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  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    Shit ok ok man you win
    Oh, no, that wasn't my goal!

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    Now I just joined here with my other account for fun, but here are my hours on both accounts (currently):
    Other account:
    Attachment 6950
    Main account:
    Attachment 6951
    2 Accounts? Is SSHD F2P again?

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    that is why I said Point Man learned from other games too
    Well, if you have 1-2 years of experience (at least) from other games of the same genre, I can agree at the following points: the most common things you learn in all Arena games are to learn map layouts, map tricks, game movements, items timing, weapons functionality and how to "catch" opponent moves. That being said, Serious Sam has a different type of maps and trick jumps other arena games don't have.

    When I joined there, I had no experience yet. While you joined after some years (I don't know how many) you were already playing the old Serious Sam. Only this can explain I learnt very slowly and you faster.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    I was trying to say that Point Man used these hours more efficiently now than before, I didn't say that "he was a noob with no hours in this video", because from that game that I saw, it looked like he had been the same for over 1300 hours.
    Ah, then I read the wrong concept between lines.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    I don't need to have hours in SE HD to know Point Man man! Unlike you, long before I even touch TSE HD I know him in Discord and there you can see his behavior immediately, I don't wanna compliment him, he still has bad traits but from what I saw before, it is much better....
    Well, if you knew him before joining Serious Sam HD, then sorry. Personally I never ever had any chat with him. My "experience" with him was only ingame. And, yes, he never (almost never) speaks. To tell the truth he wrote to me only that thing at that time. I had much more talks with MrSnabz or JimmieBlack (excluding italians).

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    Ok sorry, you have 800 hours in SE HD (could have spent it in something better than this game with the most toxic community to be honest), you know it better then...
    I know what you mean. I think almost every non-italian has written this consideration. But many italians did it too.

    There are some thought partisanships about this. I can only tell you this game a) has always had a lot of under 18, and b) has always lacked a forum community, like could be here at 42Amsterdam (read --> missing a Petar or other admins who have the task to ban trashtalkers and kids), c) the fact clans died, thus nobody helping nobody anymore, and d) we are in the social networks era, where people do hope you die or they are happy when a person dies by an accident. Then, there are more points, but it would be way too long.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    OTACON?) I played with him, of course he raped me) But I pissed him off)) He started crying about ping when he died 5 times when we were 4 players lel)) Then at duel it was much easier and cleaner for him to kill me, naturally.
    No... I can't believe nothing has changed from the last time I saw him... anyway I thought he won 34354465466574 games and then he left saying "I go to Quake Live now, so that all of you nUUbzzz can win some games" (he said once, lol).

    Yes, the main problem of these guys is they might be good at playing, but they behave bad. I also bet he attempted to vote for a 60 minutes ban for you or for one randomly picked from those 4 players who were there, or he attempted a vote for restarting the map...

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    The point is, I didn't have any problem following his moves, what I saw him doing was silent-walking across the map the entire time (very annoying bug among many many other bugs in SS HD & SS3 that make the DM in those games a JOKE)
    Wait, sorry: I don't remember about this right now. What bug was that? I remember it was possible to walk "silent" only when crouched. But crouching has weird effects sometimes: you may need to duck again because you can't move properly on the stairs (example at Jump Over when you go for the jump pads).

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    some Italians were speaking Italian to me but I saw word cazzo so I understood what they wanted, later they spoke broken English and insulted me
    Please, post log of this so I can translate. "Cazzo" in italian has 1000000+ meanings as it is used in 10000000+ contexts. If anybody writes this only, it could be a swear for a mistake (like russians when they write only "Сука" without anything else), or that he has a problem with the game. The most common formula used in SamHD was using this lines for lag:
    That means "fuck, lag".

    But it can be used (unluckily) for offenses too. I don't want to offend anyone, since you guys here are mostly russians and bulgarians, but those players offend mostly russians like that (italians and russians have always formed most of the player base in SamHD). I will replace it with "italian", though: "italiano del cazzo" --> "fucking italian". You wrote they offended you because they believed you were a russian, they might have written like that...

