View Full Version : 42Chat

17-04-2021, 20:01
Good news Everyone

Some time ago i've disconnected 42Amsterdam from Discord (https://42amsterdam.net/samforum/showthread.php?t=2410) (and not without a reason)

Today i'd like to announce 42Amsterdam Chat site !!
You can access it from the navigation top - "42Chat" ....or direct link: https://chat.42amsterdam.net


It is an alternative to Discord chat
Chat is based on open source "RocketChat" and integrated into 42 environment ...(integration still ongoing)

Old command @discord - now replaced by @chat (to post messages into new chat)
Feel free to summon players who's online in 42amsterdam chat

Chat site is an separate entity - and at the moment does not rely on registration on forum
Thus ..you'll have to create another account to join

22-09-2021, 22:42
Chat is available via browser ...
but if you want it as an app - there is one :


After install - specify server location: https://chat.42amsterdam.net