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03-03-2020, 00:34
Hi everyone
Since our government were too slack to report to us (about the corona virus)
and still is ..

I would suggest to go and buy some food for a time of 2-3 months
If nothing happens - great ..you can always re-use it ..

Everyone sure can start posting re-posts that would reassure that it all just a flew ..
Right ...no problem ..
But i still would go and make a preparation !!!! better safe than sorry...

07-03-2020, 04:02
Tick tack ...


---------- Post added 07-03-2020 at 03:06 ----------

as they said ... only grannies will die ...
so ..DO protect them now !!!!

---------- Post added 07-03-2020 at 03:08 ----------

as they protected you when you were just a baby

14-03-2020, 22:06
New news:
Some very reliable - but anonymous (to protect their existence) sources have leaked new developments on corona virus.

According to the analysts - we should not be infected by the Covid-19.
Just not yet !
In the fall of the year - there will be new version of it introduced - Covid-20 as well the whole line up Covid-20 Pro & Covid-20 Plus versions

17-03-2020, 23:23
Even though that some people are getting tired of all this corona virus
I'd like to memorize some of what is happening now coz our media is not happy with it and info will eventually be dis-formed or removed like faceboob does.

31 January - first infected in Italy
24 February - Italy quarantines north provinces
24 February - Austria - implements extra control on border with italy
08 March - Italy expands quarantine to all its regions
09 March - Italy issued total lock down
10 March - Croatia - partial border lock - all foregners from infected countries quarantined
12 March - Czechia declared STATE EMERGENCY
12 March - Slovakia closed borders
13 March - Belgium - closed borders
13 March - Bulgaria declared STATE EMERGENCY
13 March - Denmark issued borders lock down
14 March - Spain issued almost total lock down
14 March - Poland introduced border control
15 March - Slovakia declared STATE EMERGENCY
15 March - Cyprus - closed its borders
15 March - Greece - ban for Italy travelers
15 March - Germany - ban of non ecential travel
15 March - France - borders will remain open !!!
15 March - Holland government woke up after 2 months sleeping - advised to stay at home and wash your hands
16 March - Germany closed borders with most surrounding countries
16 March - France total lock down with a curfew in place
16 March - Holland - we'll concour virus with our will and unity!!! - all public places closed.. keep smoking though
16 March - Estonia - quarantined every one from abroad infected countries
16 March - Greece - partial travel ban (only infected countries)
16 March - Hungary - border lock down
17 March - Europe officially declared closing its external borders

I'm sure i'm missing alot ... plz correct me

18-03-2020, 01:05
The virus is not an ULTRA dangerous virus but it's still a very big threat for everyone. That's why confinement is very important. People please stay at home! It allows to hospitals not to get saturated and so people can be healed correctly.

Therefore, there is no need to go buy 3 months of food or water or even...toilet paper. Vital services are still guaranteed by our governments (such as water, energy, food transportation and supermarkets supply).

Take care of yourselves and others. Stay at home, wash your hands and try not to touch your face - if all of this is respected, the number of new cases will decrease and people will be able to get healed on time.

Have a good confinement guys

18-03-2020, 02:29
Good post ... but if you are going into the quarantine - 2-3 months food supply is not as bad as it sounds !!!
Absolutely - no toilet paper stocking ...i do not know any cooking receipts that include it. and even if you do run out - join the muslims - wash your ass
there is nothing bad about that either ...but then you might develop left hand rule .....aaaaaa NO.. .i'm not going into that ...screw the diversity shit.

Virus is indeed very nasty ... and our governments were ...and still very secretive about it
Nobody still knows HOW INFECTIOUS it is ...nobody telling it !!

From all info i've ever seen on TV - was the dutch prime minister response
Dutch were one of the last who actually did anyting about it ...
but our prime minister said it in just few words:

Majority of dutch population will be infected ... thats the faith - but we will stand united ..(lol) ...and come over this crisus ...(sure)
all we need is the resistance - that will be build by those who didnt fucking died ...so ...keep living on ...if you die - you die ..
I think thats the most honest response from all countries !!!!

Yes our government wont shut down the country ... - coz then we all die ...of not having any mony
Yes - lots of us will die from virus ... well - in this case - they openly admitted it - we are ready for that ...:)
and that ..in my personal opinion - is kinda open view of what is coming ..

---------- Post added 18-03-2020 at 01:51 ----------

what will happen ..

Lots of young people will disobey the quarantine in all countries
propagating virus even further - in fact ...like in 1917 ...there are provocateurs who are going to work for it to happen
Our elite is fine with the outcome - as long majority of the working force remain

this event is just the test ! ... next will be very much controlled :)
if you'll call me tinhead - thats ok ...everything has its time...

18-03-2020, 10:52
2-3 months food supply is not as bad as it sounds !!!

Well, it's bad when people take ALL of one thing and there are no more for others...Basically that's called sharing. We are not going to run out of food. We can buy food every week, 2 weeks or 3 weeks for exemple :yes:

In France it's very well controlled. I hope people will respect quarantine because it's very important. From what I can see, people are really aware and tell others to stay at home. That's the most effective way. The more we stay at home, the less people will be infected and will die. That's a fact. The virus is not as strong as the plague could have been, fortunately.

But yeah, about that honest response. Of course people will die again, sadly.

Also if you get infected DON'T TAKE anti-inflammatory otherwise your immune system will not be effective and you could die from the virus! Young people died of that virus because they took anti-inflammatory.

If you get infected take paracetamol to decrease the symptoms, stay at home if you have a good immune system / if you have a good health - your immune system will make the job. If you're vulnerable people (heart-ill, old or bad immune system), call the emergency and they'll tell you what to do.

20-03-2020, 17:31
31 January - first infected in Italy
24 February - Italy quarantines north provinces
I'm sure i'm missing alot ... plz correct me

Maybe you mean the first one from Codogno, who got the virus in italian land... because it was not the first: a chinese couple arrived already infected and they probably got COVID-19 at airport in Taiwan. During those days (a week before?) italian government brought back most of the italians in China and decided for a restricted access for those ones who came from Wuhan (regardless of being they chinese or italians). But all of this people have been isolated in Rome (at the hospital "Spallanzani" or in the miltary area of the "Cecchignola").

Then we had this guy and another one infected in Castiglione d'Adda. Note this 2 cases happened in Lombardia, which is the most productive region in Italy. Then another case in Vo' Euganeo, which is in Veneto (oh, wait... maybe :lol: Ninja :lol: could give us more details about it :shifty: ) east to Lombardia and the second most productive region after it. Looks like one of those people in Lombardia got the virus in Thailand (still, when coming back from China).

However, in a few days, the virus expanded to Piemonte, Emilia-Romagna and Liguria and so on got central and southern Italy to Sicily.

In Sardinia, it arrived only 18 days ago: 2nd of march, a man in our capital city (Cagliari) had symptoms and the results of the analysis gave positive response. He died about 6-7 days ago. But he got the virus in Rimini (in Romagna, facing Adriatic Sea). However, we currently have only 206 infections and 2 deaths in Sardinia (stats updated to yesterday).
The most critical situation is still to the north (especially Lombardia, in fact they are building new hospitals in Milan, Bergamo and Cremona during these days). Italian Army is helping, too.

Young people died of that virus because they took anti-inflammatory.

Not only that. The "Patient 1" (or 0) from Codogno got immunodeficiency from too much sport activity in a short time. He ran a marathon. But some days later he wasn't happy with this yet, so he went to play a football match when he already had fever. Then he was brought to the hospital. Looks like he feels better now.

So, this is a case of stressed immune system that can throw you in danger.

The virus is not an ULTRA dangerous virus but it's still a very big threat for everyone. That's why confinement is very important. People please stay at home! It allows to hospitals not to get saturated and so people can be healed correctly.

Therefore, there is no need to go buy 3 months of food or water or even...toilet paper. Vital services are still guaranteed by our governments (such as water, energy, food transportation and supermarkets supply).

Take care of yourselves and others. Stay at home, wash your hands and try not to touch your face - if all of this is respected, the number of new cases will decrease and people will be able to get healed on time.

Have a good confinement guys

In France it's very well controlled. I hope people will respect quarantine because it's very important. From what I can see, people are really aware and tell others to stay at home. That's the most effective way. The more we stay at home, the less people will be infected and will die. That's a fact. The virus is not as strong as the plague could have been, fortunately.
stay at home if you have a good immune system / if you have a good health - your immune system will make the job. If you're vulnerable people (heart-ill, old or bad immune system), call the emergency and they'll tell you what to do.

Yes, that's practically what I think about it. Scientists said COVID-19 is weaker than 2003 SARS, but it is much more contagious, already almost 2 months ago, when the virus was still in Wuhan and on board the Diamond Princess in the japanese territorial waters.

15 March - Greece - ban for Italy travelers

Well, after the first cases in Italy, the following countries - Israel, India and Mauritius - were the first ones that banned italian tourists from landing. They were sent back to Italy, but... Other people from the same airplanes was allowed to land without any virus-check. Just, how the much fuck are these authorities retarded sometimes... :pitiful: :pitiful: :pitiful: :pitiful: :pitiful:

Also, I've read Europe saying until some days ago that italians are the virus factory.
It's strange: I'm pretty sure it was a german who "brought" the virus in Europe first (January 24th), don't remember right now if it was in Frankfurt or somewhere else.