    Anyway, this word literally means "dick", so we use in the place of the more scientific "penis"...

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    You spent here 800 hours!!
    Yes, I had to vaccinate. In my case, not only italians insulting me for being sardinian... but some sardinians too... insulting me and my mother (and doing so in southern sardinian language), just because I use a sardinian flag with the word "independence" on it as my avatar...

    But the main problem, as I wrote above, aren't these words that much (even if that day I wanted to kill those guys so much for offending my mother.. lucky them I lived in Turin back then... however, I now ignore everyone who insults me there)... The problem is when they start votes for kicking or banning you for 60 minutes. Croteam made a huge mistake in inserting this feature! They put this and they removed the possibility to set passwords for servers. Yes, of course trashtalking is not good. That's why I was saying this game needed a Petar who banned for some weeks such people for that.

    And although that, I've been in love with the gameplay too much.

    Note: as far as I remember, there was a guy, HungerMockingJay, who was able to speak both in russian and italian, and he used to troll very much in chat.

    To be honest, I found polish players were the most polite there. My first clan leader, DamianX, and Poważny Grzegorz (he later changed his nick to uczciwy), the first ones who come to my mind, were very fair people. Grzegorz/uczciwy had more than 1000 hours back in 2013 and was very good in DM/Duel, but he used to play Survival too in Serious Sam HD.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    Lendru has problem with you? Lendru has problems with everyone who kills him man, relax!)
    << Rewind:

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    Kacper I bet he would play against you all day but when he sees me he runs out of the server in less than 2 seconds
    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    Anyway... I can still pwn Lendru and he quits saying "bye cheater".
    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    other players don't help themselves too, why do they write bullshit to him in the chat and leave immediately?
    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    Heh, that is a common problem in every Serious Sam; like Kacper with you or Lendru with me...
    I thought you got my irony there. Ok, I may have forgotten an emoticon at the second sentence.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    Now on the topic of Bad Boy and his misses: it just happens... have you not seen a time where he would hit every shot too? But you are missing the very big point ( again) here: Only you complain! I spoke to Bad Boy numerous times, he will NEVER blame the aiming in this game, when I talked to him he always blamed the netcode, and he asked me to make him some good Net Settings so that it isn't that bad- where I gladly helped him. But I can understand absolutely all the complaints regarding the netcode! However I don't understand what is the problem with the mouse! Do you think Jack complains? no (only about netcode) Capricornus? About him, maybe, I don't know- but not making any deal about it as far as I have seen. Do you think Zdzichu complains? Another no! Only people complain about him (but that is another story xD).

    And here, Vampir didn't even complain about aiming in the game being bad. I read this as "I am a bad player" (he is not but ok)
    Don't always blame other things for lack of skill! I remember before I was playing on this Microsoft office mouse that I mentioned earlier, the desk had holes in it (like craters lol) every time my aim would bump when I go over them... relatively small space on desk (I could do only about 250 degrees when moving the mouse on normal speed- mouse acceleration stuff is hard to measure...), my internet is still not very far away from yours but I did not complain even when my computer was an old laptop from 2007 with a bunch of questionable programs running in the background that were maybe eating the performance!!! I could never go back to that situation, but I got better there and I will never forget it!)
    Yes, in parts 1 and 2 he quickly reaches 11-4 with a lot of one-shots. The situations were different, though.
    Yes, you are right: it was me who raised such a big dusty storm. I saw the first post of Vampir so I was the first who went . I'm sorry for that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    Well yes, but like I mentioned earlier HWIDgen is cool. Naturally when you try to run it... to scare off people who don't know exactly what they are doing, Windows Defender is showing red lights all over the place but nothing too hard here- you just add the file in the exceptions and continue... of course they will flag as a virus an application that tries to digitally activate Windows without them wanting it
    I don't doubt about the key generator. My biggest fear is the reliability of Shutup10 and other programs like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    Nothing included here, I don't buy a ready desktop computer, I bought all the parts and built it.... there was no system on it, I downloaded Windows 10 installer that is available, and you can even use it forever if you don't activate it.... just there will be this annoying watermark telling you to activate it and you will not be able to customize Themes, setting Desktop background only for 2nd monitor etc...
    A Windows 10 installer is like an ISO of Windows 7 to put on an USB drive?

