View Full Version : Whats the problem (?)

21-05-2013, 21:35
this is weird...

21-05-2013, 22:28
Siany said you wanted him to leave from CoB.Because they will enter the clan meeting.And I warned you for that.

21-05-2013, 23:53
So now I will utter in this topic, I spoke with Siany, in fact he took on, as reflected on the change of leadership, and not to leave the COB and reported this to me, 2 Why zamknełeś komferencję and you gave me to speak and the other and what's going on wasted time? after three IFF decided to abandon shells because it is a matter between the IFF and Strakoš. After 4 oco So I do not know as to what is wrong and what I'm supposed to say, and metal that you write that I wrote that the COB has to give up as I did not poweidziałem anywhere at all when it comes to deciding the CBD is the main voice is Siany, I gave him main Leader so he has a voice, and sometimes it is just that he wants to help me, but a lot of times I told you so you're head the Board. Thank you so much :) and PS in the topic and that it is not present in the meeting, that he is the leader say Skorup and I have nothing to say :) I'm not saying I would not ask, but the decision was made .. talk to the leaders of clans :)

"" Oben says: and whats its the this info to this info -->
[21:09:18] Oben (Serious Sam): and i'm just telling,if siany leaves COB,and COB not participate meeting,
[21:09:23] Oben (Serious Sam): I'll leave from CoB
[21:09:38] Siany [Serious Sam]: i no out cob lol
[21:09:43] Siany [Serious Sam]: i no will
[21:09:50] Oben (Serious Sam): And you JASPER,if you effect Siany to leave CoB,i'll kick you from Pistolers too
[21:10:24] Oben (Serious Sam): Conference Ended. ""

Da fuck? :S

22-05-2013, 11:14
Jasper, dear, I have not understood a single sentence in your long speech... Could you, please, stop using google translate, and start to construct sentences by yourself? That would be easier to understand...


22-05-2013, 13:09
hmm,yesterday talking, but I do not understand why there are allusions to me, if I decide not only Siany, I had, and now he is leader, and he manages, and who says Siany, leaving the CBD? Because I certainly did not and his decision what he does, but it was not subject him to leave Cob, so I know about it

22-05-2013, 15:49
Siany said that Jasper wanted Siany to leave CoB.

[21.05.2013 21:47:23] Oben: hey
[21.05.2013 21:47:24] Oben: wtf
[21.05.2013 21:47:28] Oben: why you leave CoB?
[21.05.2013 21:47:51] Sławek *-(Siany)-*: ultimatum of jasper ;/

And i think Jasper wanted it because CoB will participate clan meeting,IFF not.So,Jasper wanted Siany to leave CoB.Also i talked with Skorup yesterday and i got tons of trashes,bad words from him.I made myself calm and didnt say anything to him but,I'm on my point!

Hero is witness for the trashes,since i sent him all.

22-05-2013, 16:44
i dont say anything Siany u must leave COB ? WTF ?

Lol i dont know what he write to u, and whats the problem IFF do not meetings, that was decisions Skorup
And COB, who say do not play in meeting, jeez, i dont decide of them, ........

I dont play in COB,ask Siany what the fu*k is going on..sry for my bad english...Jasper