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  1. #1

    Serious Sam Classic - settings tutorial

    Basic player settings:




    Sound settings:


    Video settings:



    Shadow trick:


    Now, you are almost able to see other players behind the wall!!!



    Now, you are almost able to see other invisible players!!!




  2. #2
    Custom Video Resolution Setup:

    Navigate to: X:\\Croteam\SeriousSamTSE\Scripts\ and open or create file Game_startup.ini with any text editor! (this will open all startup commands)

    Copy these lines into that .ini file:
    // force resolution
    Save and start the game!
    Check which resolutions your monitor can support before editing these lines!!!

    Disable Chainsaw Flip:

    Navigate to: X:\\Croteam\SeriousSamTSE\Controls\ and open file Controls0.ctl with any text editor! (this will open controls settings from first player in the game)

    Copy these lines into that .ctl file:
     Name: TTRS Knife/Chainsaw
     Key1: 1
     Key2: Q
     Pressed:  ctl_bSelectWeapon[1] = 1; ctl_bWeaponFlip = 1;
     Released: ctl_bSelectWeapon[1] = 0; ctl_bWeaponFlip = 0;
    Save and start the game!
    This should set Knife as a stronger (first) weapon when you pres Knife/Chainsaw button!!!

    Add a Command Hotkey:

    Navigate to:X:\\Croteam\SeriousSamTSE\Controls\System and open file Common.ctl with any text editor! (this will open all command hotkeys)

    Add net-script hotkey:

    Copy these lines into that .ctl file:
    Name: Ultra NetSettings
    Key1: V
    Key2: None
    Pressed: cli_bPrediction=1;cli_iBufferActions=1;cli_iMinBPS =28000;cli_iMaxBPS=100000;
    Released: ;
    Name: DSL/Cable Default
    Key1: B
    Key2: None
    Pressed: cli_bPrediction = 1;cli_iBufferActions = 2;cli_iMinBPS = 6000;cli_iMaxBPS = 10000;
    Released: ;
    When you connect on public server and press “V” that should reduce your ping on lowest possible! If you get so much lags, press “B” and that will back you into normal connection!!!

    Add framerate hotkey:

    Copy these lines into that .ctl file:
     Name: TTRS Toggle frame rate
     Key1: M
     Key2: None
     Pressed:  hud_iStats=(hud_iStats+1)%3;
    If you press “M” button, you should see current framerate on right-upper corner on your display. To turn it off press “M” twice!!!

    Add demo forward hotkey:

    Copy these lines into that .ctl file:
     Name: TTRS Demo Fast
     Key1: J
     Key2: None
     Pressed:  dem_fRealTimeFactor=4.0f;
     Released: dem_fRealTimeFactor=1.0f;
    When you watching recorded demo, press and hold “J” to skip unwanted parts!!!
    Last edited by CLICK; 27-05-2012 at 21:49.

  3. #3
    Create The Custom Menu:

    Navigate to: X:\\Croteam\SeriousSamTSE\Scripts\Custom Options\ and create a NewTextDocument.txt here.
    Then copy this code into that text document, and rename document to (for example): GFX-AdvancedHud.cfg