Well, my thinking is that the fuckers are not the italians: the fuckers are in the chinese regime, because they treated like a liar the doctor who discovered COVID-19 already in late november. Only after Wuhan disease they recalled him back, to fight the COVID. As all of you know, that doctor died some days later because he got infected too.

Now, I don't want to defend Trump, but chinese president's reaction is ridiculous as fuck (the USA president named COVID-19 as "the chinese virus", just a few days ago and they got angry for that) considering where the virus started its run and what have they done in the very beginning of this.

Besides, looks like COVID-19 is 88% similar to the bat's corona-virus and... I've heard that our new pandemic "friend" infected some people who ate bats the first time it came out, so that chinese regime... pardon, government... well, looks like they banned people from eating bats or other wild animals (like the pangolin...).

However, guys, sorry for this, but looks like he is winning now:


:( :( :(

I'm just trying to keep it light here.

I'll keep it as my avatar as long as the pandemic calamity state stands.

22-03-2020, 16:27
During the past 24 hours, in Sardinia we reached 332 cases of infection and 6 deaths...


:dohdoh: :dohdoh: :dohdoh: :dohdoh: :dohdoh:

25-03-2020, 13:47
Until yesterday, victims in Sardinia were raised to 11 and total victims were about 6050 in the whole Italy...

However, I want to ask you guys what's the situation in your countries with papers needed to authorize people to leave home...

I mean: I have to exhibit a declaration, that I am aware of the risk to be taken to jail if I give false information to the Police officers, of why am I leaving home and what am I going to do (in my case, I have to check my cows in some lands a bit far from home ~20km or buy cattle feed once per week... and in my village there is no cattle feed shop). Basically, you should leave home for business reasons, for health reasons or for buying just the basics for your needs (yes, even toilet paper, like Rakanishu said).

But the point is another: our government is changing the form to fill every 3 days (blyad!), so I wasted about 30-40 sheets (and printer's color) in 15 days (ooook, no need to buy toilet paper for now :troll-face-high-resolution:)... So, here are my questions:

- What do governments from your countries do?
- Do you guys have to show a justifying declaration too?

Until yesterday, victims in Sardinia were raised to 11 and total victims were about 6050 in the whole Italy...

Victims are 16 out of total 6800 today! :dohdoh: :dohdoh: :dohdoh:

28-03-2020, 20:17
Here some news

Found a video of Jewish doctor giving an advise how to counter count the infection


(russian only)

In short - treatment reqire to increase temperature of the longs by wrapping person into hot sandwitch ....made of towel soaked into hot water and warmth keeping outside layer ... - should be performed as follows:

20 minutes hot sandwich ...then 40 minutes in bed
repeat once a day for 3 days ... then 3 days pause ....then another 3 days.. with hot sandwich

I'm not saying this is the cure ...neither did he
But it is a treatment everyone could do at home

30-03-2020, 01:29
16 March - Germany closed borders with most surrounding countries
16 March - France total lock down with a curfew in place
16 March - Holland - we'll concour virus with our will and unity!!! - all public places closed.. keep smoking though
16 March - Estonia - quarantined every one from abroad infected countries
16 March - Greece - partial travel ban (only infected countries)
16 March - Hungary - border lock down
17 March - Europe officially declared closing its external borders

30 March - Russia - основной вопрос в местных форумах: "Какой шашлык лучше взять, на майские праздники?"

30-03-2020, 18:43
30 March - Russia - основной вопрос в местных форумах: "Какой шашлык лучше взять, на майские праздники?"

шейка ... :)
шея свиная - самый раз

07-04-2020, 11:33
So, until yesterday: sardinian victims, 47, whole Italy about 16000.

Russian soldiers... err... russian military doctors arrived in Bergamo (one of the most infected cities in Lombardia and in the whole Italy) more than a week ago, looks like these doctors are specialized in bacteriological weapons knowledge. Then ukrainian doctors too (about 3-4 days ago). They came after chinese and cubans too, lol. Plus, thanks to some german hospitals, that took care of some of our patients.

But, about Germany: it is not yet clear to me how do they count victims.. They say there are a very few victims in their nation. Looks like they count deaths caused by COVID-19/SARS-COV-2 only, unlike italians who count people who died by the virus even if they had previous diseases or cancer before. But I still think Germany is hiding more deaths COVID related. (obviously I don't have evidences to that).

But I'm very worried for my beloved Spain too :( , because they now have more infection cases than us. And 12000+ deaths or so. I think our touristic season is fucked up for 2020.

If you get infected take paracetamol

Last week an italian 19 years-old died in London although the hospital rescue call center told him to use paracetamol. He then got pneumonia and died a few days later, despite they took him at hospital anyway.

Here some news

Found a video of Jewish doctor giving an advise how to counter count the infection


(russian only)

In short - treatment reqire to increase temperature of the longs by wrapping person into hot sandwitch ....made of towel soaked into hot water and warmth keeping outside layer ... - should be performed as follows:

20 minutes hot sandwich ...then 40 minutes in bed
repeat once a day for 3 days ... then 3 days pause ....then another 3 days.. with hot sandwich

I'm not saying this is the cure ...neither did he
But it is a treatment everyone could do at home

I don't know, Ostap: doctors are experimenting everything, even hydroxychloroquine or medicines against malaria or rheumatoid arthritis, but they don't have a minimal idea what to do before a vaccine comes out. :( Even if they say these experiments are responding good...

P. S.: Did you hear/read about Boris Johnson last night? I wish the best to him. And more than 1 month ago I remember brazilian president Bolsonaro was positive to virus check. So it is true this virus is so... "democratic"...

07-04-2020, 14:52
Russian soldiers... err... russian military doctors arrived in Bergamo


I wonder if any of them named Truffaldino

07-04-2020, 18:36
P. S.: Did you hear/read about Boris Johnson last night? I wish the best to him. And more than 1 month ago I remember brazilian president Bolsonaro was positive to virus check. So it is true this virus is so... "democratic"...

Don't worry - he will suddenly recover !!!


08-04-2020, 12:20

I wonder if any of them named Truffaldino


Don't worry - he will suddenly recover !!!

And what if he will not? :P


Ahahahhah, I have the answer now! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

09-04-2020, 12:29


09-04-2020, 15:43

I assume russian televisions still broadcast this musical again for at least once a year (italian TVs, for example, still broadcast italian or american western movies from the 60s). So, if someone from those doctors has watched this at least one time in the whole life, maybe they are wondering "We arrived with our trucks at Truffaldino City. Coincidence or sign of Fate?". :lol:

Despite I knew about an american movie of "The Merchant from Venice", I didn't know Goldoni was very well known in Russia as well.

P. S.: 1976... The same year of Trololo?

09-04-2020, 16:03
1976... The same year of Trololo?

Yep ...
if that was lololo

then this one is lalala (Truffaldino song)


10-04-2020, 13:33
Yep ...
if that was lololo

then this one is lalala (Truffaldino song)


Very nice! :kneel:

We need it, or something else happy like this, in the year of Coronavirus.

16-04-2020, 13:36
Damn! :dohdoh: :dohdoh: :dohdoh: :dohdoh: :dohdoh: :dohdoh:

RIP Luís :dohdoh: :dohdoh: :dohdoh:

It is written he was fighting against COVID for over than a month, but looks like his family decided to keep silence about it.

Chilean author Luis Sepulveda dies of coronavirus in Spain
(UPDATED) Sepulveda is known for writing 'The Old Man Who Read Love Stories'

Agence France-Presse
Published 5:42 PM, April 16, 2020
Updated 6:07 PM, April 16, 2020
CHILEAN AUTHOR. Chilean writer Luis Sepulveda has died after being hospitalized in Spain for the coronavirus his publisher announced on April 16. File photo by Etienne De Malglaive/AFP

CHILEAN AUTHOR. Chilean writer Luis Sepulveda has died after being hospitalized in Spain for the coronavirus his publisher announced on April 16. File photo by Etienne De Malglaive/AFP

MADRID, Spain (UPDATED) – Best-selling Chilean writer Luis Sepulveda has died at a hospital in northern Spain some 6 weeks after testing positive for coronavirus, his publishing house said on Thursday. He was 70.

"The writer Luis Sepulveda has died in Oviedo," said a statement by Barcelona-based Tusquets, adding it "deeply regretted his loss".

Best known for The Old Man Who Read Love Stories, Sepulveda was exiled from Chile in 1977 by the Pinochet dictatorship and travelled extensively before settling in Europe in the 1980s.

He first began showing symptoms of COVID-19 on February 25 after returning from a festival in northern Portugal and was taken to hospital in Oviedo in the northern Asturias region where he had lived for more than 20 years.

By March 10, local newspapers reported he was in critical condition, but since then, no further details have been made public at the family's request.

"Health workers gave everything to save his life but he never got over the illness. My condolences to his wife and family," tweeted Adrian Barbon, president of the Asturias region.

Born on October 1949 in Ovalle, north of the Chilean capital Santiago, Sepulveda became a political activist when he was young, first with Chile's Communist Youth, and then with the Socialists.

In 1973, he was arrested by the Pinochet regime and jailed for treason for two-and-a-half years, but was freed after Amnesty International intervened, then spending time on the run before his exile in 1977.

