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Downloads: FiX42 Mod (Client side FE/SE) (v18.1)

FiX42 Mod (Client side FE/SE) (v18.1)

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Uploaded by Ostap - 10-06-2017
Author Author Ostap
File Size File Size 10.85 MB
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The Mod is designed to fix minor bugs/issues and add missing/additional functionality to the game....

Current mod version has 22 options/fixes implemented.

  1. Death/Kill messages - (killed by ... died because .... etc...) are optional now.
  2. Console size - is optional (default 90 replaced by 180) configurable via parameter "fix42_iConsoleCharsPerLine"
  3. Frag log - an additional section is added that will show last frags for X seconds
  4. Ping - now can be displayed per each player
  5. Kills - Killed enemies counter - show count for current level (including total enemies available - coop only)
  6. Double dots - (next to player name) - made optional (now you can remove open tags at the end of the nik)
  7. Observer - Number of observable players increased up to 9
  8. Observer - "Karsson Mode" is implemented - you can detach from observer and fly away .....
  9. MP3 Player ...just because...
  10. You can have up to 9 sub-views in observer mode (same as in player but with more options)
  11. You can become an "Detached observer" while player is dead (same nav-controls ...but no sub-observer windows)
  12. While dead - you can attach your self as observer to other players (use numeric key + - to selelect)
    Original Idea for "Dead player observer" were taken from this image http://imgur.com/gallery/9Ioid ... could be true after all
  13. OSD messages disabled during demo playback (when playing demo and map changes - some message gets stuck to the screen)
  14. Shows current player name in observer mode to easy identify player window (use the "fix42_iShowCurrentPlayerName" to enable/disable)
  15. Teleportation via @goto command (Available only on Fix42srv moded servers - currently disabled)
  16. Auto "Re-Sync" when bad sync is detected (Available only on Fix42srv moded servers - currently disabled)
  17. Multi Master Server DedicatedServer.exe - for more info please check here
  18. Server name coloring enabled (In conjunction with 42servers or Fixed DedicatedServer.exe)
  19. 21/9 resolution aspect ratio added
  20. More network settings added
  21. MAD system - Map Auto Download - works on any server as long 42amsterdam repository has the map (there are 948 maps available in 393 gro packages)
    For more - check out the new project GRO Repository from Heming_Hitrowski - it will give you instant access to large list of downloadable maps, mods, skins from multiple repositories
  22. Fix42srv Mod Integration - Clients with Fix42 mod can connect to moded server without rebooting - this is done in order to allow usage of extra functionality (re-sync & goto command)

For anyone interested - source code is available here: https://42amsterdam.net/samforum/dow...do=file&id=439

Here are some screenshots and videos to show the functionality:

2 - Console size... (specially made for people from city Azpilicuetagaraycosaroyarenberecolarrea ... and thats not the longest one yet)

3 - Frag log ... (OSD - on screen display instead of console)

4 - Ping (check out who's using proxy now )

5 - Kills (coop games only - shows your kills from all available monsters)

6 - Double Dots (not there - so stop putting open color tags at the end !!)

7 - Number of observable players (up to 9)

8 - Detached observer

Thanx to Supersniper - there is now GUI controls in the game ....to access all parameters

9 - MP3 Player (play your own tunes if you like during the game)

10 - Sub-Observer windows (when connected as observer)

13 - OSD messages disabled during demo playback (when playing demo and map changes - this one gets stuck to the screen)

14 - Show Current player name

18 - Server name coloring (In conjunction with 42servers or Fixed DedicatedServer.exe)

