View Full Version : PureOwn uses wallhack - PROVED

17-09-2012, 23:06
Hello guys, I wanna come with another thing which can't stay hidden from you and I'm proud of people who helped me with everything, because I wouldn't be able even to think I'm gonna create the same thread once again ... Let's start.


One year ago, we had the thread called as "Vacation", in which, blackmailer (I still don't know who he was, and if someone thinks this was me, feel free to think like that, I won't care :P) made a video about accusing to PO he used WH. After this video (deleted for now), I've started to think PO really used wallhack (I've also heard PureOwn used lightbulbs in the past, and in a tourney too, so everything is possible if he did that : /), but afterwards, I changed my opinion (because if even this was wh, there wasn't enough profs) and gave a huge apologize to Transpeed via PM.

I've almost forgot about this cane, especially because at last months, talking about Sam's community, I was seriously minded about Dre's thread and nothing else.

But, after CT2012, when PureOwn left SGI, I've heard Black Spirit accused PO in wallhacking. At first I didn't believe, because 1) I've "failed" with accusing to PO in 2011 2) PO just left SGI, this could be a reason why BS started accusing 3) BS made some wrong accusions before ..

I didn't believe PO is a cheater, until I gave it a look carefully.


On 8th of September, 2012, BoyZyator and PureOwn had a "private" ST 1 v 1 game, but PO didn't know he's got also observed ;P And, after this game, some people were totally sure PureOwn used wallhack there. I've also been told about this game and gave a look to the demo. Some moments looked very suspicious but I still wasn't sure on 100 % (also, because I just couldn't believe), but after Black Spirit made all of these videos with wallhack (I didn't want to search/download/install wh on my computer) and I've watched them, now I'm (and a lot of people who watched this already) sure: PureOwn used wallhack there. So ...

PROFS that PureOwn used wallhack in the game vs BoyZ.

Okay, now you can see some videos made from that demo, made by Simo :tup: They are few, so this is why I have to use the spoiler tag ..




These 3 videos clearly proves this game has been played with WH from PO's side. Especially the first video and the second moment of the second video which looks like absolutely noobish wallhack, reminded me of Zeb89 or Anxiety/Demon .. And this "watching BoyZ" in the third video .. :pitiful:

If you wanna watch it yourself, feel free to download (http://www.mediafire.com/?ivfd4dx7hoeftdc) the demo of course :tup:

Also, before creating videos me and Black Spirit found (and wrote the time) most of strange moments in this game, if this demo would still look normal for you, take a look to these times.

Moments found by Zeo:

1) 9.29 - 9.35 - looks like PO saw (without wh is impossible ofc), that BoyZ was "afk" (though Boyz camped from what I've seen), and he started to run without sense
2) 11.24 - what a shoot to wall
3) 11.54 - what a turning to left ! Like he saw BoyZ is there ..
4) 13.14, 13.22 - 13.29 - seems like he knew that BoyZ is on that side of the map
5) 14.07 - seems like he totally knew that BoyZ is coming from there ..
6) 16.05 - 16.07 - seems like he saw BoyZ standing there again ..
7) 16.34 - seems like he knew BoyZ (after taking +50 of health) is gonna run to there
8) 18.26 - what a moment, what a shoot, and doesn't look like a prediction
9) 20.59 - double prediction, or wallhack ? Look how PO was turning to left ..
10) 25.27 - what a smaaall turning, looks like he saw where BoyZ jumped
11) 25.38 - again ! Looks like PO is watching BoyZ ..
12) 26.02 - seems like he knew BoyZ is there = /

Moments found by Black Spirit:

15.28 = WH
16.00 - 16.10 = he knows where boyz is :P
17.40 - 17.50 = there is a fight and he stand camping in the corner
18.40 = expecting boyz falling down the ladder
19.20 = no comment clear wh
19.53 = as i said, he is in tricky situation he is losing vs boyz, now wh is on almost always
20.56= wallhack clear as fuck
24.07 - 24.08= what a exact shot :)
24.19 = fight in the tower
24.30= as you can see he tries to not be busted and in a first moment he simulates to not see boyz behind the corner, but in a second moment he has a no- human reactivity and kill him
25.28 = what a strange waiting
31.39 = he comes back because he missed boyz with wh ahahah
34.05 = lol

Okay, we've got more than enough profs that PureOwn used wallhack in that game, but this is not the end.

PROFS that PureOwn used wallhack in other games.

Well, Black Spirit started to think PO used wallhack in other (every ? lol) games and he was so fucking right. Here you can see videos (also made by BS, ofc) from other random games by PO.