He wrote some 20 novels, chronicles, stories and children's books which are known for their simple humour and depictions of life in Latin America and been translated into multiple languages. – Rappler.com


I also have one book of him: I remember when I went at elementary school, I did a school work in which I had to read "The Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Her to Fly", it was about late 2001. :bawling:

Goodbye, Luís. :kneel: :kneel: :kneel:

17-04-2020, 15:09
It seems that soon quarantine will end...
but many people are not sure about it

Sooooo...... i guess we need a solution to that. Right ?
I think i've found one for just 25 euro on Aliexpress (link to the product (https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/4000842151792.html))


17-04-2020, 23:25

18-04-2020, 11:35
It seems that soon quarantine will end...
but many people are not sure about it

Sooooo...... i guess we need a solution to that. Right ?
I think i've found one for just 25 euro on Aliexpress (link to the product (https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/4000842151792.html))


Yes, but order one with dutch flag instead! :P


Why is that bear using a 5.25'' Floppy Diskette to take a photo??? :huh:

09-05-2020, 12:49
I've heard russian military doctors have left Bergamo. Thank you guys for all of your support! :kneel: :kneel: :kneel:
But I'll miss Truffaldino.

10-05-2020, 00:50
re-asses your assumptions
assume nothing - though expect everyting
once done - you are truffaldino you can stand for your self and trick another liberal while at it !!!!

---------- Post added 10-05-2020 at 01:02 ----------

basically - any opposition party in Italy
if they can prove that Clinton bitch is alive - they will get support from any country !!!

---------- Post added 10-05-2020 at 01:06 ----------


15-05-2020, 10:52
re-asses your assumptions
assume nothing - though expect everyting
once done - you are truffaldino you can stand for your self and trick another liberal while at it !!!!

---------- Post added 10-05-2020 at 01:02 ----------

basically - any opposition party in Italy
if they can prove that Clinton bitch is alive - they will get support from any country !!!

---------- Post added 10-05-2020 at 01:06 ----------


Ostap, it is not about discussing with liberal common people in a radical-chic living room... The best would be to "infiltrate" the halls of The Power, like Goldman Sachs, Bilderberg, Moody's, Fitch, EU, NATO (because all Europe is allied with the USA and these chains should be broken, right?)... I mean, leaders who are not tied to anyone but they do only what people want they to do, in the place of the liberals who rule on us right now. You see, the problem is: Me - You - Truffaldino... Nobody of us rule inside the halls of The Power.

This is still the consequence of World War 2: did the americans exist before 1940 in Europe?

The oppositions who? Meloni and Salvini? Salvini was inside the government... he left! And he, like every politician in italy, is interested only in being the president. He only wants votes for himself, but I'm sure if he was the president, he would become quickly like his predecessors and he will deny his plan to get italy closer to Russia (that for me would be the same as to be closer to USA). And the support (from your electors) ends suddenly when you are the president. It will change nothing even if they had support from all countries.

However, we were talking about COVID-19 on this thread. I heard 10+ days ago a sardinian researcher (woman) is working with an institute in the Nederlands (Rotterdam) for a cure against the virus.

Don't know what's happening in the rest of Europe, but here (especially to the north of italy) there are a lot of investigations about many deaths of elder people recovered in the specialized centers. A mess. Looks like in february they didn't want to "scare" their patients, so many directors told their operators "DO NOT use masks!". :pitiful: :pitiful: :pitiful: :dohdoh: :dohdoh: :dohdoh:

16-02-2021, 21:36
Bill Gates Deleted Documentary: “Why He Switched From Microsoft To Vaccines”


MIRROR LINK: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pufVbTVi5O87/

17-02-2021, 14:41
Ok, seems like I was totally wrong about this disease.

We incredibly had considerable losses in almost every sector.... Tourism is practically dead, only a few germans last summer and in september-october. Then, gyms, swimming pools, bars, restaurants... all those activities prepared to have anti-COVIDDY protokols... and our healthcare minister thought it was good to CLOSE everything. WOW!

Get jailed in your houses at christmas;
Get jailed in your house at NewYear's;
Don't go hunting in the very early days of january, WE have to contain COVIDDY! No matter if boars keep destroying pasture and agricultural crops. There's the COVIDDY to stop!
Wear those maskies even on open air.

Now we didn't have carnival and ski operators have been prevented from opening once again! I'll tell you guys a secret: surname of our healthcare minister means.... HOPE!!! Hope what???

The kurwa koronawirusa (I "hope" I wrote it correctly) is like a normal flu, actually at WHO they said: no flu circulation this year, thanks to restrictions!

Oooook, so: you forced me to wear maskies, to keep distances, to hurt my hands 6756547543635 times per day with alcoholic detergents (erythema, that's why I say "hurt" and definitely NOT wash/clean), to measure my temperature in every office and such things to... just containing the normal flu with anti-COVIDDY measures???

So, can I say these measures are USELESS beside uneconomical???

But, wait, there are still the numbers!!!

How the news tell the numbers: increasing positives, decreasing intensive care recoveries BUT increasing deaths.

How do I see the numbers they show (and want to tell me): we have much LESS deaths per day than before, but they keep saying "more deaths" because of the total count. You don't say? And why don't they count normal flu, cancer (various forms of cancer), accidents, homicides, AIDS deaths in the SAME way? The total still increases, not only COVIDDY (which deaths are a LOW percentage). In italian slang: thanks to cock that total deaths are growing!!!

Come on, where is the emergency when from 988 deaths in a day (some months ago) we now have only 270-330 (average)?

Not to mention HOW do they count all of these COVIDDY-deaths...

And the positive tests? Another lie!
The positive tests, before a new type was introduced into the count 15-20 days ago (don't know other countries, I refer specifically to Italy), had such a proportion like this: 13000-18000 (but the most frequent average was 14000-15000) positives out of 150000-180000 tests, a 10-11% (when really "high").
Now there are both molecular and antigen tests to be counted: average of 10000 positives out of an average of 270000 total tests. The proportion fell to 5%, then 4,10% of these very last days.
So actually the "positives" are not infecting more and more people, I see COVIDDY circulation is pretty stable on the same numbers.

Not only that. Seems these tests are pretty useless, because:

- Most of them refer to 20 days before;

- They are made to find COVIDDY particles; so, since over 90% of people are being asymptomatic, test will find only weak traces in most cases. This means they already had the virus but they could also be already IMMUNE; that means just a serological test is needed: it is more accurate and finds how many antibodies you have... My only doubt: I really don't remember if they are even cheaper than molecular/antigen tests. :hmmm:
Anyway, how really "dangerous" are those "positives"?

- False positives.

Now some "experts" would close everything again, a new lockdown like we had from last march to may. They explain: the british variant! Yeah, the british, south african and brazilian variants!!! Meanwhile, psychical diseases are growing because people are losing their job and our debt, as a nation, increased by 159%. But heeeey, everything will go fine, you just have to die inside your apartment until the kurwa COVIDDY wirus will be stopped!

The vaccines.

First of all, I agree to vaccines, but if only they were secure. A professor from a northern italian (Veneto) university said a long ago: "I wouldn't vaccine right now, it is not secure. I would wait 8 years at the very least". The "experts" at television: "What the fuck is he saying? The vaccines are always secure and he is such an irresponsible person to scare people this way!".

Then, the first (amerrekan) vaccines arrived. Still, those "experts" and the news said: "Pfizer and Moderna will immunize the 94-95% of vaccinated people!". I've heard in Germany some nurses were fired, just because they refused to vaccinate (in Germany, not in Italy... in Germany, the engine of EU).

Well, all of these virologists and immunologists I listen to are very laughable when they just contradict what they stated themselves some weeks before...

First they said, a month ago: vaccines for original KURWA WIRUSA can protect from british variant.
Now, they are saying what I quoted before: Italy needs a new lockdown because british variant is more aggressive and contagious, plus it is present in 88% of italian regions.. And the protective power of the amerika's brand new vaccine???

As I said before: I agree to that professor, that KOWIDDY-WIRUS vaccine can wait 8 years. But now I get why no-vax people are so skeptical about vaccines: you are inoculating a totally experimental "something" (rather than a vaccine), but you still have to wear the masky and stay clear of other people (or even you) like they are (and you are) plague-infected.

If you are asking: yes, I do listen news and talk shows at tv. I do it just to VERIFY every statement, plus I also read online things that you'll NEVER hear of on tv. Those questionable "experts" I hear at tv are doctors and scientists, but... POLITICALLY ALIGNED. No surprise that our hospitals and healthcare system are failing.
However, people are really scared of this, when I go out for somewhat reason. Looks like their lies can still capture most of the people (especially elder).

And if you show them you have a simple doubt, with no conspiracy purposes at all... they (the medias) call you "denier".

Last, but not least: now every dead person is being cremated, because of COVIDDY scare. And in the very first part of this, I call it "induced emergency", no autopsies at all on corpses. So the count of COVIDDY deaths will always remain overestimated than it should really be.

COVIDDY, how did they turned into = The 2020's decade new PLAGUE!

COVIDDY, however, is still a disgrace: we are not dying by it, we are dying by the "REMEDY" for it!

The oppositions who? [...]Salvini? [...]

Salvini smelled some €209 billions from EU and he is now part of Draghi's government...

17-02-2021, 16:50
So was I ...

COVID19 is a Hoax !!!

---------- Post added 17-02-2021 at 17:08 ----------


not sure if got it right (could not find the valid one)
but i hope you'll get the point

quanti fili non si intrecciano ancora c'è una fine

17-02-2021, 21:30
So was I ...

COVID19 is a Hoax !!!

