View Full Version : GlassLady for Admin! Voting Pole

12-12-2012, 05:42
Hi. Please, consider my candidature for being an admin on COOP servers.

I mostly play coop games and do rocket jumping. I am an average shooter and advanced jumper, not good at fraging at all... for a while, lol.
I am 26 years old (born in 1986), female.

Among my pluses is ability to be a nice cover in the coop gaming and ability of having a huge patience while teaching others rocket jumping. I am able to keep a "poker face" in many conflict situations, I think it's a nice add to the candidate for admin, isn't it?

Russian is my native language, I also speak English and Norwegian. One can see me writing in Spanish sometimes, but I am not good on it, and use it only when other languages do not work.

I believe that I would be a reasonable admin, not relying on only emotions, but on a common sense, humour, my cold mind and warm heart.

Looking forward for the decision ))

12-12-2012, 06:54
Good luck/Udachi

12-12-2012, 07:35
hiya , old tiho again ,lol
now as a reference purely , i have known glass lady for a while
we speak /type on skype
she seems "normal ",lol
i think she would be a good admin whilst knowing we have enough admins so far
but consider her please
sure she is a female , but is smart and caring [imo]
and could be good as admin
im gonna say mr.ostap.......the admin tree need a good shaking [imo]
to get rid if the nuts
my sermon is over
goodbye [ i await constructive comments plz]

12-12-2012, 08:24
No from me.
Too many admins.

Buuuut, i think Glass can be a very good admin.
So Yes.....

12-12-2012, 10:30
got to say that its a nice application, but as oben said.. there are already much coop admins.
So we will see how this will turn out! GL

12-12-2012, 12:45
Hi. Please, consider my candidature for being an admin on COOP servers.

I mostly play coop games and do rocket jumping. I am an average shooter and advanced jumper, not good at fraging at all... for a while, lol.
I am 26 years old (born in 1986), female.

Among my pluses is ability to be a nice cover in the coop gaming and ability of having a huge patience while teaching others rocket jumping. I am able to keep a "poker face" in many conflict situations, I think it's a nice add to the candidate for admin, isn't it?

Russian is my native language, I also speak English and Norwegian. One can see me writing in Spanish sometimes, but I am not good on it, and use it only when other languages do not work.

I believe that I would be a reasonable admin, not relying on only emotions, but on a common sense, humour, my cold mind and warm heart.

Looking forward for the decision ))

Hello GlassLady! As Oben ad Evo said,already have to much coop admins.If someone asking me,I am agree,but that decide all admins.You have very good english,and nice behavior in game,that i see!Good luck!!! :)

12-12-2012, 13:47
In any case it feels sooooo GOOD to hear positive feedbacks regarding my behaviour/ability to be a good admin, i.e. regarding my personality.

Take your time to decide, aaaaaaand listen while considering.....


Just to loose the atmosphere in here even more)))

12-12-2012, 13:53
Lady hi! I think its good idea!
I think need make Lady admin!
Tiho hi! I agree with you!
Thx all who have relations with me, and supports me, see your from year

12-12-2012, 18:26
Good luck GlassLady !!!:doubleup:

12-12-2012, 18:40
Thread converted to voting pole.

12-12-2012, 19:18
Glass Lady, i wish you success! Be glad, to give out and never stopped thinking more positively! :tup:

12-12-2012, 19:35
Thanks for all supporting posts, messages and votes, Barktooth, Tiho, Oben, Evolta, Petar, RODYA, Nobody, Karel, SONY
Thanks to Ostap for bringing this voting as opened to everybody. Lets see what people decide to the 26 December...

12-12-2012, 21:23
I can only give you a big yes from me Glass, you'll be a great game admin.

