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  1. #1
    Immortals Founder
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Serious Tournament Mod - First Trailer Released !

    Hello guys ; D Well, since my clanmate Troy (also, a friend of him, known as Fast Leo helped to him pretty much) decided to continue developing of his new and awesome mod called Serious Tournament Bot, I've offered to make a public trailer of it and he has agreed : D

    Serious Tournament Mod - First Trailer

    Trailer is made by me ; D

    Well, in the trailer you can see a lot of awesome moments, such as bots playing on different maps (Shotty Complex, Pro Shotty Power Remake, Little Trouble, Yodeller, The Lost Tomb, Hole), the skillful handling of different kind of weapons, pretty good strafe, some of good examples of their movement on the map (in water, lava, on jumpers, and so on), and a couple of my personal fights vs them.
    THEY ARE HOT !!!

    Ok, now gotta tell you some more "few" details about this modification.

    Why you'll love it

    1) A new and pretty realistic bots (also, probably you'll be able to play with them online, server side option only)
    2) New game modes
    3) New interface
    4) Some changed balance of some weapon
    5) And something else what I can't know

    And to answer a question which will be asked more often than anything else

    Last edited by Zeo; 09-04-2014 at 05:24.
    watch unimaginable [2012]
    watch magnificent [2017]
    wait for ? [202x]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    nothin are changes with our commander.... it seems, that we're need to find a new commander for SS )
    very nice project Troy is great programmer)



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