View Full Version : Camping rule (Second Round - FE only)

21-07-2012, 01:38
Hi everyone

We still got some a dilemma here
2 weeks ago - i've posted a pole to vote FOR or AGAINST some of 42 Amsterdam rules...
Well ....
Vote failed ...coz:
- not everyone understood how it works
- not everyone understood the rule it self
- mixed votes for SE and FE ....

Therefore - second round !
Only this time - First Encounter servers ONLY !
(third round for Second Encounter will be held in 7 weeks since post date of this pole ...its vacation time - so...)

The rules that under question are:

All servers rules
1. Type kill IS NOT game violation by default.
2. NO Camping - Camping singularly - this creates inequality between a single joining player and one that has been camping in the game for some time. If such a behaviour is detected - the player will be banned and thier top results (if any) removed. As long as single player has the advantage - and others have no time to gain it - it's a violation of the rules

First Encounter Servers (specific rules)
1. No re-spawn frags.

If some rules will be voted in or out - they will be removed or marked as "specific" to the game type.

So ..lets vote ..
Vote for it ..or against it ...

Please Note:
Your vote is correct only - WHEN THERE ARE 3 CHOICES SELECTED ...(for or against ..)

21-07-2012, 13:39
Camping is a violation:
As long as single player has the advantage - and others have no time to gain it - it's a violation of the rules.
The red part here is very important tho.

Typefragging is not:
Simply because this can conflict with the gameplay. Yet its honerable to just leave a typer alone.

21-07-2012, 15:44
Camping is a violation. I've seen many people complaining about spawnfrag though...We must admit it's a pretty special case due to the over powered tommygun used to kill respawning people from far distances... I think it would be good to do something about it. Only for Desert Temple, spawnfrag IS a game violation.

(edit: I voted only "camping is violation" so please count one more "spawnfrag is violation".)

21-07-2012, 17:26
How about this, increase respawn protection to 5-10 seconds or so, so there won't be any spawnfrag rule needed.

I think it's alot better if there are not too many rules about camping and so, because many players do "camp", if we make too many rules, we lose players.. Just a player should play like he thinks is right, no need to complain about others. :)

If You have a serious problem about camping, it means You aren't able to kill that camper. There can be some servers where camping/typefragging is a violation, but it definitely shouldn't be in all servers. :tup:

21-07-2012, 18:01
How about this, increase respawn protection to 5-10 seconds or so, so there won't be any spawnfrag rule needed.

I think it's alot better if there are not too many rules about camping and so, because many players do "camp", if we make too many rules, we lose players.. Just a player should play like he thinks is right, no need to complain about others. :)

If You have a serious problem about camping, it means You aren't able to kill that camper. There can be some servers where camping/typefragging is a violation, but it definitely shouldn't be in all servers. :tup:

That's the almost same thing i have suggest before. I agree with you :doubleup:

21-07-2012, 18:57
people would abuse of this time to attack other players while they are invincible... 4 seconds max, it's well enough to find a wall

4 seconds and a new rule for spawnkill would be the best choice...

22-07-2012, 09:18
people would abuse of this time to attack other players while they are invincible... 4 seconds max, it's well enough to find a wall

4 seconds and a new rule for spawnkill would be the best choice...
If this respawn protection gives problems, why do we need a "No spawnkill" rule? Don't say you can't run away from knifer who has 5 second protection lol. It's his own problem if he doesn't use that time well.

I still think that if we make too many rules, we lose players :) Make 1-2 servers with no camping/spawnfrag/typefrag rule, but don't make it to all servers.

22-07-2012, 12:17
If You have a serious problem about camping, it means You aren't able to kill that camper. There can be some servers where camping/typefragging is a violation, but it definitely shouldn't be in all servers. :tup:
1) read my post about the camping rule (not being able to kill the camper makes the rule excist)
2) its only about the FE map desert temple now

and plz plz plz do not increase the spawn protection, been playing since 2003 (I think) and I noticed that a too high spawn protection is only ennoying.
Just see how long it takes for each spawn place to get the nearest gun and then take the max out of that. The idea that you need to have the tommygun is wrong.

22-07-2012, 22:51
I think it's alot better if there are not too many rules about camping and so, because many players do "camp", if we make too many rules, we lose players.. Just a player should play like he thinks is right, no need to complain about others. :)

If You have a serious problem about camping, it means You aren't able to kill that camper. There can be some servers where camping/typefragging is a violation, but it definitely shouldn't be in all servers. :tup:

yes thats what i think too

plus that camping rule is way too vague and leaves too much room for interpretation..
what is camping? when does camping start? after what time? how long am i allowed to stay in one place? is it still camping if i leave that place for a few seconds and then go back to my favorite place? and so on...

everybody should be able to play the game the way he wants to

22-07-2012, 23:03
yes thats what i think too

plus that camping rule is way too vague and leaves too much room for interpretation..
what is camping? when does camping start? after what time? how long am i allowed to stay in one place? is it still camping if i leave that place for a few seconds and then go back to my favorite place? and so on...

everybody should be able to play the game the way he wants to

I guess nobody still understands the rule ....

