View Full Version : For Admin!

02-11-2012, 21:25
Здравейте,моля да бъда приета за Админ! Благодаря! (Lady)

02-11-2012, 22:41
Can you write more informations about yourself, what is your motivation to became an admin and admin of which server exactly?

Good Luck Bogi :)

BlacK SpiRiT
02-11-2012, 23:52
in russian? :doh:

03-11-2012, 00:11
Играя играта от 3 години,била съм в "Мафия" сега съм в "Демон клан",играя честно,дразня се от измамни играчи,които играят срещу мен...
Ако бъда избрана за админ на сървър бих искала да е Go Hunting and Red station.Моята страна е България! :)

03-11-2012, 00:44
in russian? :doh:

Why not (it's not russian, it's bulgarian)? You can use translator or you would rather like to see not adequate english messages which can't even translate propertly?

I told her to post thread and we will vote to see if she can be admin or not, let's start thread in private and poll will decide.

Be patient Bogi, someone will reply soon. :)

03-11-2012, 00:49
Аз съм търпелива Дани ! Благодаря!

03-11-2012, 01:32
Аз съм съгласен!Надявам се да се справяш добре!Успех!I agree,and I hope you will follow your job good!Good luck!

BlacK SpiRiT
03-11-2012, 10:29
o my god, an admin who cant speak english?...you are kidding me
i should use google translator in a english forum? :doh:

03-11-2012, 11:22
i'm speak English. Whats the problem?! Tnx

03-11-2012, 11:33
Can you then maybe post english posts (or post translation under the bulgarian one?)
Because I cant read this at all :P

BlacK SpiRiT
03-11-2012, 11:34
i'm speak English. Whats the problem?! Tnx

wow nice english :clap:
now edit your previous posts and translate them in english so that anyone could understand :)

03-11-2012, 12:04
No problem guys. I'm write to English.:yes:

03-11-2012, 18:26
So, you all want, that decisions of ban players were based on EMOTIONS, instead of Logic and common sense? Nice...

03-11-2012, 18:51
No for emotions, for respect and good Game

04-11-2012, 05:52
So emotions.

04-11-2012, 10:34
I would not accept her submission for admin... we're already with 25 (2 not active) and English is very important, it's the language most used in this game (I suspect).. But I can't decide, just some advice here... =)

04-11-2012, 13:09
Thanks Hero! I do not understand ,what you have against my native language?I speak and write English!Or is it impossible for a woman,to Admin!:hmmm:

04-11-2012, 15:54
Why would click be admin if it was impossible for girls to be admins?
So the gender doesn't matter, but we cant say for a fact that you are a girl.

And like hero said,.. we are with 25,... that is a lot.

04-11-2012, 16:08
Why would click be admin if it was impossible for girls to be admins?
So the gender doesn't matter, but we cant say for a fact that you are a girl.

And like hero said,.. we are with 25,... that is a lot.


04-11-2012, 17:07
I do not see,what is the problem?Once you do not like me for admin,do not vote for me!:)

04-11-2012, 22:36
Was just saying that your idea that we were against a woman admin was just not right.
My vote has been cast in privet and it will stay there :D

But its nice to see that you are typing english now, I respect that

04-11-2012, 23:28
Thanks Evolta!

07-11-2012, 12:48
hi all, I agree to stay admin lady, she is smart girl, maybe you should (OSTAP)give test period, I disagree with shooters hero for this he say, lady dont cnow and speac english, lady want admin pozityon in SE, you hero have admin pozityon in FE, me respekt all, all there must give chance for LADY, all must think over this,If the reason has in english language, hero speac only english and belguiq languages, me speac more than 6 languages ??:)

07-11-2012, 21:36
As far as i know Lady asked to become admin only on the Petar's red station.. the decision should only be up to him since it's his own server.
I mean.. for what we (he) need other admin's agreement?
Any administrator who add a new admin should perfectly know he's responsable of him and of everything he/she could do, by consequences in case of problems it's only to the admin who gave him administration's position to act in consequences and solve the problems.
Aren't super admins there to take such decision? we have been choosen because we are able to be responsable of our own administrators team, but also of in game troubles.

08-11-2012, 10:31
@lady: LOL, I have nothing against your language, you understood me wrong I think..
@Metaliman: I think you're wrong there.. All admins, should have consensus (voting) about appointing other admins, it's not petar's server but "our server".

08-11-2012, 12:34
me thing this, Ostap cant give two servers for Lady or maybe three, that lady can control, Lady assumes full responsibility for she mistakes. When she enter in admin board, Lady deserves to be tested as admin, for two years she was the longtime as the observer:tup:All can give vote for Lady, she dream to be realize

08-11-2012, 14:48
@lady: LOL, I have nothing against your language, you understood me wrong I think..
@Metaliman: I think you're wrong there.. All admins, should have consensus (voting) about appointing other admins, it's not petar's server but "our server".

His server wears his name though.. that means he should be able to be entire responsable of it :wtf:

08-11-2012, 21:06
me thing this, Ostap cant give two servers for Lady or maybe three, that lady can control, Lady assumes full responsibility for she mistakes. When she enter in admin board, Lady deserves to be tested as admin, for two years she was the longtime as the observer:tup:All can give vote for Lady, she dream to be realize

The server rules have been changed since ...
Admins are accepted on voting base..

Make an voting pole and let all admin decide .

08-11-2012, 21:11
(y) just like I said :-)

BlacK SpiRiT
09-11-2012, 00:25
As far as i know Lady asked to become admin only on the Petar's red station.. the decision should only be up to him since it's his own server.
I mean.. for what we (he) need other admin's agreement?
Any administrator who add a new admin should perfectly know he's responsable of him and of everything he/she could do, by consequences in case of problems it's only to the admin who gave him administration's position to act in consequences and solve the problems.
Aren't super admins there to take such decision? we have been choosen because we are able to be responsable of our own administrators team, but also of in game troubles.


@lady: LOL, I have nothing against your language, you understood me wrong I think..
@Metaliman: I think you're wrong there.. All admins, should have consensus (voting) about appointing other admins, it's not petar's server but "our server".


09-11-2012, 17:55
So it's Petar's server but it's others who decide for him? I don't get it...

09-11-2012, 19:52
The point is: it's not HIS server (not totally his), because it's still Ostap server, and the admins decide about that :)

09-11-2012, 19:52
So it's Petar's server but it's others who decide for him? I don't get it...

Metali has a point...
Petar servers are mostly visited by bulgarians - so having another native speaking admin - would only be good for it ...
If Petar vouches for her - than its should be up to him ...

17-11-2012, 19:08
Agreed :shifty:

02-12-2012, 14:40
I am sorry, but poll votes went negative.