Ostap, I've read just this afternoon that a dutch tribunal approved a request by an anti-locdown group to terminate restrictions imposed by Rutte. You confirm that?

P.S. I forgot to mention about another business around COVIDDY.

Last autumn in northern Italy. An 86 years old woman died at her own house. The personnel from a near hospital sometimes sent a few nurses to give her some cures. COVIDDY test was NEGATIVE. Well, they told her daughter: "If you let us take her to the hospital, we will declare her dead there and by COVID so that you'll get a DISCOUNT on her funeral!". Of course the woman's daughter refused, but you can imagine all the interests (beside vaccines business) behind this "plandemic nonsense" (how a british eBayer said to me).

EDIT: No way, it gets incorporated and doesn't continue... I'll try by editing the quote.

About the last statement, if you mean there is a scope behind this, then the correct form is:

quanti fili non si intrecciano ancora, c'e' un fine*

*Normally this word is feminine and it means "end". But in this case it is masculine and means "scope".

Text parts get deleted (when I press "Publish") I don't know why... however I read it like this. Otherwise couldn't explain why governments keep persevering with illogical measures despite it is evident they are killing the people by restrictions instead of stopping a virus that couldn't be stopped with walls; even normal flu still circulates and still kills, because viruses do. But there wasn't such a mess like this before...

EDIT 2: Seems the problem was the accented "e"... <_< What the hell....

18-02-2021, 00:58
Ostap, I've read just this afternoon that a dutch tribunal approved a request by an anti-locdown group to terminate restrictions imposed by Rutte. You confirm that?

Its true ... yesterday our most highest ONE ruled that curfew was illegal in the first place and will be revoked immediately !!!
.....But just within 4 hours this decision was reversed ... till friday ...
..So much for the most democratic country in Europe ...!!!

Last autumn in northern Italy. An 86 years old woman died at her own house. The personnel from a near hospital sometimes sent a few nurses to give her some cures. COVIDDY test was NEGATIVE. Well, they told her daughter: "If you let us take her to the hospital, we will declare her dead there and by COVID so that you'll get a DISCOUNT on her funeral!". Of course the woman's daughter refused, but you can imagine all the interests (beside vaccines business) behind this "plandemic nonsense" (how a british eBayer said to me).

We all know... what is happening ...by WE i mean people who still has ability to digest and regurgitate the lies we are been fed with
I dont really want to go into what those mofos did last year ...to justify them self
Some day....
Someday those who praised BLM will erase it from their curiculum
Someday those who forced others to follow the oppression will hide and never tell

but today we are being fucked and nobody is brave enough to rise up...lol ...there are some who kneeling down !!!

Text parts get deleted (when I press "Publish")

Be careful with some characters ....some of them are used for text formating

Otherwise couldn't explain why governments keep persevering with illogical measures despite it is evident they are killing the people by restrictions instead of stopping a virus that couldn't be stopped with walls; even normal flu still circulates and still kills, because viruses do. But there wasn't such a mess like this before...

lemme doit for you :)

its actually very simple:

In the eyes of our ruling class - we are very close to a cattle
In some way its very true
If you know how to use computer - this is considered now a privilege !!!
In some other countries that those who rule - they kept population as low educated as possible
And now - this population became a burden ...that need to be removed.

20-02-2021, 13:22

20-02-2021, 23:47
Lemme rename this thread to "Scaredemic"

23-02-2021, 13:31
Its true ... yesterday our most highest ONE ruled that curfew was illegal in the first place and will be revoked immediately !!!
.....But just within 4 hours this decision was reversed ... till friday ...
..So much for the most democratic country in Europe ...!!!

I'm try to guess why did they reverse this decision...

And what happened after friday?

We all know... what is happening ...by WE i mean people who still has ability to digest and regurgitate the lies we are been fed with
I dont really want to go into what those mofos did last year ...to justify them self
Some day....
Someday those who praised BLM will erase it from their curiculum
Someday those who forced others to follow the oppression will hide and never tell

but today we are being fucked and nobody is brave enough to rise up...lol ...there are some who kneeling down !!!

Someday I think only historians can tell us... if somebody will survive to what you said below about the burden to be removed... But they won't come up for at least 30 years.

Be careful with some characters ....some of them are used for text formating

Thanks, I got it! It was the accented "e" the problem. However I had the forum language set to italian. I changed to english and want to see now what will it do.

lemme doit for you :)

its actually very simple:

In the eyes of our ruling class - we are very close to a cattle
In some way its very true
If you know how to use computer - this is considered now a privilege !!!
In some other countries that those who rule - ]they kept population as low educated as possible
And now - this population became a burden ...that need to be removed.

They keep people ignorant because they still need a mass to control; and eliminate those who don't believe their lies.

Lemme rename this thread to "Scaredemic"

Nice. :tup:


I know I shouldn't post american sources, but from an italian forum I'm following, they posted this below (from The Sentinel (https://sentinelksmo.org/stanford-study-no-evidence-that-lockdowns-slow-covid/); I put the link because it shows data tables). And looks interesting:

Stanford study: no evidence that lockdowns slow COVID

A study conducted by researchers at Stanford University finds no clear, significant beneficial effect of mrNPIs (more restrictive non-pharmaceutical interventions) on case growth in any country. The Stanford study examined COVID-19 case growth in England, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, South Korea, Sweden, and the United States.

South Korea and Sweden implemented less restrictive NPIs but neither country implemented mandatory stay-at-home orders or business closures.

The authors conclude, While small benefits cannot be excluded, we do not find significant benefits on case growth of more restrictive NPIs. Similar reductions in case growth may be achievable with less restrictive interventions.

The potential harmful health and economic effects of NPIs were major influences for conducting the study.

Because of the potential harmful health effects of mrNPI including hunger, opioid-related overdoses, missed vaccinations4, increase in non-COVID diseases from missed health services, domestic abuse, mental health and suicidality, as well as a host of economic consequences with health implications it is increasingly recognized that their postulated benefits deserve careful study. One approach to evaluating NPI benefits uses disease modeling approaches. One prominent modeling analysis estimated that, across Europe, mrNPIs accounted for 81% of the reduction in the effective reproduction number (Rt), a measure of disease transmission. However, in the absence of empirical assessment of the policies, their effects on reduced transmission are assumed rather than assessed. That analysis attributes nearly all the reduction in transmission to the last intervention, whichever intervention happened to be last, complete lockdowns in France, or banning of public events in Sweden.

The authors employed a methodology that they believe balances the strengths of empirical analyses while taking into consideration underlying epidemic dynamics. We compare epidemic spread in places that implemented mrNPIs to counterfactuals that implemented only less-restrictive NPIs (lrNPIs). In this way, it may be possible to isolate the role of mrNPIs, net of lrNPIs and epidemic dynamics.

States not locked-down have fewer deaths per capita

The Sentinels analysis of COVID data from Worldometer found several interesting observations.

First, there is a wide disparity of cases and deaths per capita among the 43 states whose governors imposed statewide lockdowns. Hawaii has the lowest number of cases per million of population (17,291) as of January 18 and Tennessee has the most (100,708); the average is 72,073.

The states that werent locked down (Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming) have more cases per million of population (98,701) but they have 5% fewer deaths (1,151 vs. 1,214). The survival rate in the states not locked is also a little better (98.8% vs. 98.3%).

Less job loss in states not locked down

Along with fewer deaths per capita, the states not locked down have less job loss. The November jobs data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows they lost 3.2% of private-sector jobs compared to the year prior, but the lockdown state lost 6.1% of their jobs. The states allowed to stay open also lost fewer state government jobs (-2.5% vs. -5.8%).

They (the forum) also posted a graph that shows Sweden's trend with almost no restrictions and UK's trend with much more restrictions, but I'm unable to upload it...

And some months ago somebody dared to say: Sweden's King declared the no-restriction system has failed!
Ye, because lockdowns are succeeding... :shifty:

PS: accented character test è

EDIT: Ok, switching to english I got rid of that problem. :D

02-03-2021, 16:57
It's been 10 or more days since I've heard that british variant will become dominating in mid-march. And now there are at least 30% of cases.

Well, let's wait 2-3 weeks and see the numbers. Then we'll judge the "mythological" lethality of the :yes: Queen's flu. :)

And... 15 days ago --> Astrazeneca vaccine is only 60% effective because of its unique dose and will be used for under 55 only.

These days --> One-dose vaccines are more effective than double dose vaccines which don't give enough immunization for the elderly.

Remember John Mullins in the first map of Japanese mission, from SoF? "Something's not right..." (quot.)

In both cases, my question is still the same: then what the hell are you vaccinating us for???

Ostap, I don't know if you watched that video interview of a woman... that leads a company named Solari LLC or something like that.

Basically she said: "COVID vaccine is like injecting Microsoft's OS into the veins, people will become easily controllable...". Metaphoric? Maybe, but not too much..

05-03-2021, 13:21
Basically she said: "COVID vaccine is like injecting Microsoft's OS into the veins, people will become easily controllable...". Metaphoric? Maybe, but not too much..

