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  1. #1

    About admin with nickname "nightmare"

    блять я просто в ахуе с вашей администрации
    ok then
    Please, remove admin with nickname "nightmare" (i guess its raver) from admin list. reason - restarting servers, ruining the game. reason for restarting "i have a bad connection". wtf man who cares about ur connection? server works pretty good for me and another 7 or 8 players, and only by ur own opinion u restart it and ruin the game. ofc i call him "fag" (coz its was a true bullshit from his side - restart server when game not finished. may be u need wait when game will finished no? -_\ ), and for that im was banned for 3 days. so also remove from ban list pls. coz its not me ruin the games, but admins like raver.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack.O View Post
    блять я просто в ахуе с вашей администрации
    ok then
    Please, remove admin with nickname "nightmare" (i guess its raver) from admin list. reason - restarting servers, ruining the game. reason for restarting "i have a bad connection". wtf man who cares about ur connection? server works pretty good for me and another 7 or 8 players, and only by ur own opinion u restart it and ruin the game. ofc i call him "fag" (coz its was a true bullshit from his side - restart server when game not finished. may be u need wait when game will finished no? -_\ ), and for that im was banned for 3 days. so also remove from ban list pls. coz its not me ruin the games, but admins like raver.
    Is not raver, it was me!Is mine decision and rights to working with servers, and is not nessesarry to give to you explanation, about my job.Yeah, you are from elite clan, but that does'n mean you re God,or great person.Others players keeping silence.Who are you?? You must learn how to behave.And good and honest players cannot ruin game.Game is ruined by "great players" who's thinking yourself for Gods. Rules are for all! About me,I am agree to be removed from admins. I follow do my job !Also Raver is good person and friend!

    Спокойной ночи! И не надо ругатъ!

  3. #3
    ну пиздец тогда, что сказать. я был о тебе лучшего мнения.

  4. #4
    Well Jack,sometimes me and Sambot ban f9 spammers, if they have a real problems with connections?Ban is wrong, you must chose your words and behave like man.You cannot trash!If you have questions ask like normal human,not with offencive words.And is interesting for me, if you have lags you will leave, I am sure!
    Anyway I will remove your ban now,because you will die (great players must be never banned!).But for me all players are with equal rigts!
    I m sorry If disasspoint you!

  5. #5
    i have nothing against Raver then (sorry Rav). so u restart servers 2 times, with 7-8 players, and after that u tell me - "And good and honest players cannot ruin game" ? u ruin this two games. coz "oh no i have a bad connection what i need to do? hmmmmmm YES i will restart servers in the middle of the game".

    "About me,I am agree to be removed from admins. I follow do my job" - no thx
    "Game is ruined by "great players" who's thinking yourself for Gods" - game was ruined by admin who can restart servers in any moment. -_\
    "Yeah, you are from elite clan, but that does'n mean you re God,or great person.Others players keeping silence.Who are you??" - no comments, just facepalm.jpg

    Спокойной Ночи

    ---------- Post added 08-12-2014 at 21:20 ----------

    u always nowhere, when some random players glitching, swimming, teaming, call another players "fag" "loozer" "idiot" "cheat0r" and they still not banned. but holy fuck, when one time i call u "fag" for ruined game - ban, as fast as possible. 90% games i play with out u, so u cant judge me about behavior.

    "You must learn how to behave" believe me i know
    "Rules are for all!" rofl tell me more..

  6. #6
    When see trashers ,teamers and any violators I punish them, you are many times witness.I am human man,I made mistakes too and that is normal.But sure I don t tolerate trashers and cheaters. I don t care who are who,yea you are right for one! I must warn up in future before every my act!
    BTW in some servers are seriously bugs with settings.What I mean?Difficul serious in ST and in Frag 04 server give weapons too late.I must awaiting more than normal time while take weapon.Especialy sniper and greande and rockets launcher!Sometimes after restart all are fixed!

    Also connection are serious problem (but you are right who cares?).
    I hear you too complain of lags before. why??

  7. #7
    I hear you too complain of lags before. why??

    лол когда? когда у меня лаги - я не играю. я никогда не пишу в консоль "lag" или что то подобное. и уж тем более, я не пойду жаловаться на форум, потому что у меня лаги. не надо говорить бред.

  8. #8

  9. #9

  10. #10
    In future I will notice all players in current server when need to restart,or made any changes! I will do that only by request and agreement from all others players.I promise! I hope is ok?

    In this case, you were right. But let's talking like normal people, without bad words.All we make this game!Let it be fun!



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