Hello Friends, so... Evo, I do not see the problem in any way to be in two Clans
Since I am a leader of CoB play than in TB
I agreed the matter with Titi, train together and have fun with the game
Anyway, I'm still in TB to time We Frags while playing as CoB
the coop as Pistolers

So I do not know why this issue and has already been moved to other thousand times
and there are people here that are playing in the 4-5 clans But that does not matter

Everyone is together sweoje sentence is where the game within reason, of course, not every change clans as gloves and a few people such as you mentioned, but some are able to understand our decisions while others do not

Btw Click , i know i dont understand this too GG From Jasper. [ Tb and C.o.B are Friends ]