    That was a good choice and you saved money instead of paying a technician. My friend I mentioned in older posts assembled his last pc too, in 2014. He does every 7 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    0.5 is the default value. Listen to the Croteam dudes- if you put it over 1 you will get desync (tried it, it was very hilarious xD... people would literally clip through walls), but you can experiment with values ... just I think not above 0.7... opponents are even faster than before when they strafe lol
    Ok, thank you.

    Additional note about the last part of my previous comment:

    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    If those do not work, they might be... deprecated?
    is referred to PredictPlayersRange, LocalPLayers and RemotePlayers. Since you dodn't notice any difference when activating these:

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    Prediction of Remote Players...... I tested and never found a difference between ON and OFF as long as general prediction is on... I even have player prediction range set to 0, this doesn't mean that they don't get predicted! So I don't know..... from the ranges the most important is the Entities range, set it to something like 100, 100 m radius is enough for predictions but I have no real proof if it is working too because.... I can snipe enemies in SE much further than 100 m and they will get predicted once I aim at them... but I am not really sure on all that.
    I want to ask you: now PredictionFlushing remains, what does it control?

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    M1szczu >>M<< (1700 hours)
    I don't know who this Miszczu is, "szcz" sounds polish or hungarian, but the >>M<< tag is for "Clan Masters", the clan of Mistrz Mistrzów (some say it means "Champion of the Champions" in polish), who was one of the legendary players back in 2012. This guy (Miszczu) must be a former player from that era.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    that Italian lupoalby and Vilkro (who was trolling and pressing to accept the vote) were kicking me the whole time and the Italian was screaming in chat "YOU ARE CHEATERS" yes cheater"s" idk why he uses plural the whole time.
    Yeah, as I wrote above, I hate when they do this. It happened to me, too, in several years.

    I can only say, last time I had this situation in about 2017 or 2018. An italian guy was using the name of MrDarkFlame (but he wasn't clearly him) and when I entered he starts writing in chat.. and he imitated Zeb89's character sentences, such as "You aren't worth the contents of my rubbish bin". I won about 2-3 games against him and another guy. Well, when he decided to vote for my 60 minutes ban, the vote passed because of that other guy who didn't write anything all the time.

    But the important, for me, is to win on the field against those bad mannered kids. Their bans or their insults won't erase your performance.

    However, on the server settings it is possible to deactivate votes so that when you start a vote it won't never pass. Melody rented 2 servers, but since 2017 they have an additional text "(not managed by me)", so I have no idea who ask to...

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    Vilkro's alt account (main has 700 hours in SE HD) and M1szczu >>M<< (1700 hours) were completely obliterated in Shotty by me [...] In normal maps, naturally the >>M<< guy was on top but in ST they had absolutely 0 chance)
    Almost nobody plays TFE maps (included Shotty Trouble) + Fronto/ElephantPG in Serious Sam HD.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    in case you are still not convinced! I just played another 3-4 hours TSE HD! [...] You still think, that hours are everything???
    We are talking about 2 different situations. Deathmatch is not competitive at all, and you can still make it. I won some FFAs too at Quake Live, when I had only 1-2 months of experience, back in 2013, even if those servers were marked "green". But Duel is totally different, especially at high-level. You still need a certain amount of hours (and lost games), but ok.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    2 Accounts? Is SSHD F2P again?
    No. I am not crazy to buy this game 2nd time, it is family sharing from my main.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    I also bet he attempted to vote for a 60 minutes ban for you or for one randomly picked from those 4 players who were there, or he attempted a vote for restarting the map...
    Oh you bet he did, on the Russian server. RESTART OR ME LEAVE or something

