View Full Version : Lags and stuff

27-07-2012, 15:09
Hi everyone

I'd like to start a thread about lags on my server..
Well - first of all - server runs on 100/100mbit connection at Amsterdam hosting company (https://www.pcextreme.nl/en/). (not at home as it was in 2011 :) )
So connection is fine ...(with fully loaded servers - max net load is about 380kb/sec up and 200kb/sec down ....with 70+ players)

There is of coz some overhead of CPU usage on the server beside the game servers them self...
1 - statistics calculation
2 - forum

It is vacation time so - this whole week - i've spent optimizing server performance in general...
statistics calculation was dropped from 27seconds down to 10 seconds ...(all those top lists and stuff...does takes time to compute)
Also - there were some code caching stuff installed on the site it self to minimize CPU usage on each web page request.

Result ? - well
CPU usage dropped from 45% down to 25% on decently loaded server (50+ players)

Although i still see "lag" messages....
sometime from dudes from Algeria ...with ping of 350 ...ooookey...that i can understand
sometime from dudes from Russia ....with ping of 180....ok ...can happen...
sometime from dude from Ierland ....with ping of 98 ...hmm wtf ?

How come ?
Is everyone using neighbors WiFi ? or i'm missing something ?
Anyway - for what ever reason there is ...(latest optimizations or vacation time ...or whatever)
There is less lag messages this week

Any thoughts about this ?

27-07-2012, 19:33
sometime from dude from Ierland ....with ping of 98 ...hmm wtf ?

Prottoss noob xD
Anyway I spam @admin with "lag" messages because when too many noobs join, I get lag (bad CPU, it can't handle predicting so many people and rockets/grenades at the same time)

27-07-2012, 20:11
Prottoss noob xD
Anyway I spam @admin with "lag" messages because when too many noobs join, I get lag (bad CPU, it can't handle predicting so many people and rockets/grenades at the same time)

6 cores AMD (Phenom 1100)..does it fine for a fracture of Intel price...as a mater of fact ... an AMD CPU priced at 180euro ...
is just 20% behind Intel head ship CPU that has a tag price of 1100 euro.

So quit blaming my server ...ask your provider ...
You live in USA - the country where you pay and get screwed ..(doesn't it remind you Russia?...lol) ...
My server is in Europe - were i pay - and i get what I pay for ...

27-07-2012, 20:40
btw - in november my f##ing contract for Windows 2008 R2 server runs out...
so i'm updating my machine to this - https://www.pcextreme.nl/en/servers/dedicated-servers/
A freaking Zambezi AMD ...30% faster...for no costs ...Intel can suck it

27-07-2012, 21:55
I think Bark blame his own CPU :lol:

27-07-2012, 22:29
I think Bark blame his own CPU :lol:

Its just absolutely frustrating to paint a wall to nice red color ....when all around are color blind ...

29-07-2012, 11:58
lag is not only the ping you have ostap,..

When i have 40 ping on your server I "lag"
And when im on wireless upstairs I have blue and yellow spikes so I "lag"

So I understand the frustration about lag even when the ping is good / great

29-07-2012, 12:15
Evo, your ping must be low on A42 servers, you are from the same coutnry where servers are hosted. Lags can be caused also by client's side for many reasons. I check if it not lags on figona server, than it's not me. :rolleyes:

29-07-2012, 13:53
lag is not only the ping you have ostap,..

When i have 40 ping on your server I "lag"
And when im on wireless upstairs I have blue and yellow spikes so I "lag"

So I understand the frustration about lag even when the ping is good / great

Yea sure ...but what causes it ?
CPU never goes over 50% ...memory is less than 30% in use ...(game servers)..and there is still over 5gig available (from all 16) at all time
Server runs on SSD disk ...but all games code is located in RAM disk ...thus even less chance of hardware delay...

29-07-2012, 14:47
Yea sure ...but what causes it ?
CPU never goes over 50% ...memory is less than 30% in use ...(game servers)..and there is still over 5gig available (from all 16) at all time
Server runs on SSD disk ...but all games code is located in RAM disk ...thus even less chance of hardware delay...

The problem isn't on your side but on the players side I think,...
bad netscripts / unstable connection,...

29-07-2012, 17:14
The problem isn't on your side but on the players side I think,...
bad netscripts / unstable connection,...

thats what i think as well ...
hours , days and eventually weeks been spent to optimize my system ...but lag messages still there...
at some point i wanted to move servers to germany ... where figona servers are located...
but after some thorough check - it was not worth it ...coz all providers use same trans-asian or trans-american connection ...
Holland still at the knot point with trans-american cable...(that cable is about few hundred meters from me :)...although my provider is about 2km away from me on the other side of Amsterdam)

And within europe - its all depends on how good provider is ...
I've checked myn - and its 100% reliable ... at all times i've had 99% of promised speed...

At home i've 120/10mbit connection ...provided by UPC - an American company in Holland ...
and its like 10% of what i pay for ... and no way to make it better ...
in 2011 I requested to check my connection like 4 times in 2 months ...and dudes found nothing ...
but company still clamps down connection ...
120mbit down ? ..i've only 100 down ...
10mbit up ? ...i've only 3down ...
but what do you expect from an American company ?

Americans are like Russians -
Russians screw you coz they just had to step on your head ...to move further ..
Americans screw you anyway - its just they nature ...(or others will think they are weak)

29-07-2012, 17:32
but what do you expect from an American company ?

yup, but thats not only with UPC the problem.
But also know that much players are now on wireless connections,.. even the wireless mouse, headphone, camera (even the microwave) can cause lag.

