on purpose? no. was it lame? hell no.

    if u want to know how, i decide to kill/or not to kill afk player - im always judge by his name. random player/alias - 90% kill (about 10% read below) and no regrets at all. if i will see hmhmh.. lets say you, EVO (or any another big name), i will try my best to avoid typekill/afk kill, but i cant promise, that my 1 random grenade/rocket will not kill you. what i want to say - its all about "respect" to players. if random player/alias will not kill me while im afk - i will do my best to not kill him while he is afk (10%).

    godlike - no respect at all, sorry. he discreditated himself a lot, to being respected

  8. #8
    ~-[:42 A'dam Elite:]-~
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    Obviously there is a difference between killing someone or by accident. Also think there is a huge difference between a 40 frag mach or unlimited. And how and where they are standing still. Can you be sure it's typing and not just waiting to frag someone. And is it really afk or a method to avoid being fragged. But even if others are not giving me the same respect, I always try to play by the same rules for everyone. True, you don't always get it in return from them.

    So I do have to change my statement. I always think typefrags done consciously are lame.
    Serious Sam - The First Encounter



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