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Downloads: OddWorld


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Uploaded by Ostap - 08-06-2013
Author Author Louva-Deus
File Size File Size 6.47 MB
Downloads Downloads 525
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Faster than a speeding werebull!

Leap over walls in a single bound!

Its a bird! Its a plane! No! Its Sam-Da-Man! He's back and ready to kick some more ass in this high adrenaline modification.

OddWorld takes you through the same great game but its faster, more action packed, and will blow you away (quite literally).

Don't be the last one to get this great mod! Re-released for the Gold Edition and fully functional on all 1.05 versions of The First Encounter!

*Note: It is important to know that this is a re-release not a patch. You cannot install this version over the old version of OddWorld.


  • OddWorld
  • OddWorld


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