29-07-2012, 17:50
WI-FI is not for gaming, especially not for FPS games... unstable as a hell

29-07-2012, 17:57
yup, but thats not only with UPC the problem.
But also know that much players are now on wireless connections,.. even the wireless mouse, headphone, camera (even the microwave) can cause lag.

Damn Evo ...
I've been talking about it for a year on GZ ...and finally there is someone who knows what i mean ...
When you'll be in amsterdam i'll buy you a bier ...

29-07-2012, 19:16
Yeah, my Wi-Fi goes bad sometimes too :( Usually, I need to reboot the router 2-3 times a day to fix it. I was referring to my CPU in that post, like Click said :P
I have to say, I did for sure notice a little less lag when you've updated the stats calculators or whatever, the netgraph is now more straight. (Like in Figona servers) However, in SS.RU servers, even though I have high ping - I can use BufferActions=1 without any spikes, and it lowers my ping to the normal 250-270. The netgraph there is usually COMPLETELY straight for me :O
And, well, it's true - with this connection, we are paying for a 15/5, but a lot of the time I get around 5/5. WHERE ARE THE OTHER 10 MBITS DAMMIT?? Dunno though, maybe Cox is just a bunch of cocks, but the previous connection I had, I got the speed that was promised.

29-07-2012, 19:35
I must say something, when i change NET-Speed from 1.3mbps/64kbps to 10mbps/1mbps i got unstable connection. More lags with X-F's lowping script but less ping. So that script became unusable 4 me, now i using quality and i play with ping 110-160 before that i can play with 90 with lowping and quality script shows 180... what a mistery :huh:

29-07-2012, 20:17
Yeah, my Wi-Fi goes bad sometimes too :( Usually,

dude ...WiFi ?...
i'm not taking your complains any longer ....

29-07-2012, 20:21
damit .. did i just spent half a year for dudes like barky ?
trying to make it better while they all use WiFi ?

29-07-2012, 20:25
somebody hire a killer and shoot me now

29-07-2012, 21:43
dude ...WiFi ?...
i'm not taking your complains any longer ....

damit .. did i just spent half a year for dudes like barky ?
trying to make it better while they all use WiFi ?

somebody hire a killer and shoot me now


HAHAHAHAHAHA Barktroolt :respekt: :tup:

Damn i cant stop laugh, Bark you pwn :lmao3:

29-07-2012, 22:45
Troll successful? :ff:

Seriously though Ostap, I'm sure a lot of people use Wi-Fi, but it's not that bad. If it lags with wireless, it also usually lags with cable. I'm only like 3 meters away from the router, c'mon. Most of the network lag is caused by FPS drops anyway. So yeah LOL I'm sure your optimization helps a lot.

29-07-2012, 23:01
Troll successful? :ff:


If it lags with wireless, it also usually lags with cable.

I tested this by myself, you are right in one hand. But it is more stable with cable... if you can chose, better use cable especially if your neighbour trying to hack your WI-FI password. Better turn it off and use only cable :tup:

30-07-2012, 02:57
When you'll be in amsterdam i'll buy you a bier ...

humz for 1,90 a beer I wont come to a'dam ;)
when im planning to go there ill post a message. (but plz no heineken)

30-07-2012, 03:11
but plz no heineken

are you kidding ? - i dont know why those dudes ever let him go ...
I'll get you some chip german bier ...from aldi ...

no screw that - i'll ask friend of my ...
he'll send cheap dutch bier from moscow...
ever had "Amsterdam" brand ? ...:)...8.5 %...and up...

30-07-2012, 10:25
yup ofc I have had it :P

31-07-2012, 16:43
damn i love my 16gig server !!!!!!!!!!
I just moved temp directory to memory ...
together with code caching - it gave another 0.3-0.7 sec boost ....

Free memory is still at 7gig ...but it will decline down to 5 in a day....

31-07-2012, 21:45
Do you exually need to have the game installed to start a server?

let me rephrase that:
ostap do you have sam installed to host your servers?

01-08-2012, 05:58
Do you exually need to have the game installed to start a server?

let me rephrase that:
ostap do you have sam installed to host your servers?

It was at the begin ...
now its stripped down to minimum and splitted into base codes and multiple modes (to conserve the space)
and each server re-builds it according to the selected parameters..

RPS rysiek
10-03-2013, 13:47

10-03-2013, 14:10

you should blame your own connection... I run a perfectly stable game with an average of 58ms on each 42a'dam server, and i've got only 18mb.

RPS rysiek
10-03-2013, 15:14
I know it's my connection, sometimes I have these spikes, mostly on weekends ;P and when I use the script on a low ping. screen the only to show :D

10-03-2013, 18:57
most of ISPs apply a data restriction, even if it doesn't affect the connection's speed (accorded to speedtests) media files such videos loads much slower than normally, and it generates a high unstability (mostly noticable in game).

You must search for a honest ISP providing you a TRUE internet connection without illegal and unfair restriction.

OVH.com, they should be international if i'm right, they are my actual ISP and they are simply awesome!

18-05-2013, 00:09
Amsterdam smoked again

18-05-2013, 00:46
Amsterdam smoked again

there were some bugs ...servers had to be rebooted...

18-05-2013, 02:40
Ehhh.. I know :) I'm kidding

18-05-2013, 13:52
ffs lol, i got a fair slow pc and high ping , 500+ on a good day ,lol , just live with yur old pc , mine dont lag but hi ping is acceptable , i can jump within 80% of my peers , i have more things to worry about ,lol [ i cabled our 5 pcs here , disabled wireless , hmmm , ask ostap ,lol