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  1. #46
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    В отличие от st8. При мне чувак прошел st8(1.07), от первого уровня до карнака... Начал в 13 ч...
    Потом я глянул в 20ч - а он еше играет) Впрочем китайцы пошли своим путем....

    Zdzichu сейчас всё делает сам) Это не ко мне...
    [Rocketers] Alex

  2. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by [Rocketers] Alex View Post
    В отличие от st8. При мне чувак прошел st8(1.07), от первого уровня до карнака... Начал в 13 ч...
    Потом я глянул в 20ч - а он еше играет) Впрочем китайцы пошли своим путем....

    Zdzichu сейчас всё делает сам) Это не ко мне...
    ST8 mode is pretty stable after last updates....
    Maybe some conflicting variables that SSA uses ?
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

  3. #48
    Professional autist
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Bruh city
    Well,i did myself test,i runned test server and i played with my firend all tse+alpha levels,and there was no bad syncs.I dont know where is problem

  4. #49
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Ostap View Post
    Maybe some conflicting variables that SSA uses ?
    [Rocketers] Alex

  5. #50
    try this config :

    gam_strSessionName ="CM-SSA-RF-(v.1.23)";
    tex_iNormalQuality =11;
    tex_iAnimationQuality =11;
    tex_iNormalSize =1;
    tex_iAnimationSize =1;
    tex_iEffectSize =1;
    tex_bFineEffect =0;
    shd_iStaticSize =1;
    shd_iDynamicSize =1;
    shd_bFineQuality =0;
    shd_bCacheAll =0;
    gam_bRespawnInPlace = 1;
    gam_iFragLimit = 0;
    gam_iScoreLimit = 0;
    gam_iTimeLimit = 0;
    gam_bAmmoStays = 1;
    gam_bHealthArmorStays = 1;
    gam_bAllowHealth = 1;
    gam_bAllowArmor = 1;
    gam_bInfiniteAmmo = 1;
    gam_bFriendlyFire = 0;
    gam_bWeaponsStay = 1;
    gam_bGibs = 1;
    gam_bEnableAdvancedObserving = 1;
    gam_iObserverOffset = 1;
    gam_iObserverConfig = 4;
    gam_iCredits = -1;
    gam_bPlayEntireGame = 1;
    gam_ctMaxPlayers = 43;
    gam_tmSpawnInvulnerability = 5;
    rf_iMode = 0;
    rf_bRemovePowerups = 0;
    rf_bRemoveSupers = 0;
    ser_bUseCustomCRCList = 0;
    rf_fDeathmatchHP = 100;
    rf_fWeaponRespawn = 10;
    rf_iWeaponset = 0;
    rf_bRemoveCannon = 0;
    rf_bRemoveGrenades = 0;
    rf_bRemoveMinigun = 0;
    rf_bRemoveChainSaw = 0;
    rf_bRemoveColt = 0;
    rf_bRemoveSingleShotgun = 0;
    rf_bRemoveDoubleShotgun = 0;
    rf_bRemoveTommygun = 0;
    rf_bRemoveFlamer = 0;
    rf_bRemoveLaser = 0;
    rf_bRemoveSniper = 0;
    rf_bRemoveRLauncher = 0;
    rf_bModifySpawners = 0;
    rf_fEnemySpawnerCountMultiplier = 1;
    rf_fEnemySpawnerDelayMultiplier = 1;
    rf_fEnemySpawnerCircleMultiplier = 1;
    rf_bOpacityEnable = 0;
    rf_fOpacityAmount = 0.5;
    gam_bPowerups = 1;
    gam_bCannon = 1;
    gam_bGrenadeLauncher = 1;
    ser_AntiSwimBug_bKick = 0;
    ser_AntiSwimBug_tmKickTime = 5;
    ser_AntiSwimBug_strKickMessage = "^cFF0000Swim bug abusing is not allowed on this server!^r";
    ser_AntiFakeClientBug_bActive = 0;
    ser_AntiFakeClientBug_tmStartPacketCheckOffset = 1;
    ser_AntiFakeClientBug_tmPacketCheckDuration = 45;
    ka_bEnabled = 0;
    ka_tmMaxOffset = 3;
    ka_bKillingSpree = 1;
    ka_bMultiKill = 1;
    ka_bTrimNamesLeft = 1;
    ka_bUndecorateNames = 1;
    ka_bOneLinePerMsg = 1;
    ka_ctmkKillsForAward[0] = 2;
    ka_ctmkKillsForAward[1] = 3;
    ka_ctmkKillsForAward[2] = 4;
    ka_ctmkKillsForAward[3] = 5;
    ka_ctmkKillsForAward[4] = 6;
    ka_ctmkKillsForAward[5] = 7;
    ka_ctmkKillsForAward[6] = 8;
    ka_ctksKillsForAward[0] = 5;
    ka_ctksKillsForAward[1] = 10;
    ka_ctksKillsForAward[2] = 15;
    ka_ctksKillsForAward[3] = 20;
    ka_ctksKillsForAward[4] = 25;