LoL ...everyone should start looking where "hosts" file is located withing their body ....in order to block future updates

---------- Post added 05-03-2021 at 13:26 ----------

this is probably how updates will happen :)


---------- Post added 05-03-2021 at 13:55 ----------

But aside the jocks -

In order to minimize effect of unwanted info - first and most important move is to thin the info down ....by flooding all sources that distribute it with unrelated posts or by posting preposterous stories (in the same tune) that would turn "undecided" people away.
Your story is an example - next few lines will include specific combination of words that bots will pick up
Bill, Gates, Epstein, Vaccination, Evil, Master, Billion, Reset, Terminate, Kill, Farm, Space, Money, Control, Update, Windows Melinda, Single

Second step is to shame or discredit info as much as possible by attacking anyone who support it or distribute it.

Third step - this is already automation :) ...This step will auto-kick in when there is large enough audience on your side ...
They will censor this info them self ...


So ....this story about Gates and vaccination
First step already happened last year when this story first appeared in news - supported by documents and interviews and videos ...etc
Info is credible !!! AND GATES IS A CRIMINAL !!
Well ...what happen after is that all MSM started pushing lots of Gates positive articles...flooding sites that re-post info about Gates and his relation to vaccines ...etc

Second step is ongoing ... Not all but many forums and news sites (where comments section is enabled) - have a war floor now if anything about gates and vaccines is posted - People fighting :) ...trying to change minds of others ...cursing, insulting each other - basically - there are now 2 camps ...one against this info - other is supporting it ...

Third step is already in motion too - on many forums you can see negative reaction to any attempt to say something wrong about Gates from people who doesn't even know what its all about ...!!! Brainwashed starting to do their job...

05-03-2021, 21:39
Do you think Pelosi and Cuomo are in the same gang ?

Who would be above them ?

---------- Post added 05-03-2021 at 21:44 ----------

I'm not asking to snitch ...that would be very non-italian , non-russian , but acceptable in UK and other English speaking counties
who encourage their citizens to snitch on each other ...to fight the covid of coz :)

So far - only English spoken countries have resolved to measures like this

06-03-2021, 02:22

Anyone who thinks its not .. sure their own right
as it is for me to think otherwise

---------- Post added 06-03-2021 at 02:31 ----------

We are being screwed by our own government that been manipulated by NGO funded by who knows who ....
basically NGO (None Government Organization) - right now run the world ..... :)
its a bunch of little companies funded by few dudes with moneys like soros (but not him...there are lots more than him)
Soros - is just for us to hate him ...while others do the work

---------- Post added 06-03-2021 at 02:44 ----------

What ever is coming - will come ...
What ever is coming - not only we are not ready (wearing a mask ? ..yea...we are ready) we are imbeciles !!! trusting our life to those who make money out of us

What ever is coming - start packing !!!

---------- Post added 06-03-2021 at 02:47 ----------

ow .. ... :)

No panic though ..just keep packing :)

06-03-2021, 13:26
Neither for money, nor for power, nor for control, all this is done. Because they have all this for a long time. It is done for another mysterious reason. Maybe a game ... Or because of things that don't come to mind.

06-03-2021, 21:51
Well, I don't have too much time now for replying everything above. I just want to report that Sardinia is the only zone in Italy flagged as "White" (lowest risk, less restrictions). Today at noon, my mother and I went to mall, to its internal store where there is the hairstyler; then I had to help her finding a new laptop for school (she is a teacher, and she can use a bonus to buy informatic stuff or choose an english course from qualified institutes in the UK; she went for courses, during the past years). Guess what.... We entered the mall and everything closed. Fucking closed. Most of the lights off. Only supermarket and pharmacy were still open. Downstairs, 2 guards told us "It is closed today and tomorrow, too". I've never seen this before... In october we had the very first restrictions after the summer exception (well, not that much of an exception because last year no spanish tourists for example), but when we went to that mall (I was with my mother, my brother and his girlfriend) everything was still open but with limitations of people admitted in.

So this is the "White Zone". You guys can imagine how worse are living those ones from those zones marked as "Orange" or "Red"... :(

07-03-2021, 02:43
Although the word "state" (dŭrzhava) in Bulgarian means something like "hold", "possess". And we are just guests on this planet ... and yet ... We are founding a new state called Sirius ...Where the only area will be the natural climate. Ostap is banning everyone and the problem is solved.

Макар думата "държава" (dŭrzhava) на български език да означава нещо като "държа", "притежавам". А ние сме само гости на тази планета... и все пак... Основаваме нова държава на име Сириус... Където единствената зона ще е естествената климат. Ostap дава бан на всички и проблема е решен.

07-03-2021, 14:09
Ostap is banning everyone and the problem is solved.

If all were that simple :)

08-03-2021, 16:30
Do you think Pelosi and Cuomo are in the same gang ?

Who would be above them ?

---------- Post added 05-03-2021 at 21:44 ----------

I'm not asking to snitch ...that would be very non-italian , non-russian , but acceptable in UK and other English speaking counties
who encourage their citizens to snitch on each other ...to fight the covid of coz :)

So far - only English spoken countries have resolved to measures like this

Didn't read much about Cuomo, aside from a sex scandal. But in USA sex scandals are often fake, because they are a political weapon (remember those women who said "Donald J. Trump groped my ass 30 years ago!1!111!!111!!!!"?) to destroy somebody. And, yes: to be part of the same party not always means to be part of the same gang... You say Cuomo is doing something (about the KOVIDDY) the demokrats don't want he to do?

11-03-2021, 20:46
The further we go
The more related old things become (as if someone were telling us something)

Just read this first part from Queen "Who wants to live forever"

There's no time for us
There's no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams
Yet slips away from us?

My answer to this would be our government

---------- Post added 11-03-2021 at 20:53 ----------

Government that builds the dreams
but not for us

Who wants to have that government
Who wants to be governed ?

Governed .....
Forever ....and ever .....starting today

for anyone who still cannot follow
here is the video :


11-03-2021, 21:14
Have just read some minutes ago that an officer of italian navy got vaccinated and died a few hours later, in Sicily...

Government and Astrazeneca, Moderna, Pfizer & co. ... GOOD JOB! :tup: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Hey, guys: let's take a vaccine and die happy! :Omieinhole: :Omieinhole: :Omieinhole:

The further we go
The more related old things become (as if someone were telling us something)

Just read this first part from Queen "Who wants to live forever"

There's no time for us
There's no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams
Yet slips away from us?

My answer to this would be our government

---------- Post added 11-03-2021 at 20:53 ----------

Government that builds the dreams
but not for us

Who wants to have that government
Who wants to be governed ?

Governed .....
Forever ....and ever .....starting today

for anyone who still cannot follow
here is the video :


I have to post lyrics from songs, too, that could be related as well to COVID-poo and political games behind. I'll do tomorrow or in the next days. :yes:

14-03-2021, 11:39

18-03-2021, 00:14
A very interesting article on wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimson_Contagion
reported by Alex Jones

The article it self is very VERY interesting ...
but there is more - look into the history - how it was edited :)

for example on april 29 - first mention of Trump was added by user "J4lambert" - that no longer exists ;)
then on june 29 - user "arcasa73" made a major review of the article that mostly held till recent version

user Arcasa73 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Arcasa73

My name is Arturo Campillo Salcedo. I born in Mexico, and I am licensed in Biblical Sciences and Philosophy of Religion.

dude that specializes in bible - edited for the whole world to see an article he had no business to touch

source: https://www.infowars.com/posts/smoking-gun-document-crimson-contagion-shows-bill-gates-blueprint-for-covid-launch/

and video:


18-03-2021, 02:28

18-03-2021, 18:50

19-03-2021, 21:27
My brother in the next days should reach Bulgaria, to his gf. :)

Today he had to go for a molecular test, required if you want to leave Italy, so I brought him to the center where the test should have to take place. Basically a new private hospital at about 1h by car from home, which is the only one that obtained a qualification for these kind of things..

Well, we arrived at 12:30 pm, a steward at the entrance "turn around past parking area and go behind the other cars" (this test is at hospital's drive-in, so you just remain inside your car). Now, since he had a reservation and he paid 65 € for this test (he did everything online), I was expecting they called him suddenly, but noooo... On their website it is written they do the test only to who reaches drive-in first, so it is like "The first arrival will be processed" (ah, and... if you have any problem, that for whatever reason you are unable to reach drive-in, you can't be refunded.. awesome!) and the time you requested reservation or your surname do not matter.

So we waited 3 hours in an endless queue, just to drive 500 metres ahead (but we had one hundred cars on those few metres) for a 30 seconds test that is needed to... hunt some positives to a flu? :blink:

Ostap, I'm going to suggest a new modification for your script that changes vulgar/offensive nicknames: :lol: I LOVE THIS PANDEMIC :lol:

And, last, but not least, let me say a word about the operators. They where dressed with a white suit, like they were from a contamination area and they wore 2 pairs of latex gloves... When an operator ended a test, he/she put off the green gloves and used the sanitizing gel on the white gloves! :confused: :eek: Then he/she wore a new pair of green gloves above the white gloves and kept going with another driver to test.

Now, this could be reasonable last year, in february-march... But now that we know what it is (and those operators should know better than us... should...) and that they got vaccinated (the mythological vaccine, which is "safe"), why still going on like this? I feel like we are hopeless... :(

20-03-2021, 23:10
My brother in the next days should reach Bulgaria, to his gf. :)

Today he had to go for a molecular test, required if you want to leave Italy, so I brought him to the center where the test should have to take place. Basically a new private hospital at about 1h by car from home, which is the only one that obtained a qualification for these kind of things..