Camping is vague rule agree - that's why i've specifically added - "Singularly" ...that is alone ...
Its not the same when someone stays on one sweet place and frags everyone with multiple players available.

Its about players who camp alone in an empty server with full armor to gain high score ... as I've already noted - those players usually leave if more than one player joins - or they got killed (ruining the score thus)

Boyzy - said - its difficult to control ...i'm disagree completely - high score and "presence map" (in demo section) shows exactly how game went on ...

And one more time:
Camping ...when multiple players present - is part of the game ....it is a tactic of gaming ...i'm not robbing servers of that.

Please DO read rule more carefully !!

23-07-2012, 02:55
Camping ...when multiple players present - is part of the game ....it is a tactic of gaming ...i'm not robbing servers of that.

Please DO read rule more carefully !!

yes,... coz the rule is very specific!! If players really think that this camping rule should be gone,... I invite those to play sam FE with me ;)

09-08-2012, 14:31
I guess nobody still understands the rule ....

Camping is vague rule agree - that's why i've specifically added - "Singularly" ...that is alone ...
Its not the same when someone stays on one sweet place and frags everyone with multiple players available.

Its about players who camp alone in an empty server with full armor to gain high score ... as I've already noted - those players usually leave if more than one player joins - or they got killed (ruining the score thus)

Boyzy - said - its difficult to control ...i'm disagree completely - high score and "presence map" (in demo section) shows exactly how game went on ...

And one more time:
Camping ...when multiple players present - is part of the game ....it is a tactic of gaming ...i'm not robbing servers of that.

Please DO read rule more carefully !!

but people are getting banned cuz they camp and stay in one spot for too long, so i assumed this is what this rule meant.
in fact somebody is banned right now cuz he did what i described in my post

so its totally okay to camp for example in hole at the lava place or the heart as long as i want during a game?

i didnt know there are actually players that stay alone in the servers for hours waiting till somebody joins only to spawnkill them and gain an advantage this way lol

09-08-2012, 14:44




Have you noticed that its for FE servers ONLY ?


09-08-2012, 15:23
yeah i did .. so this means this camping rule currently doesnt apply for se? i took a look at the latest rules and the camping issue is only mentioned under All server rules ? 8 .. so i assumed this paragraph is for both fe and se

but back to my question.. maybe this is just a misunderstanding of mine... in post 9 of this thread i described what i thought this rule is about. i also play sometimes like this. then in the next post u say its not and this rule only applies for player that stay alone in the server and wait for others.
so today when i was visiting the server stats page i saw some italian player (super robocop something) being banned. Reason: camping. then i remembered we had a discussion about it here before. i watched the demo and noticed i also play sometimes like this and stay in certain spots for some time like this player did. so my question is if playing like this is forbidden? cuz if it is i must change my playing stye

if u think this post is not appropriate in this thread u can move it to a better, SE related thread ;) i just wasnt sure where else i should post this

09-08-2012, 15:33
LOL I was pretty suriprised that dude got banned, he is a total noob and he needs to camp to get any frags.

09-08-2012, 18:09
yeah i did .. so this means this camping rule currently doesnt apply for se? i took a look at the latest rules and the camping issue is only mentioned under All server rules ? 8 .. so i assumed this paragraph is for both fe and se

but back to my question.. maybe this is just a misunderstanding of mine... in post 9 of this thread i described what i thought this rule is about. i also play sometimes like this. then in the next post u say its not and this rule only applies for player that stay alone in the server and wait for others.
so today when i was visiting the server stats page i saw some italian player (super robocop something) being banned. Reason: camping. then i remembered we had a discussion about it here before. i watched the demo and noticed i also play sometimes like this and stay in certain spots for some time like this player did. so my question is if playing like this is forbidden? cuz if it is i must change my playing stye

if u think this post is not appropriate in this thread u can move it to a better, SE related thread ;) i just wasnt sure where else i should post this

Its a pole - and camping rule is under question now (as well others mentioned above)... but for FE only for now ...
there will be SE pole later on ...
What will happen probably - is that rule will be splitted between two server types ...coz games and maps are not the same. So are the playing tactics on those servers.

New SE voting pole is created ...so you can vote there for the same rules