
Some days ago another italian player was willing to play on the duel server with me and to select Shotty Complex as arena on it.

I entered the server (set to Yodeller) and started the map vote. The other player entered for a moment, then it is not so clear what happened.

When the map was reloading I was disconnected, so I tried to enter the server again. I managed to enter, but I've been several minutes waiting for my opponent. He couldn't never arrive, so I located him on another server and he told me: "Sorry, it displayed a message that the server was full". So we played on a public multi-slot server.

The day after, I try to enter SE Duel 1 again when it was showing 0/3 on the list. Server full!

Now I was wondering what can be done to solve this issue.

What happens if slots are increased from 3 to 4?

Did the server still have 2 hanging clients inside because of some error?

Thanks for the attention.