    Gadget: TTRS Show Latency
    Tip:    TTRS Show Latency
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_bShowLatency
    String: TTRS False (default)
    Value:  0
    String: True
    Value:  1
    Gadget: TTRS Latency Snapshot
    Tip:    TTRS Latency Snapshot
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_tmLatencySnapshot
    Slider: Ratio
    String: (realtime)
    Value:  0.1
    String: (default)
    Value:  1
    String: (sometimes)
    Value:  5
    Gadget: TTRS Show Net Graph
    Tip:    TTRS Show Net Graph
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_bShowNetGraph
    String: TTRS False (default)
    Value:  0
    String: True
    Value:  1
    Gadget: TTRS Show Players
    Tip:    TTRS Show Players
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_iShowPlayers
    String: TTRS Yes (default)
    Value:  -1
    String: No
    Value:  0
    Gadget: TTRS Sort Players
    Tip:    TTRS Sort Players
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_iSortPlayers
    String: TTRS Yes (default)
    Value:  -1
    String: No
    Value:  0
    Gadget: TTRS Show Weapon
    Tip:    TTRS Show Weapon
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_bShowWeapon
    String: TTRS True (default)
    Value:  1
    String: False
    Value:  0
    Gadget: TTRS Show Messages
    Tip:    TTRS Show Messages
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_bShowMessages
    String: TTRS True (default)
    Value:  1
    String: False
    Value:  0
    Gadget: TTRS Weapons On Screen
    Tip:    TTRS Weapons On Screen
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_tmWeaponsOnScreen
    String: TTRS No
    Value:  0
    String: TTRS Yes (default)
    Value:  3
    Gadget: TTRS Show Match Info
    Tip:    TTRS Show Match Info
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_bShowMatchInfo
    String: TTRS True (default)
    Value:  1
    String: False
    Value:  0
    Gadget: TTRS Crosshair Fixed
    Tip:    TTRS Crosshair Fixed
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_bCrosshairFixed
    String: TTRS False (default)
    Value:  0
    String: True
    Value:  1
    Gadget: TTRS Crosshair Coloring
    Tip:    TTRS Crosshair Coloring
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_bCrosshairColoring
    String: TTRS True (default)
    Value:  1
    String: False
    Value:  0
    Gadget: TTRS Crosshair Scale
    Tip:    TTRS Crosshair Scale
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_fCrosshairScale
    Slider: Fill
    String: TTRS (none)
    Value:  0
    String: TTRS (tiny)
    Value:  0.5
    String: TTRS (small)
    Value:  0.75
    String: TTRS (default)
    Value:  1
    String: TTRS (large)
    Value:  1.1
    String: TTRS (huge)
    Value:  1.25
    Gadget: TTRS Crosshair Ratio
    Tip:    TTRS Crosshair Ratio
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_fCrosshairRatio
    String: TTRS (0.0)
    Value:  0
    String: TTRS (0.25)
    Value:  0.25
    String: TTRS (0.5) (default)
    Value:  0.5
    String: TTRS (0.75)
    Value:  0.75
    String: TTRS (1.0)
    Value:  1
    Gadget: TTRS Show Player Name
    Tip:    TTRS Show Player Name
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_bShowPlayerName
    String: TTRS True (default)
    Value:  1
    String: False
    Value:  0
    Gadget: TTRS Show Coords
    Tip:    TTRS Show Coords
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_bShowCoords
    String: TTRS False (default)
    Value:  0
    String: True
    Value:  1
    Gadget: TTRS Show Time
    Tip:    TTRS Show Time
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_bShowTime
    String: TTRS False (default)
    Value:  0
    String: True
    Value:  1
    Gadget: TTRS Show Clock
    Tip:    TTRS Show Clock
    Type:   Toggle
    Var:    hud_bShowClock
    String: TTRS False (default)
    Value:  0
    String: True
    Value:  1
    Save document, and start the game!

    Now you can easily set those advanced "/hud_" options instead you type them in game console!


    All credits for this menu example goes to Author: X-Fighter

    Last edited by CLICK; 25-11-2012 at 00:03.

  4. #4
    The custom menu was present to you, Legija. Why do you share it with everybody and don't say that it's from me?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by x fighter View Post
    the custom menu was present to you, legija. Why do you share it with everybody and don't say that it's from me?
    DUN DUN DUN Click you thief!!!!
    Last edited by Barktooth; 24-11-2012 at 23:19. Reason: LEGIJA is gay :D Also Ostap why you no like all caps??

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by X Fighter View Post
    The custom menu was present to you, Legija. Why do you share it with everybody and don't say that it's from me?
    I must said i didnt expect you want to take credit's for file souch as this one is. I know those things long time ago, they were posted on gamezone in public, but just on diferent places. I merged them into one topic... but yeah this extended menu is your own creation. I have other menus created by myself, but i tought you would not mind if i take it for good example in "HOW TO" tutorials. I am really suprised on that how you react on this. For example i shared cool video settings long time ago, and i've never asked for credits. Should i go around and ask for them? Sorry man, if you really care i will edit my last post. I really appreciate your work, but the reaction has surprised me.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by CLICK View Post
    I must said i didnt expect you want to take credit's for file souch as this one is. I know those things long time ago, they were posted on gamezone in public, but just on diferent places. I merged them into one topic... but yeah this extended menu is your own creation. I have other menus created by myself, but i tought you would not mind if i take it for good example in "HOW TO" tutorials. I am really suprised on that how you react on this. For example i shared cool video settings long time ago, and i've never asked for credits. Should i go around and ask for them? Sorry man, if you really care i will edit my last post. I really appreciate your work, but the reaction has surprised me.
    My problem is that it was a private present to you and I think I told you not to share it. (false credits was only additional prob) I was just very surprised to find my menu here that I gave only to 2 persons but I guess that's how things work XD