Well, we arrived at 12:30 pm, a steward at the entrance "turn around past parking area and go behind the other cars" (this test is at hospital's drive-in, so you just remain inside your car). Now, since he had a reservation and he paid 65 € for this test (he did everything online), I was expecting they called him suddenly, but noooo... On their website it is written they do the test only to who reaches drive-in first, so it is like "The first arrival will be processed" (ah, and... if you have any problem, that for whatever reason you are unable to reach drive-in, you can't be refunded.. awesome!) and the time you requested reservation or your surname do not matter.

So we waited 3 hours in an endless queue, just to drive 500 metres ahead (but we had one hundred cars on those few metres) for a 30 seconds test that is needed to... hunt some positives to a flu? :blink:

Ostap, I'm going to suggest a new modification for your script that changes vulgar/offensive nicknames: :lol: I LOVE THIS PANDEMIC :lol:

And, last, but not least, let me say a word about the operators. They where dressed with a white suit, like they were from a contamination area and they wore 2 pairs of latex gloves... When an operator ended a test, he/she put off the green gloves and used the sanitizing gel on the white gloves! :confused: :eek: Then he/she wore a new pair of green gloves above the white gloves and kept going with another driver to test.

Now, this could be reasonable last year, in february-march... But now that we know what it is (and those operators should know better than us... should...) and that they got vaccinated (the mythological vaccine, which is "safe"), why still going on like this? I feel like we are hopeless... :(

Result: NEGATIVE. 65 € thrown in the rubbish can and 3 hours of time waste for an unneeded and useless thing... :dohdoh::dohdoh::dohdoh:

And from monday my island turns back to orange... :pitiful:

What they are doing is pure terrorism, their orders are the scare strategy, like shown below:

scaredemic 7173
scaredemic 7173 7173
scaredemic! 7173 7173 7173

21-03-2021, 04:18
scaredemic! 7173 7173 7173

more like :

THEY SAY : its pandemic 7173 ......

THEY SAY : :minigun2: .....


26-03-2021, 12:59

30-03-2021, 23:30

31-03-2021, 18:47
Phony COVID dead bodies


Fraud Staged Hospital Scene


Source : caught fake dead bodies for future propaganda of covid deaths (https://mynews.one/caught-fake-dead-bodies-for-future-propaganda-of-covid-deaths/)

20-04-2021, 11:03

04-05-2021, 00:21

ahaha hahahaha ahahaha
ahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
haha ...cough ....shit ..ahahahaha ...hahahaha ahahahahahhahahahahha
ahahahaha ahahahhahaha
damn ....- i think the point of masking pips is to figure out who's the dumbest one
and we got them all !!!

10-05-2021, 13:30
I would have written this months ago, however it is still valid: now we are in the "Waltz of Vaccines" phase.

It was pretty predictable all of this speculation about number of doses and also the brand war depending on where the vaccine comes from.

EU from next year on wants to purchase ONLY the amaereekaen Pfizer, and guess what, is blocking russian vaccine (Sputnik V).. :rolleyes: Not that I care something about having an experimental unknown product named "vaccine" (maybe we should name it "ca$h ma$hine"?), I say only to underline the POLITICAL side of this tale. It is just the old USA and EU vs Russia. Leaded of course by Pfizer, Moderna, J&J because they want governments to buy their rubbish only, with no competition at all. Hence why medias and some online newspaper and journalists are willing to vaccine all of us, because of the $peculation and Ca$h Ma$hine "game".

We have had some restaurant owners, gym owners and touristic operators (including hotels) that have protested against curfew and restrictions, but this isn't enough. It is useless to leave colored zones or to postpone curfew from 22 to 23 and such. JUST OPEN THE FUCKING GATES (no, not Bill; he must be ripped by some blade...)! The virus will keep to live its life, has a limited danger (it is clear now that it affects the exact weak people affected by anything else), just live with it. But noooo, I still hear "286 deaths, 10.000 positives out of 386.000 tests, 3,2% percentage of infection compared to tests done, those numbers are still HIGH". :pitiful: And past the summer, they will start again with the infections increasing, like last year... until some civil war will happen.


ahaha hahahaha ahahaha
ahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
haha ...cough ....shit ..ahahahaha ...hahahaha ahahahahahhahahahahha
ahahahaha ahahahhahaha
damn ....- i think the point of masking pips is to figure out who's the dumbest one
and we got them all !!!

What the hell... An american mate of Greta the narrow-minded??? :blink:
Oh, yeah, luckily there are her democratic friends who will rule her beloved country and EU too now... The world over the hands of a Joe Bidet!


28-05-2021, 13:09
Americans like Cristopher Columbus discovering american continent... 7255

A huge exaggeration

When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new guidelines last month for mask wearing, it announced that less than 10 percent of Covid-19 transmission was occurring outdoors. Media organizations repeated the statistic, and it quickly became a standard description of the frequency of outdoor transmission.

But the number is almost certainly misleading.

It appears to be based partly on a misclassification of some Covid transmission that actually took place in enclosed spaces (as I explain below). An even bigger issue is the extreme caution of C.D.C. officials, who picked a benchmark 10 percent so high that nobody could reasonably dispute it.

That benchmark seems to be a huge exaggeration, as Dr. Muge Cevik, a virologist at the University of St. Andrews, said. In truth, the share of transmission that has occurred outdoors seems to be below 1 percent and may be below 0.1 percent, multiple epidemiologists told me. The rare outdoor transmission that has happened almost all seems to have involved crowded places or close conversation.

Saying that less than 10 percent of Covid transmission occurs outdoors is akin to saying that sharks attack fewer than 20,000 swimmers a year. (The actual worldwide number is around 150.) Its both true and deceiving.

This isnt just a gotcha math issue. It is an example of how the C.D.C. is struggling to communicate effectively, and leaving many people confused about whats truly risky. C.D.C. officials have placed such a high priority on caution that many Americans are bewildered by the agencys long list of recommendations. Zeynep Tufekci of the University of North Carolina, writing in The Atlantic, called those recommendations simultaneously too timid and too complicated.

They continue to treat outdoor transmission as a major risk. The C.D.C. says that unvaccinated people should wear masks in most outdoor settings and vaccinated people should wear them at large public venues; summer camps should require children to wear masks virtually at all times.

These recommendations would be more grounded in science if anywhere close to 10 percent of Covid transmission were occurring outdoors. But it is not. There is not a single documented Covid infection anywhere in the world from casual outdoor interactions, such as walking past someone on a street or eating at a nearby table.

Todays newsletter will be a bit longer than usual, so I can explain how the C.D.C. ended up promoting a misleading number.

The Singapore mystery

If you read the academic research that the C.D.C. has cited in defense of the 10 percent benchmark, you will notice something strange. A very large share of supposed cases of outdoor transmission have occurred in a single setting: construction sites in Singapore.

In one study, 95 of 10,926 worldwide instances of transmission are classified as outdoors; all 95 are from Singapore construction sites. In another study, four of 103 instances are classified as outdoors; again, all four are from Singapore construction sites.

This obviously doesnt make much sense. It instead appears to be a misunderstanding that resembles the childhood game of telephone, in which a message gets garbled as it passes from one person to the next.

The Singapore data originally comes from a government database there. That database does not categorize the construction-site cases as outdoor transmission, Yap Wei Qiang, a spokesman for the Ministry of Health, told my colleague Shashank Bengali. We didnt classify it according to outdoors or indoors, Yap said. It could have been workplace transmission where it happens outdoors at the site, or it could also have happened indoors within the construction site.

As Shashank did further reporting, he discovered reasons to think that many of the infections may have occurred indoors. At some of the individual construction sites where Covid spread like a complex for the financial firm UBS and a skyscraper project called Project Glory the concrete shells for the buildings were largely completed before the pandemic began. (This video of Project Glory was shot more than four months before Singapores first reported Covid case.)

Because Singapore is hot year-round, the workers would have sought out the shade of enclosed spaces to hold meetings and eat lunch together, Alex Au of Transient Workers Count Too, an advocacy group, told Shashank. Electricians and plumbers would have worked in particularly close contact.

Are schools outdoors?

How, then, did the Singapore cases get classified as they did?

When academic researchers began collecting Covid data from around the world, many chose to define outdoors spaces very broadly. They deemed almost any setting that was a mix of outdoors and indoors to be outdoors.

We had to settle on one classification for building sites, Quentin Leclerc, a French researcher and co-author of one of the papers analyzing Singapore, told me, and ultimately decided on a conservative outdoor definition. Another paper, published in the Journal of Infection and Public Health, counted only two settings as indoors: mass accommodation and residential facilities. It defined all of these settings as outdoors: workplace, health care, education, social events, travel, catering, leisure and shopping.

I understand why the researchers preferred a broad definition. They wanted to avoid missing instances of outdoor transmission and mistakenly suggesting that the outdoors was safer than it really was. But the approach had a big downside. It meant that the researchers counted many instances of indoors transmission as outdoors.

And yet even with this approach, they found a minuscule share of total transmission to have occurred outdoors. In the paper with 95 supposedly outdoor cases from Singapore, those cases nonetheless made up less than 1 percent of the total. A study from Ireland, which seems to have been more precise about the definition of outdoors, put the share of such transmission at 0.1 percent. A study of 7,324 cases from China found a single instance of outdoor transmission, involving a conversation between two people.

Im sure its possible for transmission to occur outdoors in the right circumstances, Dr. Aaron Richterman of the University of Pennsylvania told me, but if we had to put a number on it, I would say much less than 1 percent.