19 - 21/9 resolution aspect ratio

20 - More network settings

21 - MAD system


v1.0 - Original release
v1.2 - "show kills" is optional .. use the param "fix42_iShowKillMessages"
v1.5 - "error message "cannot load model..." removed...
v1.8 - "Left side score/frags info made optional ... use param "fix42_iShowScoreInfo"
v2.0 - "Last Frags" display section added ...use param "fix42_iShowFragInfo"
v2.2 - Color tags restored for "Last Frag" section
v2.3 - Parameters added :
.........fix42_iFragInfo_FontSize - size of the font for player names (allowed values 2, 3, 4, 5)
.........fix42_iFragInfo_IconSet - Icon set (allowed values 1 - "Revolution Icons" , 2 - "Original Icons")
.........fix42_iFragInfo_HideDelay - Delay before "Last frags" section is hidden (in seconds)
v2.4 - Icons updated for "Original" set
v2.6 - "Frags left/Time left" messge removed when Frag log is visible,
.........Frag log extended with self inflicted deaths. (optional - use param fix42_iShowDeathInfo)
v3.0 - Ping is added to the player display row (optional - use param fix42_iShowPing)
v3.1 - Player name - Double dots made optional (use param fix42_iShowDoubleDots);
v3.3 - Revo icons scaled down a bit ....
v3.4 - Revo icons size is optional (use param fix42_iFragInfo_LargeRevoIcons)
v3.6 - Icons centered vertically more precicely ...
v3.7 - Health value clamped to 999 for XENOX maps (visually only)
v4.0 - Display "Frags Left/Time Left" functionality imported into FE (as well missing hud_bShowMatchInfo parameter)
v4.1 - "Frags Left/Time left" will shift down if Frag log is active (not hidden)
v4.3 - GUI controlls added (thanx to Supersniper98) for most of the commands of this fix mod
v5.0 - Observer windows (5-9) added. Up to 9 players possible to observ.
v6.0 - Observer "Karsson Mode" is added (you can fly now ...)
.................."Karsson Mode" is basically "ghost mode" ...but for observer.
..................You can control your camera with 7 buttons
..................- "arrow up" - Move forward
..................- "arrow down" - Move backward
..................- "arrow left" - Move left
..................- "arrow right" - Move right
..................- "num 0" - Move up
..................- "Right Control" - Move down
..................- "Right mouse" - Lock to current player
v6.8 - Detached observer - Screen cleared each frame to avoid flicker when outside of map
v6.9 - Detached observer - Sniper zoom affects observer ....fixed
v6.10- Detached observer - parameter added "fix42_iObserver_OOM_NoFlicker". Just for testing purposes.
..................If enabled - an extra erase is done before observer view is rendered ...(prevent flickering of undrawn parts)
v6.11- Detached observer - parameter added "fix42_iObserver_FlySpeed" ...now you can change the fly speed..(default = 5 ...limits 1..10)
v6.14- Detached observer - Speed control buttons added: (1-9 numeric... top row)
v6.15- Detached observer - Diagonal movement speed is adjusted to eliminate sudden speedup ...
v7.0 - MP3 player added - you can play some files while gaming...:
..................To control the player use following commands:
..................List() - show current mp3 list (files are expected to be in "/MP3" folder of the game
..................Play(index, loop) - start playing specified mp3 file (optionally you can loop the file)
..................Stop() - stop currently playing file
v7.1 - MP3 player - Other music is muted while player is active (no auto un-mute on music end)
..................Control commands were renamed (due to conflicts on some game versions):
..................mlist() - show current mp3 list (files are expected to be in "/MP3" folder of the game
..................mplay(index, loop) - start playing specified mp3 file (optionally you can loop the file)
..................mstop() - stop currently playing file
v7.5 - "Frag log" - "enemy kills" added (monster A [icon] player B ). you can enable/disable it with "fix42_iShowEnemyKillInfo"
v7.9 - Detached observer - smooth fly finally implemented.
v7.10- Detached observer - fine tuneup of the speeds
v7.11- Detached observer - optional (and partial) HUD could be shown (use parameter: fix42_iObserver_ShowHUD)
..........Detached observer new controls:
................"Left mouse" - Will allow you to teleport to current player position without re-attaching to him.
................"Middle mouse" - Start/Stop cruising
................"Mouse wheel up" - Speed up
................"Mouse wheel down" - Speed down
v7.12- Detached observer - SE "clipped off walls" when outside of map - fixed
v7.13- GUI Control commands updated to include latest added parameters.
v7.14- Detached observer - SE/FE "clipped off walls" when outside of map - fixed (again ..but mucho betero this time)
v7.15- Stability fix
v7.17- Detached observer - additional controls added:
................"numeric keyboard" * - "No flicker" - on/off
................"numeric keyboard" / - Show/Hide HUD
v7.21- More stability fixes (detached observer) +
..........MP3 Player "mnext()" command added to play next number (looped if previous was set to loop)
