Useful Console Commands:

Press "~" to open console

Value "0" is to disable the function.
Value "1" is to enable the function.

Miscellanious Commands:

These commands are not cheats and you can change the values as you wish
/plr_bOnlySam=1 - All multiplayer characters are default SeriousSam models.
/sam_bAutoPlayDemos=0 - To stop the game from playing the startup demo at the beginning.
/net_strConnectPassword=password - For password protected servers. Enter as player.
/net_strObserverPassword=password - For password protected servers. Enter as observer.
/gfx_bRenderPredicted=1 - Creates a shadow copies of multiplayer characters that follows them to help you predict oponnents' moves if you expirience high ping.
/gfx_bDecoratedText=0 - Disables text effects (color, flashing, transparency etc.) in players' nicknames.

HUD (Head-Up Display) Commands:

These commands are not cheats and you can change the values as you wish
/hud_bShowInfo=1 - HUD Enabled.
/hud_bShowLatency=1 - Shows your ping.
/hud_iShowPlayers=1 - Shows players' nicknames and scores.
/hud_iSortPlayers=(-1 - 3) - Sorts the players randomly. -1 is default.
/hud_bShowWeapon=1 - Shows weapon's model (Can be changed in Players And Controls menu).
/hud_bShowMessages=1 - Shows the cooperative/single mode messages.
/hud_fScaling=(0-2) - Hud window's size.
/hud_fOpacity=(0-2) - Hud window's transparency.
/hud_tmWeaponsOnScreen=1 - Shows weapon icons while changing the weapon.
/hud_tmLatencySnapshot=1 - Freeze the ping counter.
/hud_bShowMatchInfo=1 - Enable the Frags Left counter.
/hud_bCrosshairFixed=1 - Crosshair ignores close obstacles and doesn't move.
/hud_bCrosshairColoring=1 - Crosshair changes the color if you point to an enemy.
/hud_fCrosshairScale=(0-3) - Crosshair size.
/hud_fCrosshairRatio=(0-1) - Crosshair size ratio between distances.
/hud_fCrosshairOpacity=(0-1) - Crosshair transparency.
/hud_bShowPlayerName=1 - Shows player's nickname when pointed on him.
/hud_bShowCoords=1 - Shows your currect coordinates on the map.
/hud_iStats=1 - Shows FPS (Frames Per Second).
/hud_bShowResolution=1 - Shows your current screen recolution.
/hud_bShowTime=1 - Shows the server time.
/hud_bShowClock=1 - Shows your location clock.
/hud_bShowNetGraph=1 - Shows lags/ping graph.

WLD (World) Commands:

/wld_bRenderShadowMaps=0 - Disables the shadows and makes the map fully brightened.
/wld_bRenderTextures=0 - Paints all brush polygons white and grey, just like with the Texture Replacement.
/wld_bRenderDetailPolygons=0 - Makes the detail polygons invisible. Pretty useless.
/wld_bShowTriangles=0 - Shows the corners triangles of brushes all over the map.

GFX (Graphics) Commands:

/gfx_bRenderModels=0 - Disables all models (they become totally invisible).
/gfx_bRenderParticles=0 - Disables all particle effects such as smoke. Quite useless.
/gfx_bRenderFog=0 - Disables fog and haze effects. Lava and water become transparent too.
/gfx_bRenderWorld=0 - Disables brushes and textures. Pretty useless.

NOTE: These are not all existing Serious Sam commands
For a particular group of commands, open console, type keyword and press [TAB] button!