Britains scientific approach

I asked the C.D.C. how it could justify the 10 percent benchmark, and an official there sent this statement:

There are limited data on outdoor transmission. The data we do have supports the hypothesis that the risk of outdoor transmission is low. 10 percent is a conservative estimate from a recent systematic review of peer-reviewed papers. CDC cannot provide the specific risk level for every activity in every community and errs on the side of protection when it comes to recommending steps to protect health. It is important for people and communities to consider their own situations and risks and to take appropriate steps to protect their health.

Erring on the side of protection by exaggerating the risks of outdoor transmission may seem to have few downsides. But it has contributed to widespread public confusion about what really matters. Some Americans are ignoring the C.D.C.s elaborate guidelines and ditching their masks, even indoors, while others continue to harass people who walk around outdoors without a mask.

All the while, the scientific evidence points to a conclusion that is much simpler than the C.D.C.s message: Masks make a huge difference indoors and rarely matter outdoors.

The health authorities in Britain, notably, seem to have figured this out. They have been more aggressive about restricting indoor behavior, locking down many businesses again late last year and requiring masks indoors even as most of the country is vaccinated. Outdoors, however, masks remain rare.

It certainly doesnt seem to be causing problems. Since January, daily Covid deaths in Britain have declined more than 99 percent.

Source: NY Times.

Also, these days there's an over-celebration about vaccines, stating they are reducing infections. Last year they celebrated lockdown, saying it did the same thing.. What the fuck? I thought flu simply decreases during spring/summer time. The problem in our country is that from june on our ("our"... not mine for sure) government wants us to be all poisoned... err... I mean, "vaccinated" with no distinction of age. :excl: :dohdoh: :dohdoh: :dohdoh: :down:

29-05-2021, 12:38

02-06-2021, 10:56

07-06-2021, 22:01
Dutch Parliament (couple of months ago)


11-06-2021, 00:16

Biohazard Dood
12-06-2021, 10:57

You're actually insane, please get help

12-06-2021, 15:27

You're actually insane, please get help


13-06-2021, 15:39

You're actually insane, please get help

Only a madman can discover the present truth. Not like you, to bleat like a sheep.

Biohazard Dood
13-06-2021, 20:10
I'm not a sheep for wearing a mask and trying to get by in a pandemic.
I do agree the media is overblowing it and instilling mass fear, but it's still a fucking pandemic and there's no reason to call it a "fakedemic", that's too far.

Also, no, I'm not a lefty liberal, don't worry...

13-06-2021, 21:27
Then listen to one of my theories about masks. I guess you know that air has particles, organisms, and so on. When you wear a mask, your immunity becomes very low and prolonged wearing leads to a moment when you take off the mask and want to enjoy the fresh air you get sick. Because it takes time again to adapt and cleanse. Then you get a pseudo plague and you brag happily that this misfortune is true. Yes, you may not be a sheep, because today they live better than humans. I am a human being and that is why I walk with a radiant face and a free heart! I was sick - zero times for the pseudo-pandemic, because I refused to wear a mask.
My fear is that no matter what I say, you won't believe you don't need a mask.
Be alive and healthy! My insult was intentional and I have no excuse for that and forgive me anyway.

Biohazard Dood
14-06-2021, 11:38
Then listen to one of my theories about masks. I guess you know that air has particles, organisms, and so on. When you wear a mask, your immunity becomes very low and prolonged wearing leads to a moment when you take off the mask and want to enjoy the fresh air you get sick. Because it takes time again to adapt and cleanse. Then you get a pseudo plague and you brag happily that this misfortune is true. Yes, you may not be a sheep, because today they live better than humans. I am a human being and that is why I walk with a radiant face and a free heart! I was sick - zero times for the pseudo-pandemic, because I refused to wear a mask.
My fear is that no matter what I say, you won't believe you don't need a mask.
Be alive and healthy! My insult was intentional and I have no excuse for that and forgive me anyway.

I forgive you. I disagree with that theory, I don't think it's true, I have to wear masks multiple hours a day without taking it off, I have no issues, I can breathe easily under a mask.
Same way doctors wear masks almost every day most of the day, your immune system isn't so weak as to become weak because of a simple cloth mask. Stay safe and please wear your mask man, we're all trying to get by.

14-06-2021, 12:40

14-06-2021, 15:28
Doctors are generally sick. Many of them are smokers, etc. They take pills and so on ... I haven't even been vaccinated in my life and I haven't had to take medication. Besides, I haven't been to the dentist, unlike the masked doctors. My lifestyle speaks more about health, and theirs about carelessness. I know that there are many good people among them and I have friends doctors who have renounced the medicine they have studied and practiced for years. The masks may also have been designed to hide another problem. That the food is sterile and the family who sell for it. I would advise any of you who know in your region preserved cultures of old people to get them. Because living food is life .... Sterile is a degradation for the body ... And it is very useful to grow it. The other thing they do is attack and replace the animals. They are ... with the Google translator I don't know if you will understand me and I will use the word - antennas. They are antennas and help us as we help them. I don't know if you know that a horse can raise a child better than school.
Even the concealment of something speaks of false things.
Even imprisonment speaks to something false.
Think about it ... Real things don't stop them. I'm talking about the real problems. Is there a Coke? There she is! Are they stopping her? No! Are there cigarettes in stores? There are them! Do they sell them? Yes!
I would list any product, be it cosmetics, even fruit. However, I prefer to focus on the vivid example that everyone understands. Why didn't anyone stop the Coca-Cola pandemic and their likeness? It has not been banned, on the contrary, even poor African societies have it. The infection has been on sale for a long time. I will be even more extreme. COV---ID-1984 has been on sale for a long time!

14-06-2021, 22:48
I forgive you.

I forgive you ? ...
I'm sorry but that reminds me this:


Du weißt, woher es kommt, nicht wahr?

15-06-2021, 15:23



These pics really do photograph the situation!

I'm not a sheep for wearing a mask and trying to get by in a pandemic.
I do agree the media is overblowing it and instilling mass fear, but it's still a fucking pandemic and there's no reason to call it a "fakedemic", that's too far.

Also, no, I'm not a lefty liberal, don't worry...

I forgive you. I disagree with that theory, I don't think it's true, I have to wear masks multiple hours a day without taking it off, I have no issues, I can breathe easily under a mask.
Same way doctors wear masks almost every day most of the day, your immune system isn't so weak as to become weak because of a simple cloth mask. Stay safe and please wear your mask man, we're all trying to get by.

Free to disagree about everything other people say. Just listen at what medias are saying about "new" delta variant of the virus and then wonder "Why the hell they want all of us to be vaccinated against something the vaccine can't protect us from?". Then, yes, the virus of course exists. But FalseDemic is about the propaganda and the lies they have been telling us for 15 months now.. just for the, i call it like that, Waltz of the Vaccines $$$peculation. Amereken pharmas have to sell...

I must wear the mask too when I'm outside, or else they won't let me in at market, petrol station, etc.. But open air, during this season and considering a study told there are 0,1% of chances to get the virus outside... It's more like a torture. Consider running after cows to move them from a land to another one a few kilometers far, and wearing the mask: it would be impossible to wear it all day long. I must wear it at public places, then I take it off as soon as I get in my car. And what when you are out and halfway you realize you forgot to take one? It is an annoying psychosis. Plus, we are producing unrecyclable junk (you may have seen how many masks are thrown on the road... once upon a time people used to throw cigarettes away from the car; now they throw away masks...).

Then listen to one of my theories about masks. I guess you know that air has particles, organisms, and so on. When you wear a mask, your immunity becomes very low and prolonged wearing leads to a moment when you take off the mask and want to enjoy the fresh air you get sick. Because it takes time again to adapt and cleanse. Then you get a pseudo plague and you brag happily that this misfortune is true. Yes, you may not be a sheep, because today they live better than humans. I am a human being and that is why I walk with a radiant face and a free heart! I was sick - zero times for the pseudo-pandemic, because I refused to wear a mask.
My fear is that no matter what I say, you won't believe you don't need a mask.
Be alive and healthy! My insult was intentional and I have no excuse for that and forgive me anyway.

Doctors are generally sick. Many of them are smokers, etc. They take pills and so on ... I haven't even been vaccinated in my life and I haven't had to take medication. Besides, I haven't been to the dentist, unlike the masked doctors. My lifestyle speaks more about health, and theirs about carelessness. I know that there are many good people among them and I have friends doctors who have renounced the medicine they have studied and practiced for years. The masks may also have been designed to hide another problem. That the food is sterile and the family who sell for it. I would advise any of you who know in your region preserved cultures of old people to get them. Because living food is life .... Sterile is a degradation for the body ... And it is very useful to grow it. The other thing they do is attack and replace the animals. They are ... with the Google translator I don't know if you will understand me and I will use the word - antennas. They are antennas and help us as we help them. I don't know if you know that a horse can raise a child better than school.
Even the concealment of something speaks of false things.
Even imprisonment speaks to something false.
Think about it ... Real things don't stop them. I'm talking about the real problems. Is there a Coke? There she is! Are they stopping her? No! Are there cigarettes in stores? There are them! Do they sell them? Yes!
I would list any product, be it cosmetics, even fruit. However, I prefer to focus on the vivid example that everyone understands. Why didn't anyone stop the Coca-Cola pandemic and their likeness? It has not been banned, on the contrary, even poor African societies have it. The infection has been on sale for a long time. I will be even more extreme. COV---ID-1984 has been on sale for a long time!