    Whatever, let everything how it is now. The noobs will thank you for this nice tutorial.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by X Fighter View Post
    I told you not to share it.
    Far as i remember you didn't . Sorry, but i must say this - keeping souch a things private is kinda childish man Anyway, why to hide those things? I am wondering what make you think like that?

  9. #9
    ~-[:42 A'dam Elite:]-~
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by X Fighter View Post
    The custom menu was present to you, Legija. Why do you share it with everybody and don't say that it's from me?
    you invented this
    I played with these settings for longer then Click is playing,... maybe this knowledge is more basic then you thought.

    XF,.. try to contact Packee from FE clan -CF-
    I beleive he knew about these settings and how to optimize them, before even I started to play.

    So he just shared basic knowledge and did it in a very nice tutorial.
    I like you XF, but I think you are wrong here. Even if you presented it to Click,.. he can share this as common knowledge
    Serious Sam - The First Encounter

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Evolta View Post
    you invented this
    I played with these settings for longer then Click is playing,... maybe this knowledge is more basic then you thought.

    XF,.. try to contact Packee from FE clan -CF-
    I beleive he knew about these settings and how to optimize them, before even I started to play.

    So he just shared basic knowledge and did it in a very nice tutorial.
    I like you XF, but I think you are wrong here. Even if you presented it to Click,.. he can share this as common knowledge
    I've no problem with click anymore. so I say this just to you: When somebody gives another one a present and he wants to give it to others he should ask the one who gave it to him first.
    Last edited by X Fighter; 04-12-2012 at 03:23.

  11. #11
    ~-[:42 A'dam Elite:]-~
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by X Fighter View Post
    I've no pro with click anymore. so I say this just for you: When somebody gives another one a present and he wants to give it to others he should ask the one who gave it to him first.
    Depends on how much you have written and made of this tutorial I think. If the full tutorial is based on your work I would agree with you.
    Just like creating a player model tutorial I once wrote. Petter helped me with it once but on the tutorial I didnt name him, since he just shared basic knowlage I didnt have back then.

    Opinions might differ, but you shouldn't be angry at others for that.
    Serious Sam - The First Encounter

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Evolta View Post
    Depends on how much you have written and made of this tutorial I think. If the full tutorial is based on your work I would agree with you.
    Just like creating a player model tutorial I once wrote. Petter helped me with it once but on the tutorial I didnt name him, since he just shared basic knowlage I didnt have back then.

    Opinions might differ, but you shouldn't be angry at others for that.
    I talk only about the custom menu. most commands in it are known but it was my idea to create a new menu in game so you no longer have to type them in the console. I dunno if others also had that idea but I've never seen it anywhere else until now. and I gave this menu only to 2 persons and didn't expect it to be public. Maybe now you understand me.

    Peace now and it's a nice tutorial, Click

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Bulgaria, Sofia
    Bravo Click, well thought of to do this!

    Because I liked the idea, and I'll show you a trick!

    Light trick:

    Options\ Advanced Options\ Advanced rendering options (Additional settings):

    Name:  ????????? 2.PNG
Views: 721
Size:  498.5 KB

    Name:  RedStation_shot0004.png
Views: 716
Size:  217.4 KB

    Name:  RedStation_shot0003.png
Views: 723
Size:  222.2 KB

  14. #14
    @ CLICK: if I have screen res. 1920 x 1080 how should I type it in that script, because I don't really understand how to do that and i don't want to f*ck up my SS

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Bulgaria, Sofia
    Quote Originally Posted by shooters_hero View Post
    @ CLICK: if I have screen res. 1920 x 1080 how should I type it in that script, because I don't really understand how to do that and i don't want to f*ck up my SS
    Hero,this is my monitor resolution, I have no problems.
    Name:  ?????????.PNG
Views: 712
Size:  26.9 KB

    For your monitor:



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