Thanks to Xaeron for sharing the last demo :tup:

Could PureOwn's brothers use wallhack either ?

Black Spirit made two more videos, the first one is about Mr. Transpeed, and in the second video is about SG and PO



Though, personally for me, the second video (SG's moments looks strange) looks a way more strange than the first one about Trans, but ...
Who can know what two brothers of PO can do ? Why wouldn't they follow his brother if he clearly used wallhack ?

Well, I also made a vote about it :tup:


Also, I'm gonna tell y'all my personal opinion about that.

Dear Tristan, though we've started to have almost some kind of friendships in the last time again, but I always had a strange feeling about you.
How the f*ck dare you to say you're one of greatest players ? Even with wallhack, win vs new players for you gets really hard, is this a good skill tell me ? 30/29 vs Xaeron who plays since the second half of 2010 ? In the game vs BoyZ, you had the score 1:6 in the start :rofl: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ?
Also, even with wallhack, you're nothing in all of other maps, you haven't registered in 1v1 LT Tournament and I even wasn't surprised :aww:
How could you be scared of Euphoria even with wallhack ? How could you call him as a cheater while you were the same one ?
How could you tell me that X-Fighter used cheats in Clan Tournament 2010 for Campers ? Maybe it's (also or only) you who used this ?
I've always respected you for making tourneys, but now I know why did you create this: just to win with another kind of cheat ?
We know you've won Shotty Complex 1v1 Tourney in 2008 with lightbulbs (means almost WH in that map) just to get a new mouse :lol:

I really was happy when KoA got ressurected, and I'm sorry if you, guys from KoA, who will agree (and will say it public) PO used wh, will have to leave this clan which could be one of top. But what the f**k is this man: clan, where the main leader is a cheater :(

In 2011, I wasn't a blackmailer, but I wish I could be him, because you're worth it - so f**ing true.
The only reason why I was so dumb, is that I made a huge apologize to Transpeed - FOR NOTHING.

Get back to Campers to be a Dre's cheating mate, or take Dre from Campers, take Anxiety from Interplay, take Scantrax, Zeb89 etc. and create finally your own awesome clan :), though you won't be able to enjoy the game so much because you're gonna be banned everywhere, maybe except for GZ The Only One Server, anyway you can enjoy games alone there : )

With disrespecting, J. Zeo

Allright, I made a copy from GZ thread right here, if it gets deleted one way : D

BlacK SpiRiT
17-09-2012, 23:42
I feel glad and free that finally biggest truth ever came out, it's years of suspects which bothered me costantly. My charge starts from years and years, but i never took this speech as serious, but last year after watching that blackmail movie, i never got convinced anyhow that it could be so easily forgotten; and i decided to study his gameplay during our training-year in SGI.....well i did not need much time to get the truth that, we are in front of the BIGGEST CHEATER EVER OF SERIOUS SAM, it's not even comparable to zeb, not even to Eupho or Havana and to noone of those retard cheaters, we got a smart cheater here, a person who is able to trick you with an accurate and years-trained cheating tactic (knowing when to turn it on, when to turn it off, and when to do a fail moment just to trick the accuses). Learning to know him i understood how smart he could be, in his dialectic in the way of being looking reliable with his words; i really delighted him for this, even knowing how the things was setted on by now, i learnt much from him.
Playing in team with him i couldnt realize how he could so easily find me to run togheter, and so on i understood his tactics-movements were not human but forced CLEARLY by a bot. This is something i am studying by one year, and this day would have been the day of ban PO from SGI, but luckily (dunno why) he left before, and so on i felt free to start working on it. As lover of the truth and justice i could not accept this game could even longer suffer such a deception, and i started making my projects, and going on, watching demos deeply i managed to make movies (at beginning just for test for a future big movie but then we realized they were more than enough and well clear), and so that's how we found ourself today in here. Of course it's not just me who is sure about this obviousness but it's the product of a long selected people poll (even if i'd have opened this case alone anyway). Now finally, i just have to say that nobody and i mean NOBODY IN THE WHOLE EARTH could not get convinced by the videos, unless we arent in front of : other cheaters, asslickers, retards, corrupted subjects.
According to Ostap expressed permission, and as superadmin of 42adam servers, he is gonna be officially and definitly banned on 42adam servers, and i whish him happy lonely games on gamezone the only one :tup:
Of course, what we are talking about here, has the same meaning for his well known brothers, for obvious reasons (some of the proofs collected in movies are from SG and Transpeed even, but due to their activity the amount of proofs is less, but steal as clear as a blue summer sky...) :)

Tristan bro, remember many years ago what did u tell me? You made a fool of all of us, me included, i do remember it still and now it's my turn to say it "When u do it, do it good ;)". Good luck in the future

Your dear, Simo.

