View Full Version : Non Youtube videos support

15-03-2021, 22:16
Good news everyone !

You can add now videos that are not from Youtube !!!
I know it should've been there 10 years ago.

but 10 years ago everyone trusted Google and Youtube (so did I)
Now days trust is gone and everyone trying to host their own videos (to avoid being censored by murican corporations)

For now - only "mp4" files are accepted as video
(basically - you can add it as normal video before - just make sure it is an mp4 file in URL)
something like...site.com/video.mp4)
parameters are acceptable...site.com/video.mp4?t=1&b=2&c=3)

just a test video from different URL
https ://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1352557680242679810/pu/vid/404x360/ZuZQlXW3z6RqSvrQ.mp4


17-03-2021, 15:25
Test video... No work


17-03-2021, 16:31
works fine ....
but it seems you too :) using "NoScript" plugin ..... enable the URL host you just posted



I can download the video and host it my self ....but it's under the consideration at the moment
there are lots of issues will be raised if I'll do that.

17-03-2021, 22:28
Yes! It works! I posted it from smartphone and there was a problem, but everything is fine on the computer.