    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    Wait, sorry: I don't remember about this right now. What bug was that? I remember it was possible to walk "silent" only when crouched. But crouching has weird effects sometimes: you may need to duck again because you can't move properly on the stairs (example at Jump Over when you go for the jump pads).
    Spam W and you make no sound... HOW is it humanly possible for Croteam to not have this bug in Classic and other games, but make it here and you can do it even in SS3 and I THINK maybe even Fusion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    To be honest, I found polish players were the most polite there. My first clan leader, DamianX, and Poważny Grzegorz (he later changed his nick to uczciwy), the first ones who come to my mind, were very fair people. Grzegorz/uczciwy had more than 1000 hours back in 2013 and was very good in DM/Duel, but he used to play Survival too in Serious Sam HD.
    Uh yes, maybe... I know Uczciwy he never plays HD, he sticks to SS3's DM which is bad, and he is good but I reached his skill in 30 hours :|
    He kept saying "yesyes I am bad..." and that >>M<< guy seemed good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    My biggest fear is the reliability of Shutup10 and other programs like that.
    I don't know it

    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    A Windows 10 installer is like an ISO of Windows 7 to put on an USB drive?
    That was a good choice and you saved money instead of paying a technician.
    Yes... what? technician? Why would I pay someone to do my job when I can do it myself? Like it is so hard to install a Windows, a few clicks on "Next" and done....

    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    I want to ask you: now PredictionFlushing remains, what does it control?
    I have no idea really :| Only testing will find out and I am lazy to do that.... it is Integer as far as I can see...

    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    I don't know who this Miszczu is, "szcz" sounds polish or hungarian, but the >>M<< tag is for "Clan Masters", the clan of Mistrz Mistrzów (some say it means "Champion of the Champions" in polish), who was one of the legendary players back in 2012. This guy (Miszczu) must be a former player from that era.
    The guy who Zeb89 chose to record commentary on his duel with? Nah)

    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    Almost nobody plays TFE maps (included Shotty Trouble) + Fronto/ElephantPG in Serious Sam HD.

    We are talking about 2 different situations. Deathmatch is not competitive at all, and you can still make it. I won some FFAs too at Quake Live, when I had only 1-2 months of experience, back in 2013, even if those servers were marked "green". But Duel is totally different, especially at high-level. You still need a certain amount of hours (and lost games), but ok.
    Come on, he must have played at least a bit of FE maps in those 1700 hours, either way his aim and movement is universal, there is no excuses when I was alone in front of him and he would just totally miss his shots and I killed him in 4 shots without taking more than 10 damage.... from the moment I entered this game I saw this is very common, they have some problem with double barrel aiming! (Maybe this horizontal shit from Classic you were talking about helps lol)
    OH! And another thing! As I mentioned earlier too many have a problem with prioritizing their opponents! I caught this >>M<< guy twice looking in a direction where some opponent was and he ignores me next to him even though I did to him 80 damage, then he decides to stop looking there and finally react but it was too late... also the other Italian players don't prioritize shit, I would just shoot them, they don't even try to find where I am or something... just keep jumping around hoping that their intense movements will make me miss but it doesn't xD

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    Uh, you too? I turned off everything last year and used 5/11 until a week ago. Changed to 7/11, but too fast. 6/11 is the best setting for me.
    If I remember correctly, anything above or below 6/11 (default setting), will result in acceleration/deceleration

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    No. I am not crazy to buy this game 2nd time, it is family sharing from my main.
    Ah, ok.
    You know, in the golden age (2012-2016) it was F2P, so many people created second account just for trolling each other. And the demo had "Demo Palenque" (btw, that's terrible here; I remember in mid 00's the very first demo of SE, its room "Poor Newton", the Serious Bomb in the place of the crates and Palenque linked to the Valley of The Jaguar, the squishing doors that were horizontal and no vertical... must look for it in Downloads section here if it still exists..), with 10 out of 12 TSE maps included in DM and at least 3 CTF maps (I remember Ashes To Ashes, Little Trouble and Fort Wars). That wasn't good in my opinion: if practically all DM maps are there, who would buy the full game?
    In february 2015 I bought the Complete Pack 80% off.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    Oh you bet he did, on the Russian server. RESTART OR ME LEAVE or something
    If such people didn't exist, mankind should invent them...