v7.22- Crash fix when in detached observer and try to re-connect with F9
..........MP3 Player "mprev()" command added to play previous number (looped if previous were set to loop)
v8.0 - Sub-observer windows and controls added.
v8.1 - Sub-observer - Minor controls fix.
v8.2 - Sub-observer, FragLog - code stabiltiy and optimizations.
v9.0 - Detached observer added to the player - now you can temporally fly around while player is dead.
..........Controls available:
................Navigation - same as in normal detached observer (arrow keys + speed controls)
................"Left mouse" - re-spawn ...
................"Right mouse" - get back into dead body..(re-attach observer)
v10.0- While player is dead - user can attach him self as observer to another player
..........Additional Controls:
................"numeric keyboard" + - "Observe Next player"
................"numeric keyboard" - - "Observe Previous player"
..........Note: Shifting between players only possible when observer is not detached (press right mouse to re-attach)
v10.3- "Killed Enemies" counter fix (in statistics page)
v11.0- Parameter added - fix42_iShowKills - Shows killed enemies on current level + total enemies available (coop only)
v11.1- "Screen flicker" fixed when outside of map (normal player)
v11.2 - Crash bug fix on player kill by "Huge Beast"
v11.3 - Minor bug fixes + Parameter added:
............fix42_iShowCrossHairWhenFlying - Show or not crosshair when in detached observer mode
v11.4 - OSD (On screen Display) messages disabled while playing Demo. (to avoid messages get stuck on screen after map changes)
v11.5 - Parameter added - fix42_iShowCurrentPlayerName - Shows current player name in observer mode to easy identify player window
v12.0 - Integration with 42Amsterdam servers added in order to support server commands
...........Teleportation command support added
...........Auto re-sync command support added
v12.1 - Minor fixes to reduce bad sync - (an attempt at least !!!)
v13.0 - Integration with 42Amsterdam servers temporary disabled - (still testing)
v13.1 - Single player list displayed on multiple open observer windows (top right/center window)
v14.0 - SeriousSam.exe project added
v15.0 - DedicatedServer.exe project added
v15.1 - Server name coloring enabled (both SeriousSam.exe & DedicatedServer.exe)
v15.2 - SeriousSam.exe - Aspect Ratio option added to Video Settings
v15.2 - SeriousSam.exe - Menu fixes for 21/9 resolution
v15.3 - SeriousSam.exe - Server list flashing of colored name parts minor fix
v16.0 - MAD (Map Auto Download) system implemented (works on any server as long 42amsterdam repository has the map)
v16.1 - Minor fixes:
...........Decorated strings now cut correctly without breaking color tags (colored server names on low window resolution)
...........SE 1.05 Downloaded map import fix
v16.2 - Minor fix: map download issued before engine check (avoided double connection request when map is missing)
v16.3 - Mouse wheel - observer control speed fix + added speed display (use fix42_iShowObserverSpeed param to show/hide it)
v17.0 - Integration with Fix42srv server side mod added (auto re-sync & @goto functionality enabled)
...........Includes Minor fixes:
................Menu layouts fixed for all aspect ratios
................HUD fixes - fixed overlapping icons/boxes...
................FOV fixed for all aspect ratios (also manually set via Custom Options)
v17.1 - Minor Re-Sync fix
v17.2 - Minor HUD scaling fix
V17.3 - Teleportation fix
v17.4 - Minor fixes:
................FOV for SE aspect ratio 16:9 fix
................FOV for sniper fixed
................Teleportation improvements (bad-sync still kinda there but it is way better now)
................Re-Sync improvements
v17.5 - Minor fixes:
................Additional FOV fixes for SE aspect ratio 16:9
................Additional FOV fixes for SE aspect ratio 21:9
v17.6 - Integration with Fix42srv disabled due to reported bad syncs on SE
v17.7 - Integration with Fix42srv restored and FOV for weapons set to default to avoid bad syncs
v17.8 - FOV change completely disabled (to combat more bad syncs in player mode)
v17.9 - Bug fixes:
................FOV fixed without causing bad syncs (finally
................Correct weapon displayed on frag after quick weapon change (rocket launcher issue)
v18.0 - Advanced Monster & Item Classes library from Heming_Hitrowski included in order to support maps that utilize it
...........If this library is missing - auto-downloaded maps (that make use of it) will not work
...........At the moment there is no automated support for ZIP files (only GRO) - will be implemented later
v18.1 - Player name display in observer mode fixed


  • FiX42 Mod  (Client side FE/SE) (v18.1)


07-04-2020 at 17:09
Great tool, but causes TMBS. Any solution/fix?
31-08-2020 at 16:55
how to use mp3 player?
17-09-2020 at 22:09
already fixed
07-04-2022 at 19:07
@Tom_Marak - create an MP3 directory inside your game folder
any mp3 file inside - will be listed

although - due to old version of supporting DLL ...files with above 192kbit/sec rate canl not be played ...

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