My copy in here too :tup:

18-09-2012, 17:17
________________________PureOwns defence________________________

O gosh.....................

I knew this thread was coming

I never seen this frags WITH wallhack lol, looks very funny.
However is this all u can come up with? i have some demos of myself with frags wich looks ALOT more like wallhack this aint worth making the thread, and all is about prediction. also in the movie where boyzyator camped at 50 armor, i knew he must be hiding somewhere in there since i was hunting him to that area (something u dont see in a 5 second video) like this frag i can defend myself and explain every single move i did. however its not worth it since i have alot of enemy's in this game who will hate and try to make me look bad no matter what.

Btw i even made a movie of boyz with more suspicious frags then u come up with Zeo. however i believe every top ST player makes suspicious frags, and then im not talking about you and simo who are very avarage.
If these few frags makes me a wallhacker i cant do anything then laugh my pants off

Accusing SG and Transpeed who had this skill in 2005 when wallhack wasnt even invented makes you look like a fool in my eyes
Also in the exact same game vs Boyz u see 3/4 moments where Boyz just showed up in front of me, if i indeed had a wallhack why didnt i avoid these moments?
Why would i lose from Joakim (clean) and win 10/9 and 30/29 from clean skilled players as Boyzyator and Xaeron? If i had a wallhack, why would i let it come to 1 last frag to lose a 1v1 in my favorite map?

Our "friendship" means nothing, however i was warned about simo and you making some video's of me, and since VERY good sources told me you indeed where the blackmailer (ye i knew it the whole time ) i'm kinda dissapointed with this video wich includes dayle made frags that would be made by every good ST player. i believe i could have done a better job however i have no wallhack to show certain moments without walls, so yeah in that way your videos would always look more spectacular

Anyway, i have nothing to hide, i have no wallhack. however that's impossible to proove and thx alot for the compliment, everyone who doubt about my 7 year practise in ST and consider me as a cheater, means i'm really good .

I'm not gonna hide like Dre, since i know i'm clean i,ve done my say here.

Believe what you guys wanna believe, i played even better before wallhack was invented. If u wanna catch some real cheaters go after the guys who suddently became stronger after wallhack was invented, and no i wont call any names.

19-09-2012, 18:23
omg i didnt expect it from Pureown.He is admin eh?

19-09-2012, 19:02
omg i didnt expect it from Pureown.He is admin eh?
Noone did... Yep' he was admin and i respected him as a fair guy. For me this was suprise, but i see... long time ago he was already suspected by some oldschoolers!

BlacK SpiRiT
19-09-2012, 23:43
Well, fortunately now it's over :tup:

28-09-2012, 14:02
F U C K E D C H E A T E R :noob:
my opinion, but I agree with Evo too xD

28-09-2012, 16:08
F U C K E D C H E A T E R :noob:
my opinion, but I agree with Evo too xD

My post here is the copied defence from PO :P

have done my replies in gamezone24

BlacK SpiRiT
29-09-2012, 10:19
My post here is the copied defence from PO :P

have done my replies in gamezone24

if you call a plenty of lies a defence :P

29-09-2012, 21:59
Yes its a defence ;) but its the judges (admins in this case) that make the final call.
But I think it was a fair thing to post it.

Nevertheless he is banned and will stay banned.

BlacK SpiRiT
29-09-2012, 22:47
Yes its a defence ;) but its the judges (admins in this case) that make the final call.
But I think it was a fair thing to post it.

Nevertheless he is banned and will stay banned.

no doubt about that :tup:
Anyway a defence is when u bring exact evidence in a contradictory against the accuses, it doesnt seem like that; but yes it was fair to post it ;)
Also, when the evidence of the accuse is irrefutable (clear beyond any doubt), a defence cant exist.

29-09-2012, 22:52
as long as the defender has not commited the crime there shall excist a defence :)

BlacK SpiRiT
29-09-2012, 22:54
as long as the defender has not commited the crime there shall excist a defence :)

the crime has been commited :)
Fortunately justice won :tup:

nana lady
22-07-2013, 07:21
:( ban :(

22-07-2013, 07:37

22-07-2013, 08:19
i agree with nana lady
:( ban :(

22-07-2013, 08:34
Damn Pure...........

22-07-2013, 08:44
​he was admin? He use wallhack!!!

---------- Post added 22-07-2013 at 07:45 ----------

i agree with you rodya
damn pure