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    Spam W and you make no sound... HOW is it humanly possible for Croteam to not have this bug in Classic and other games, but make it here and you can do it even in SS3 and I THINK maybe even Fusion.
    I know a bunch of bugs there, but I missed this.
    Serious Sam 3 is Serious Engine 3.5 hence why same bugs of HD; and a guy taught me some tricks for getting out of the maps (such as Medina) too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    I know Uczciwy he never plays HD
    Then he abandoned it, because I remember lots of his survival screenshots appearing on my "Friends Activities" table from Steam.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    I don't know it
    I think I'll deactivate only services from installation, when it'll be. I read some more forums... Damn, not 2 men having the same results with those programs...

    Thanks anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    I have no idea really :| Only testing will find out and I am lazy to do that.... it is Integer as far as I can see...
    Ok, thank you for all of your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    The guy who Zeb89 chose to record commentary on his duel with? Nah)

    Come on, he must have played at least a bit of FE maps in those 1700 hours, either way his aim and movement is universal, there is no excuses when I was alone in front of him and he would just totally miss his shots and I killed him in 4 shots without taking more than 10 damage.... from the moment I entered this game I saw this is very common, they have some problem with double barrel aiming! (Maybe this horizontal shit from Classic you were talking about helps lol)
    OH! And another thing! As I mentioned earlier too many have a problem with prioritizing their opponents! I caught this >>M<< guy twice looking in a direction where some opponent was and he ignores me next to him even though I did to him 80 damage, then he decides to stop looking there and finally react but it was too late... also the other Italian players don't prioritize shit, I would just shoot them, they don't even try to find where I am or something... just keep jumping around hoping that their intense movements will make me miss but it doesn't xD
    In fact I didn't write he was Mistrz, I wrote his tag was from Mistrz clan, and... I looked at his profile, have seen 8 years from subscription, then checked for his screenshots... He is ProAd1, so... a rusty former player as I suspected.

    Not that he was universally a monster (if compared to others), but in 2013 he would have pwned you for good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jockant View Post
    If I remember correctly, anything above or below 6/11 (default setting), will result in acceleration/deceleration
    Exactly. And another feeling I had was the "Enhanced pointer precision" accelerated mouse movement further in 6/11 that I couldn't control (in Windows)...

    It is deactivated now and I think the current pointer movement is now "natural".

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Jockant View Post
    If I remember correctly, anything above or below 6/11 (default setting), will result in acceleration/deceleration
    How? What acceleration/deceleration?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    Exactly. And another feeling I had was the "Enhanced pointer precision" accelerated mouse movement further in 6/11 that I couldn't control (in Windows)...

    It is deactivated now and I think the current pointer movement is now "natural".
    Life becomes very fast , when you move the slider too far away on Enhanced Mouse Pointer Precision, especially on 1000 DPI. That is why I use 3/11, if I turn off the precision it is WAY too slow, also for me it isn't especially more natural, I used computers my whole life with pointer precision on. People who say "the mouse is drunk" when they have pointer precision on are just strange to me...) and I am strange to them...

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    How? What acceleration/deceleration?

    Life becomes very fast , when you move the slider too far away on Enhanced Mouse Pointer Precision, especially on 1000 DPI. That is why I use 3/11, if I turn off the precision it is WAY too slow, also for me it isn't especially more natural, I used computers my whole life with pointer precision on. People who say "the mouse is drunk" when they have pointer precision on are just strange to me...) and I am strange to them...
    3/11 Enh ON = 6/11 Enh OFF?

    EDIT: The sense is --> same performance or superior?

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    How? What acceleration/deceleration?
    I tried 1/11 with 10k DPI once with precision off lol & it was great, but there was mouse smoothing (almost all mice still has it above 3000/4000 DPI) and some games felt off with it (maybe? acceleration). Besides, 400/800 DPI feels completely fine in smoothness to me even if their tracking is more... 'stairy', when enhanced with enough zoom (there's videos).