I'll tell you another one about the masks, especially surgical masks that medias tell us to wear just because we have to leave FFp2/3 to medical personnel only... Well, seems like Corona particles are 60x times smaller than mask's pores!! But you still have to wear a mask or you will get a discriminating star, like the pic Ostap posted above.

I'm glad to see that people from the countryside still exists. The problem, though, is mostly in the cities, actually metropolises! I still have my cows and I wouldn't live in those urban jungles!

Guess what now, about the indian/delta variant: they are preparing an excuse for closing everything in october (or maybe already august/september) and to impose a new shot of vaccine next year. "Everything is under control". Refrain from a song I heard back in late 2005.

Biohazard Dood
15-06-2021, 18:14
I won't bother reading through that since I don't wanna argue and don't have the time, but for clarification, I don't wear masks outside on the open air since it's not needed here and it doesn't do any harm. And yes I do agree the media has been pushing some lies, that's what they do and it goes like this: People watch > people get freaked out by the sugarcoded information > people wanna watch more since they're more scared > people get more scared > people wanna watch more...

Also, I'm listening to professionals, actual real doctors, not the media, they're 2 different things, I follow what my doctor says because he's the fucking professional and I'm not

15-06-2021, 18:22
Just get some beer and break the pattern ;)


16-06-2021, 09:47

18-06-2021, 00:41
I'm listening to professionals

Basically any individual that provides support or services on constant bases - can be called as professional (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/professional)

actual real doctors, not the media

We all are not without a flaw
There are doctors and there are Doctors ...
same as you - some do believe this is a real deal ...
others have doubts
and whats most interesting - that anyone who ever tried to voice their concern -
were quickly shut down - and no mater what country (holland, germany, usa, russia , china ....)

What i'm trying to say is that - doctor is just a dude like you -
his personal knowledge surely will allow him to see if pandemic is real or not

Though there are other aspects that are very important to be taken in count -
such as keeping your job - or having a new house on Bahamas
These little things drastically change the tone of how the bird sings ...

like the Fauci bird ...¡¡¡ ʞsɐɯ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝʍ


20-06-2021, 13:17
for clarification, I don't wear masks outside on the open air since it's not needed here and it doesn't do any harm

Good for you and for people of your nation. While we have to wait until july 1st for the "wear the mask outside" cancelation. :pitiful:

Btw when I've read at your previous post I thought you wore the mask everywhere.

And yes I do agree the media has been pushing some lies, that's what they do and it goes like this: People watch > people get freaked out by the sugarcoded information > people wanna watch more since they're more scared > people get more scared [...]
Also, I'm listening to professionals, actual real doctors, not the media, they're 2 different things, I follow what my doctor says because he's the fucking professional and I'm not

100% agreed on these points. :tup:
Your own doctor's word is better (unless he doesn't earn money from Pfizer) than some virologists and immunologists that infest media (not only tv, but also radio, blogs, twitter, etc) but in the end they are only professors at some university, so they are just freaking theoretical mice that don't exit from those walls and don't know anything about how viruses really act in nature... Not to mention that they contradict themselves like every 30 seconds...

people wanna watch more...

Depends on what you mean, maybe you refer to facebook/twitter casuals that follow some politicians. I think that people actually wants to stay home and wear a triple mask because of that scare... then they will harass you if you don't wear a mask (and perhaps you are hundred metres far from them).

I won't bother reading through that since I don't wanna argue and don't have the time

The rest of my post wasn't addressed to you but to Vampir (red3ninja), if you mean the last part.

09-07-2021, 21:52

10-07-2021, 17:04

13-07-2021, 21:49

I know what to do to increase sales potential of their drug. Do you see those guys transporting the boxes? Just hide a bomb inside...:timeout:

14-07-2021, 21:32
I know what to do to increase sales potential of their drug. Do you see those guys transporting the boxes? Just hide a bomb inside...:timeout:

they already did - its a bomb the size of DNA....
If you want to see it explode - get vaccinated right now :)

There is just one tiny little problem though :) ... it will explode inside of you

Kidding of coz :) ... there is no bomb inside the vaccine - just some nanobots that will rewrite your brain to be compatible
with Mac OS

Kidding again :) ... there are no nanobots - you'll just become infertile - no kids ...

Also kidding :) ....its an invasion from space - and vaccines are the alien DNA that will turn us into cows for them ..
so that they can eat us

Totally kidding :) ... its just bizness - nothing more - they don't care if you live or die -
as long government keeps buying them

Have to confess - i was kidding on the last one as well !!!

What those vaccines truly are - you can find h..[censored by google]

16-07-2021, 07:46

26-07-2021, 12:52
they already did - its a bomb the size of DNA....
If you want to see it explode - get vaccinated right now :)

There is just one tiny little problem though :) ... it will explode inside of you

Kidding of coz :) ... there is no bomb inside the vaccine - just some nanobots that will rewrite your brain to be compatible
with Mac OS

Kidding again :) ... there are no nanobots - you'll just become infertile - no kids ...

Also kidding :) ....its an invasion from space - and vaccines are the alien DNA that will turn us into cows for them ..
so that they can eat us

Totally kidding :) ... its just bizness - nothing more - they don't care if you live or die -
as long government keeps buying them

Have to confess - i was kidding on the last one as well !!!

What those vaccines truly are - you can find h..[censored by google]

Of course I meant another kind of bomb :P ... Against them!

I think there is (almost) no jokes inside the joke. I mean: the Apple nanobots do exist since long time or Apple fandom and users would not exist, lol! :rofl:

And the vaccines, the jerKOVIDEY-19 vaccines they are selling still have allergens that caused thrombosis to some people. So, yes: there's a bomb inside.

But our president goes live on TV to say "He who exhortates people to not vaccinate, is leading people to death". When an economist becomes a virologist... Aaaand: from 2022 on, EU will buy only Pfizer, the one developed by Germany and US. So, basically Merkel's poison too, in addition to stars and stripes men.


These tunnels became a loop for almost 2 years now. :(

28-07-2021, 11:34

28-07-2021, 19:54

29-07-2021, 09:06


:kneel: :kneel: :kneel:

Meanwhile, there is the green pass matter these days. There have been protests against it. Yesterday I've seen a dude showing a banner "Green pass mierda", but can't find it.

But as I have seen this:


That reminded me of Beyond Castle Wolfenstein


With a little edit:

- Halt! Kommen sie!

- Green Pass?

If you have, it will be "Heil!". If you don't have, it will be "Wachsam!" and they won't allow you to go anywhere or you'll be under arrest.
But I'm pretty sure there will be the way (like in the game) to bribe the guards... :)

30-07-2021, 13:11
- Halt! Kommen sie!

- Green Pass?


30-07-2021, 16:09
Meanwhile, there is the green pass matter these days. There have been protests against it. Yesterday I've seen a dude showing a banner "Green pass mierda"

Yea - got the video from your parliament :


04-08-2021, 15:15

07-08-2021, 20:39
Is this true ??
that EU decided to outlaw mandate vaccinations ?????

source :


---------- Post added 07-08-2021 at 21:00 ----------

Here is something everyone might like to know:

During an Edinburg Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) board meeting on July 27,
the PA named Miguel Escobar explained that COVID data is being manipulated to elevate the case and death count.


Source: https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-physician-exposes-covid-scam-and-how-establishment-fixes-the-numbers/

14-08-2021, 12:36
Meanwhile, the Pfi$$$er rubbish looses effect after 6 months and they are considering a 3rd dose. Fuck it! And should I vaccinate for what???

Ostap, I don't want bad things happen to him, but that Mr. Escobar... I'm afraid someone will go armed to "salute" him, like columbian killers did with another Escobar, Andrés. :(

14-08-2021, 19:44
Ostap, I don't want bad things happen to him, but that Mr. Escobar... I'm afraid someone will go armed to "salute" him, like columbian killers did with another Escobar, Andrés. :(

Замолчи ...ибо накаркаеш !!

30-08-2021, 12:53

04-10-2021, 04:58
That's it... last stop ...everybody out !!!


05-10-2021, 20:36

26-10-2021, 09:30

17-11-2021, 15:22

18-11-2021, 10:44

source: https://www.scribd.com/document/540484236/Appeal-Anti-Globalist-Alliance#from_embed

03-02-2022, 05:32



14-02-2022, 01:02
just the faces we all need to remember


Everyone of them is a criminal !!!!

15-02-2022, 15:35

08-03-2022, 20:23
Finally !!!

Putin Receives Nobel Prize In Medicine


For Ending COVID Pandemic

After serious deliberations deep inside the uber-secret Nobel Prize Compound in Switzerland or wherever,
Nobel committee of medicine decided to award the Nobel Prize in Medicine to
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin for single-handedly ending the COVID pandemic practically overnight.

Hey .. :) ..where all of the "get the jab and save the planet" pips go ?

01-05-2022, 16:46

20-05-2022, 11:13

Unfortunately, this will be my new pic! :dohdoh::dohdoh::dohdoh: With Moderna in the place of Pfizer... :hang:

20-05-2022, 19:12

24-05-2022, 15:38

09-06-2022, 14:50

18-06-2022, 14:10

14-07-2022, 14:19
Check it your self !!


30-07-2022, 15:22

12-10-2022, 13:04

19-12-2022, 04:55

13-01-2023, 06:48