    ka_ctksKillsForAward[5] = 30;
    ka_strmkDoubleKill = "%s^r: ^c00FF00double kill^C";
    ka_strmkMultiKill = "%s^r: ^c00FF00multi kill^C";
    ka_strmkMegaKill = "%s^r: ^c00FF00mega kill^C";
    ka_strmkUltraKill = "%s^r: ^c00FF00ULTRA KILL^C";
    ka_strmkMonsterKill = "%s^r: ^c00FF00M O N S T E R kill^C";
    ka_strmkLudicrousKill = "%s^r: ^c00FF00L U D I C R O U S^C";
    ka_strmkHolyShit = "%s^r: ^c00FF00H O L Y S H I T^C";
    ka_strksKillingSpree = "%s^r: ^c00FF00is on a killing spree^C";
    ka_strksRampage = "%s^r: ^c00FF00is on a rampage^C";
    ka_strksDominating = "%s^r: ^c00FF00is DOMINATING^C";
    ka_strksUnstoppable = "%s^r: ^c00FF00is U N S T O P A B L E^C";
    ka_strksGodlike = "%s^r: ^c00FF00is G O D L I K E^C";
    ka_strksWickedSick = "%s^r: ^c00FF00W I C K E D S I C K^C";
    gam_bWaitAllPlayers = 0;
    gam_iInitialMana = 50;
    gam_fManaTransferFactor = 1000;
    gam_iStartMode = 0;
    gam_iBlood = 2;
    net_iPort = 25170;
    net_strConnectPassword ="";
    net_iCompression = 1;
    net_strObserverPassword ="";
    net_iMaxObservers = 16;
    net_iVIPReserve = 1;
    net_tmDisconnectTimeout = 60;
    net_tmConnectionTimeout = 120;
    net_tmProblemsTimeout = 120;
    ded_tmTimeout = 5;
    ded_bRestartWhenEmpty = 0;
    ser_bReportSyncBad = 0;
    ser_bWaitFirstPlayer = 1;
    ser_tmKeepAlive = 5;
    ser_bKickOnSyncLate = 1;
    ser_iKickOnSyncBad = 60;
    ser_iMaxAllowedBPS = 1000000;
    ser_bEnumeration = 1;
    ser_bClientsMayPause = 0;
    ser_bReportSyncBad = 0;
    ser_bReportSyncOK = 0;
    ser_bReportSyncLate = 0;
    ser_bPauseOnSyncBad = 0;
    ser_bReportSyncEarly = 0;
    st8_bEnableGhostBuster = 0;
    st8_bEnablePipeBomb = 0;
    st8_bDisableKnife = 0;
    st8_bDisableChainSaw = 0;
    st8_bDisableColt = 0;
    st8_bDisableDoubleColt = 0;
    st8_bDisableSingleShotgun = 0;
    st8_bDisableDoubleShotgun = 0;
    st8_bDisableTommygun = 0;
    st8_bDisableMinigun = 0;
    st8_bDisableFlamer = 0;
    st8_bDisableLaser = 0;
    st8_bDisableSniper = 0;
    st8_bDisableRLauncher = 0;
    st8_bDisableGrenades = 0;
    st8_bDisableCannon = 0;
    st8_bDisableAllWeapons = 0;
    st8_bGiveAllWeapons = 0;
    st8_fColtPower = 10;
    st8_fSingleShotgunPower = 1;
    st8_fDoubleShotgunPower = 1;
    st8_fTommygunPower = 1;
    st8_fMinigunPower = 1;
    st8_fRLauncherPower = 1;
    st8_fGrenadesPower = 1;
    st8_fCannonPower = 1;
    st8_fSingleShotgunFireSpeed = 1;
    st8_fDoubleShotgunFireSpeed = 1;
    st8_fTompsonFireSpeed = 1;
    st8_fRocketFireSpeed = 0.5;
    st8_fLaserFireSpeed = 1;
    st8_fRocketSpeed = -30;
    st8_fWalkerRocketSpeed = -30;
    st8_fPlayerLaserWeaponMode = 0;
    st8_fWalkerWeaponMode = 0;
    st8_bEnableExtSpeed = 0;
    st8_fPlayerExtSpeed = 1;
    st8_bEnableExtGravity = 1;
    st8_fDirection = 1;
    st8_fGravityDir = 30;
    st8_bEnableRegeneration = 1;
    st8_fRegeneration = 10;
    st8_bModeHealth = 0;
    st8_fDamageAmount = 0.4;
    st8_fRangeDamageAmount = 50;
    ser_bHeartbeatGameSpy = 1;
    gam_iStartDifficulty = 1;

    ---------- Post added 21-06-2015 at 09:15 ----------

    also - mod does not save custom parameters ..... (no custom keys or resolution )
    ....... Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

  6. #51
    Professional autist
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Bruh city
    1.3 is close to be finished!
    I will show what im working now!
    It is an "Lava Rocks Gun" at early wip.
    The weapon was scrapped in very early dev of serious sam(1997).Acording to some infos,it was shooting small hot rock projectile,simlar to elemental lava.
    The weapon is near complete.I have to fix texture uvmaps
    some ammo problems.
    Stay tuned!

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