    But even 200 DPI is fine, I suppose. Using high DPI isn't a big difference to low DPI, unless 480hz monitor is used or some (I have 120hz)

    I don't really care that much, 6/11 with precision off feels great to me in most games. I just use the most raw mouselook possible (impossible in some games, like TRON 2.0, mouselook feels dreadful there lol).

  8. #38
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    3/11 Enh ON = 6/11 Enh OFF?

    EDIT: The sense is --> same performance or superior?
    For me personally, yes enhanced precision is superior- I can't hit anything without it lol

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    For me personally, yes enhanced precision is superior- I can't hit anything without it lol
    And how accurate does the pointer respond in Windows/Desktop?

    In Sam: I'm experimenting offline a little bit of deadzone (both axis X-Y), about 10%, but I don't notice any difference;

    A doubt about Sam's inp_bMousePrecision: could be in conflict with Windows enhanced one when this is ON?


    Back to the main topic: there is a forum on Vodafone's website. Just checked about it, and people wrote on the comments to ask Vodafone on #twitter for any kind of help... Why do they still mantain a community.vodafone forum if they can provide advanced help from #twitter only...

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    And how accurate does the pointer respond in Windows/Desktop?

    In Sam: I'm experimenting offline a little bit of deadzone (both axis X-Y), about 10%, but I don't notice any difference;

    A doubt about Sam's inp_bMousePrecision: could be in conflict with Windows enhanced one when this is ON?
    I don't think inp_bMousePrecision will change its shitty behavior with Enhanced Pointer precision off.......
    The pointer is not extremely accurate, NATURALLY, this is Mouse Acceleration what do you expect.... it is cool for me however if I move it at an average speed (it seems I am quite used to it) and in SS, nothing can beat Mouse Acceleration off for short range and flicks..... but without Mouse Acceleration everything at a distance becomes really hard, that is why I don't turn it off.... you basically have to move mouse a few millimeters and it is still not accurate compared to before, where I could move it the same, just slower....

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Hello Marco...! Small update on SE HD, I have now about 45 hours on main and 20 hours on alt (65 hour total or something) and I have started having significantly better movement and beat a very large portion of playerbase (around 75-80 %)! The people I beat have on average 700-800 hours and are very active on weekly basis. Everyone, especially Italians raise eyebrows and ask questions) So as you can see nothing is impossible) 5/20 with Point Man in The Lost Tomb doesn't seem so impossible now too) (it was done)

  12. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    Hello Marco...! Small update on SE HD, I have now about 45 hours on main and 20 hours on alt (65 hour total or something) and I have started having significantly better movement and beat a very large portion of playerbase (around 75-80 %)! The people I beat have on average 700-800 hours and are very active on weekly basis. Everyone, especially Italians raise eyebrows and ask questions) So as you can see nothing is impossible) 5/20 with Point Man in The Lost Tomb doesn't seem so impossible now too) (it was done)

    Blyad... this must be an April's fool...

    Anyway, of course if you keep practicing you can get your results. My first perfect score of 20-0 I performed in a deathmatch was in april 2013, when I had only 2-3 months of practice (and Point Man was observer), because I practiced for a while. But at that time I had many, many "hours" because Steam's count was incorrect: I observed much more rather than just playing.

    And... I'll tell you a secret Name:  t9006.gif
Views: 0
Size:  2.1 KB : When I had 420 hours I lost in Fortress (duel, of course) against another italian who had only 30 hours back then. Yes, I lost! Even if I didn't like the map at the time, while he used to play exclusively on it (I remember: 7 years ago the main maps for duels were Fortress, Medieval Rage and Brkeen Chevap).
    Do you know why? Because this guy, although he was inactive for months, had a GREAT advantage: he was trained by a more skilled player.