12-12-2012, 22:34
Damn i wrongly gave No,
Count my vote as YES :)

12-12-2012, 22:45
Damn i wrongly gave No,
Count my vote as YES :)

haha I really respected your no vote, to give your opinion even tho it was different then others....
but then I read your post and realized you just shared our opinion xD

13-12-2012, 01:07
Seems like friendly person. I gave you "yes" :P Just be fair and active :)

13-12-2012, 18:12
haha I really respected your no vote, to give your opinion even tho it was different then others....
but then I read your post and realized you just shared our opinion xD

Normally i thought no but then i think much and decide that she deserves it.
I only thought we have too much admins but then i talked with Tiho and noticed that we need 1 Coop Admin.
So i changed my opinion

13-12-2012, 19:03
Hi. Please, consider my candidature for being an admin on COOP servers.

I mostly play coop games and do rocket jumping. I am an average shooter and advanced jumper, not good at fraging at all... for a while, lol.
I am 26 years old (born in 1986), female.

Among my pluses is ability to be a nice cover in the coop gaming and ability of having a huge patience while teaching others rocket jumping. I am able to keep a "poker face" in many conflict situations, I think it's a nice add to the candidate for admin, isn't it?

Russian is my native language, I also speak English and Norwegian. One can see me writing in Spanish sometimes, but I am not good on it, and use it only when other languages do not work.

I believe that I would be a reasonable admin, not relying on only emotions, but on a common sense, humour, my cold mind and warm heart.

Looking forward for the decision ))

Most of admins are not enough active, So you might be a good effective for us. You get a favorable vote from me.

BlacK SpiRiT
13-12-2012, 20:29
poll should be in private section of admins, what is this comedy? :wtf:

13-12-2012, 20:32
this poll is actually not started by an admin, but judging the actual result, I think this wouldn't have done any difference.

13-12-2012, 21:01
me too vote for you lady welcome in serious sam world :tup:

BlacK SpiRiT
13-12-2012, 22:15
this poll is actually not started by an admin, but judging the actual result, I think this wouldn't have done any difference.
:funny: admins must vote, not every member who comes here :doh:

13-12-2012, 22:16
no problem,we'll count just our votes.

13-12-2012, 22:23
poll should be in private section of admins, what is this comedy? :wtf:

I was also surprised when Ostap created this pole and made it available for all the members. New practice? An experiment? Or just a mistake?
I did not ask Ostap why did he make a common voting poll [partly because I can see when the poll will be closed and what is the current status now, so for me it's very exciting 1000].
In any case, thanks for participation in the voting.

13-12-2012, 22:38
no problem,we'll count just our votes.

IMO, reasonable post, it avoids bothering Ostap with complains why did he open the poll for everybody. Then the problem is solved "in situ", fast (and fair?).

:funny: admins must vote, not every member who comes here :doh:

Fair remark, as it was always like that before. I am just curious about one thing: if poll would be private for only admins, would the result be the same? (taking into accound only admins votes from both public and private voting)
If not, then it would [imo] discredit admins ability of being fair both in front of everybody and in the private group....? 1001
I am just saying it...

13-12-2012, 22:39
Just FYI Ostap, it's spelled Poll, not Pole :D

13-12-2012, 22:51
Thanks, Barktooth, I also corrected my posts ))) [I am always too lazy to look up in the dictionary, so I was writing "pole", taking it from the topic, lol )) Tiho says that my english is understandable, it relaxes me and enhances my anti-dictionary lazyness] :lol:

13-12-2012, 22:52
Just FYI Ostap, it's spelled Poll, not Pole :D

It is a a voting pole


13-12-2012, 22:57
you should know it :)
in US you got that every 4 years - when president dancing for ordinary fox

BlacK SpiRiT
14-12-2012, 10:41
well i am sorry for you but these votes are nothing, anyway when a poll in private will be started we will be able to give u an answer.

14-12-2012, 12:46
well i am sorry for you but these votes are nothing, anyway when a poll in private will be started we will be able to give u an answer.

Why note ?
many admins already have voted

14-12-2012, 16:05
Because only admin votes count and discussions about her being or not being an admin shouldn't be public.

14-12-2012, 16:28
Because only admin votes count and discussions about her being or not being an admin shouldn't be public.