    Also, I must have written (or must not) that I've been in 3 clans back then...
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    then I had DMs when I was able to win (especially at Hole and Jump Over)... I was able to "timer" Supers and SD, to use Minigun + SD or Sniper (with or without SD), to perform trick jumps (like in Sun Palace, where I won my very first 20-0)... In short: despite that, I could still lose against 500+ hours players or with just trained ones (this 30 hours guy's name was Alexanderys3009, he lost password and changed account... but I don't remember new name) because I missed the most important thing: the tactics! Only during august 2014 (when I was away from HD for over a year), while analyzing some tournaments on YouTube, I noticed how some players were behaving in Medieval Rage and I started to get something about it...

    This is to say: you may have no need of this just because you did such steps on the old Sam years ago, or other games that you played back then and I don't know about it.


    But we are saying the same thing and you are still wrong...

    You are "wrong" because after your practice, you are telling me that you still lose 20-5 against Point Man... Come on, it's just like those italian guys who were happy when they fragged Stermy only one fucking time at Quake Live.

    You have to win, you have to defeat him (if you still care something about that dead game, but I think the answer is 'no'): this is the only way to prove that with only a few hours you can beat anyone in the world.
    Yes, I know you'd say "Then face him and try by yourself to frag him for 5 times" when 5 frags to Point Man would be impossible for me (especially now)... but there is nothing about being "happy" with this... I mean, you still lose the game if you do 5 but he does 20. Regardless of your level. I've never gotten why weak guys (in a general talking) do start a party and celebrations for having fragged a skilled player just 0+1 times in a whole game.

    So, after all, I might have gone on the wrong way and you did just fine Name:  t4207.gif
Views: 0
Size:  10.9 KB... or simply italians are not specialized on this kind of videogames Name:  m1741.gif
Views: 0
Size:  3.8 KB... I have MAME for a couple of years now and I'm playing some arcade games from 70s and 80s these daysName:  m19119.gif
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Size:  11.5 KB Name:  m19049.gif
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Size:  3.4 KB ... Space Invaders is still better than Serious Sam HD, at least you don't have to adjust mouse or net settings..

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    If it was April Fools, I would post yesterday, sadly that is true) Yesterday 1000 hour Italian lost his mind, he kept saying I am some Russian's fake profile...

    You are "wrong" because after your practice, you are telling me that you still lose 20-5 against Point Man... Come on, it's just like those italian guys who were happy when they fragged Stermy only one fucking time at Quake Live.

    You have to win, you have to defeat him (if you still care something about that dead game, but I think the answer is 'no'): this is the only way to prove that with only a few hours you can beat anyone in the world.
    Yes, I know you'd say "Then face him and try by yourself to frag him for 5 times" when 5 frags to Point Man would be impossible for me (especially now)... but there is nothing about being "happy" with this... I mean, you still lose the game if you do 5 but he does 20. Regardless of your level. I've never gotten why weak guys (in a general talking) do start a party and celebrations for having fragged a skilled player just 0+1 times in a whole game.
    Of course I am happy) Because, he was trying and I play barely 1 month lol- AND NO, professional players don't train me, and about Fortress- nobody except few people have any idea how to play Fortress in this game today... the sad truth) There I literally don't put effort at all but they just don't seem to know how map works, I expect anything that they try to do) And you can tell Point Man gets a bit annoyed when he starts tea-bagging you xD
    But fuck that fine, if you want results I can show you the many 500-700-1000 hours range players that I beat in some maps)) Some are so pissed that they don't even talk to me anymore!! (Mainly the ones that I beat in ALL maps)

  14. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    If it was April Fools, I would post yesterday, sadly that is true) Yesterday 1000 hour Italian lost his mind, he kept saying I am some Russian's fake profile...

    Of course I am happy) Because, he was trying and I play barely 1 month lol-
    Oh, wait... You quoted one part and then it seems you are talking about that guy and not Point Man... I'm lost Name:  m1740.gif
Views: 0
Size:  878 Bytes, sorry: you are happy to lose 20-5 against Point or what? You are happy to pwn that 1000 hours guy? Then, if it is the second one, I could agree.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    AND NO, professional players don't train me,
    No, Alexanderys3009 is the trained player I referred to.

    I think you don't need all of this stuff because you played the Classic Sam for over 7 years now... Or at least you made me understand something like that.. Name:  m1716.gif
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Size:  2.9 KB

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    And you can tell Point Man gets a bit annoyed when he starts tea-bagging you xD
    Annoyed? You may want to mean "bored", instead. "Annoying" is a mosquito, is The Annoying Orange or something that irritates you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    and about Fortress- nobody except few people have any idea how to play Fortress in this game today... the sad truth) There I literally don't put effort at all but they just don't seem to know how map works, I expect anything that they try to do)
    But fuck that fine, if you want results I can show you the many 500-700-1000 hours range players that I beat in some maps)) Some are so pissed that they don't even talk to me anymore!! (Mainly the ones that I beat in ALL maps)
    If you have YouTube channel, please, post full videos (if you recorded demos) of you pulverizing them, especially at Fortress ... I would ask directly for demos, but I can't use Steam anymore (however, I couldn't even boot SamHD from here)... Currently, I can access it via browser only...

    Those pissed off guys are really so incapable that they won't even react??? I mean: neither a vote for 60 mins ban?

    P. S.: Wot de fokk is diiis?? What did I just read?
    Name:  SniperMelody.png
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    Translated: "Supersniper98 joined to Serious Sam HD: Melody's Server"

    Name:  Urlo_di_Munch.jpg
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    I hope you didn't get COVID-19...

    Back to the topic: these days I'm helping my mother with school.

    She has the laptop the school gave her (HP 250 G3, CPU Intel Celeron N2840, OS Windows 8.1 For Education) and now she has to meet her students in streaming for english lessons or other teachers for reunions. She has been told to use an american software called Zoom.

    So, I brought her laptop near Vodafone Power Station, plugged ethernet cable, and I basically noticed this: although the children or other teachers connect mostly from their smartphones, they see Zoom's features some seconds before my mother (who is the host and starts the stream) does. This program has a 40 minutes-only limit for streams in the free plan. It tells you when there are only 10 minutes left before the stream automatically ends.

    Well, it happened that children saw the notice some seconds before it would have appeared on my mother' screen. Lol, even if this children have parents who have born between the end of 70s and the early 80s (waaay younger than my mother) I don't think they know how to optimize their internet settings.

    Also, during the streams, you see a lot of people "frozen" (usually there are 16-17/21-22 people connected at the same time) from their cameras. Sometimes (even if rarely) when they talk, you get half of the words, like when you have a normal phone call and your mobile has weak signal so you don't hear what the other person is saying to you.

    So, to conclude this, I think my connection would still suck and stink too much to play Serious Sam decently. Or maybe it's the adapter. I checked for some tutorials for optimizing the client-side usage of Realtek PCIe FE Family adapter before starting the streams. This we have on every laptop.

    EDIT: Ah, one more thing: some days ago I mentioned Space Invaders... We are talking about Serious Sam HD here... I'm retrieving some comments and I'm preparing a new thread for this weekend... No more spoiler for now.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    If you have YouTube channel, please, post full videos (if you recorded demos) of you pulverizing them, especially at Fortress ... I would ask directly for demos, but I can't use Steam anymore (however, I couldn't even boot SamHD from here)... Currently, I can access it via browser only...

    Those pissed off guys are really so incapable that they won't even react??? I mean: neither a vote for 60 mins ban?
    You are right) I will record a game some time and hope for the best! I mean it doesn't cost me anything... It will be live tho, I don't like recording demos in this game because they are not very good... you can't see all the actions of a player clearly... mouse movements are smoothed out more than they need to, etc... spectator is even worse because ping affects them, even though its totally fine in Classic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    P. S.: Wot de fokk is diiis?? What did I just read?
    Name:  SniperMelody.png
Views: 0
Size:  19.7 KB

    Translated: "Supersniper98 joined to Serious Sam HD: Melody's Server"
    Well yes, I join that server often so I thought why not join the group, I thought I have to join to view the discussions but no, lol.... they are still broken)
    Name:  Capture.jpg
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