Only admin votes will be counted.
and i see no reason for those votes to be not public

BlacK SpiRiT
14-12-2012, 17:11
Only admin votes will be counted.
and i see no reason for those votes to be not public

one of the reasons is that we could express our opinion more openly than in public, and even if someone wants his vote to be secret, in order to be not judged; we have a private section for this, and we always did like that, so dunno if we dont need it, just delete :tup:

14-12-2012, 21:33
one of the reasons is that we could express our opinion more openly than in public, and even if someone wants his vote to be secret, in order to be not judged; we have a private section for this, and we always did like that, so dunno if we dont need it, just delete :tup:

dude, everybody is scared by your opition lol :P

BlacK SpiRiT
14-12-2012, 22:28
dude, everybody is scared by your opition lol :P

dude stfu :D

15-12-2012, 04:05
i tend to think that all,, not just admin should be able to vote , it gives a more accurate picture i feel
but not my rules
i know glass lady well , and imo, she will be better than most
but fair voting will tell

15-12-2012, 10:01
Official is 7-4 now

Supers Votes: 3-3
Normal Admins: 4-1

15-12-2012, 12:36
Only Admin votes count. It doesn't matter sh*t if its public or not. Nuff said

15-12-2012, 13:12
Official is 7-4 now

Supers Votes: 3-3
Normal Admins: 4-1

Khem... 4-1 or 5-0? :huh: Dear Oben, make up your mind finally :)

Damn i wrongly gave No,
Count my vote as YES :)

16-12-2012, 02:55
By the majority of votes - GlassLady (https://42amsterdam.net/samforum/memberr.php?220-GlassLady) passes ..
I see that some admins are not agree this vote being put public ...
but since it is - please do share why yes / not ...

BlacK SpiRiT
16-12-2012, 13:04
these things can happen only here :doh:; i explained already why the poll should be private; these are the rules (for me).
All in all it doesnt matter to me if shes admin or no :lol:

16-12-2012, 13:42
By the majority of votes - GlassLady (https://42amsterdam.net/samforum/memberr.php?220-GlassLady) passes ..
I see that some admins are not agree this vote being put public ...
but since it is - please do share why yes / not ...

When this is privet things can be discussed about her without hurting her feelings.
So you can express yourself more openly.

But it would be nice to have the poll public, so the soon-to-be admin can see whats going on.
But the talks in privet, so that we as admins can express our ideas.

Now only positive things shall be shared and therefor influence the opinions of the other admins in favor of the soon-to-be admin

16-12-2012, 15:53
When this is privet things can be discussed about her without hurting her feelings.
So you can express yourself more openly.

But it would be nice to have the poll public, so the soon-to-be admin can see whats going on.
But the talks in privet, so that we as admins can express our ideas.

Now only positive things shall be shared and therefor influence the opinions of the other admins in favor of the soon-to-be admin

18-12-2012, 02:05
I guess i have to apologize to all admins for making this request public ...i see now that somehow this all became a secret.
Although i see still no reason for it to be private mater.

when someone requests for admin position - there is no reason to hide anyone opinions....
Everyone is still free to discuss it privately ...

---------- Post added 18-12-2012 at 01:09 ----------

for my self -
if majority of admins vote against all super admins - so be it .!
42 Amsterdam servers are not made for one ... they are for everybody.!!!

18-12-2012, 18:17
I guess i have to apologize to all admins for making this request public ...i see now that somehow this all became a secret.
Although i see still no reason for it to be private mater.

when someone requests for admin position - there is no reason to hide anyone opinions....
Everyone is still free to discuss it privately ...

---------- Post added 18-12-2012 at 01:09 ----------

for my self -
if majority of admins vote against all super admins - so be it .!
42 Amsterdam servers are not made for one ... they are for everybody.!!!

Just do what you want, you're the boss after all.... :bunnypride:

20-12-2012, 04:41
Just do what you want, you're the boss after all.... :bunnypride:

But how its all set up now - i'm also bound to the rules as any other admin. :bunnyreading: