View Full Version : SHOOT ME ...(looking for a mapper)

02-02-2020, 02:07
Hi everyone ... in couple of weeks i'll be 48...
to celebrate it - id like someone to create a map where i'm the monster
so ...everyone can shoot me :)

Map should be done in 2 weeks ...(before feb 15)
Map should last longer than 30min playtime ...(no survival types.... plz be creative :)
price is 200 euro

Anyone interested - PM me.

02-02-2020, 12:19
Hi everyone ... in couple of weeks i'll be 48...
to celebrate it - id like someone to create a map where i'm the monster
so ...everyone can shoot me :)

Map should be done in 2 weeks ...(before feb 15)
Map should last longer than 30min playtime ...(no survival types.... plz be creative :)
price is 200 euro

Anyone interested - PM me.

So, if I got it, you want a Co-op map where there would be hundreds of monsters with your avatar as skin/texture... or a classic boss arena where you are the boss (such as Ugh-Zan), still with your avatar as texture, and with so much health that it would take 30 minutes to kill you... or what? :huh:

02-02-2020, 15:26
So, if I got it, you want a Co-op map where there would be hundreds of monsters with your avatar as skin/texture... or a classic boss arena where you are the boss (such as Ugh-Zan), still with your avatar as texture, and with so much health that it would take 30 minutes to kill you... or what? :huh:

Just about right :)

03-02-2020, 18:01
Just about right :)

Lol, about which option? The second one?

Anyway, I found ShootMe already exists on Sam! :D


Guess what map is it?


What about to change its name to "Shoot Ostap" then? :)

Damn, during the last months I was learning DOOM Builder 2, sorry I can't design the requested arena in time from Serious Editor. :(

04-02-2020, 07:54
Lol, about which option? The second one?

Anyway, I found ShootMe already exists on Sam! :D


Guess what map is it?


What about to change its name to "Shoot Ostap" then? :)

Damn, during the last months I was learning DOOM Builder 2, sorry I can't design the requested arena in time from Serious Editor. :(

Doesn't have to be "Shoot me"
It could be "Kill Bill 42" ...or something

04-02-2020, 16:20
Doesn't have to be "Shoot me"
It could be "Kill Bill 42" ...or something

Or "Anniversary Arena"...

05-02-2020, 08:01
Or "Anniversary Arena"...

Ostaporama - where everyone is Ostap

06-02-2020, 13:26
I'm interested with it :)

Though it will take some time, but I'm sure I can do something you'll enjoy!

06-02-2020, 15:47
I'm interested with it :)

Though it will take some time, but I'm sure I can do something you'll enjoy!

Then hurry up, lol: less than 9 days left... :D

Map should be done in 2 weeks ...(before feb 15)



P. S.: Rakanishu from Serious Sam HD? The same who played back in 2012-2013?

06-02-2020, 17:02
P. S.: Rakanishu from Serious Sam HD? The same who played back in 2012-2013?

Yeah it is him, he is a nice mapper)

06-02-2020, 22:35
Thank you :)

07-02-2020, 19:43
Then hurry up, lol: less than 9 days left... :D

It ain't gonna be before the 15th feb ...too short time ...so its up to the mapper when it will be finished...
3 mappers already signed in

I'll try to make some pictures of my face to be used in the map

08-02-2020, 22:39
Now that there are 3 mappers signed in for ...
and the time of the map is not limited ...

I'm making it an competition after all...

I'm still gonna buy each map (3-4 maps...)
but there will be a "Best Ostap Kill map" price of 1,000 euro ...at the end of the year

---------- Post added 08-02-2020 at 22:29 ----------

btw ... any idea how to call it ?

i mean .."kill ostap" ...does not sound at all ...
kill bill42 ?

please share your ideas ...

09-02-2020, 02:41
I think mappers should be free on naming the level as long as it contains Ostap :huh:

Nice deadline. So let's say map should be sent before 31st December 2020, 23:59:59 UTC?

I think this should be enough to complete a 30 minutes+ Singleplayer / Coop level.

11-02-2020, 12:48
I think mappers should be free on naming the level as long as it contains Ostap :huh:

Nice deadline. So let's say map should be sent before 31st December 2020, 23:59:59 UTC?

I think this should be enough to complete a 30 minutes+ Singleplayer / Coop level.

Naming is totally up to the mapper - i just suggested a name :)
Deadline - hmm .... no problem 31 december it is

Then still there will be a month or so to run it on servers to allow everyone check it out and eventually vote for it

12-02-2020, 01:07
Ok, I will try to deliver for 1st of December at latest then. Thanks.

17-06-2020, 22:54
Map on the way. :)

Anyone where participating?

18-06-2020, 21:44
Map on the way. :)

If Ostap is final boss, I'll test it :P

19-06-2020, 10:13
If Ostap is final boss, I'll test it :P

Yeah, he will be :P

19-06-2020, 13:12
Ye we can play this when it's done)

20-06-2020, 11:12
I was wondering if some other mappers would make maps. If yes, who? :P

20-06-2020, 11:58
It is one thing to make a map, it is quite another to create an enemy. In any case, one thing is good - Ostap, he will die. Unless he escapes, as most villains do.

27-06-2020, 00:28
Map on the way. :)

Anyone where participating?

You and one more ...so far I've no info on progress but - single "Yes" when i asked if he can complete till december

---------- Post added 27-06-2020 at 00:33 ----------

I was wondering if some other mappers would make maps. If yes, who? :P

Vanya109 ... the only one
I had another competitor - but he's not responding at al ...

27-06-2020, 11:47
Oh nice! Good to see Vanya109 doing something. His work (https://yadi.sk/d/CSglE58yWjn6iw) is really interesting.

22-09-2020, 15:14
Some progress.



23-09-2020, 03:37
Some progress.



great !
I already thought it died of covid ;)

23-09-2020, 11:01
Never :)

25-09-2020, 20:56
No updates from Vanya109 though ...

26-09-2020, 17:30
I have progress too


29-09-2020, 01:00
I have progress too


Cool Cool Cool !!!

29-09-2020, 10:51
Nice @vanya109!

30-09-2020, 07:13
So if i'm right ...
I'm gonna get shot in December ....in two different maps


30-09-2020, 07:22
Now that there are 3 mappers signed in for ...
and the time of the map is not limited ...

I'm making it an competition after all...

I'm still gonna buy each map (3-4 maps...)
but there will be a "Best Ostap Kill map" price of 1,000 euro ...at the end of the year

---------- Post added 08-02-2020 at 22:29 ----------

btw ... any idea how to call it ?

i mean .."kill ostap" ...does not sound at all ...
kill bill42 ?

please share your ideas ...

Only 2 left - but competition still valid since there are at least 2 contenders

01-10-2020, 11:43
2 days left to register?

I must hurry to finish it for december :D

At the moment, my map is 15-20 minutes long...But I think it will last at least 40 minutes.

01-10-2020, 23:20
2 days left to register?

I must hurry to finish it for december :D

At the moment, my map is 15-20 minutes long...But I think it will last at least 40 minutes.

We need ZIP - to test it out how long it lasts :)
he could run standard map in minus 20 seconds ...

---------- Post added 01-10-2020 at 23:23 ----------

ever seen grand master playing chess ? ..something like that ..but faster
basically - he finished map before it was loaded

02-10-2020, 11:29
ZIP? You mean file format? Anyway my map will contain custom DLLs. So it won't be a gro file.

11-10-2020, 09:38
Hi Ostap. Can it be a level pack (like 2 levels). I'm not sure of doing such a thing but at the moment I'm thinking of creating 2 levels.

12-10-2020, 04:51
Hi Ostap. Can it be a level pack (like 2 levels). I'm not sure of doing such a thing but at the moment I'm thinking of creating 2 levels.

Absolutely - even better :)

20-10-2020, 18:37
The 1st map is almost finished.

Prepare to get shot, Ostap!

21-10-2020, 09:14
The 1st map is almost finished.

Prepare to get shot, Ostap!




23-02-2021, 14:08
We need ZIP - to test it out how long it lasts :)
he could run standard map in minus 20 seconds ...

---------- Post added 01-10-2020 at 23:23 ----------

ever seen grand master playing chess ? ..something like that ..but faster
basically - he finished map before it was loaded

ZIP? You mean file format? Anyway my map will contain custom DLLs. So it won't be a gro file.

Sorry to reply this late, but... Noooo Rakanishu, Ostap meant ZIP the FE servers admin and historical player from Russia (most seen as ZIP << IMMORTAL >> ingame). He has a profile here, too.

However, I came back here because I was wondering: how is it going, did you finish the maps? Just asking for news, since no more has been posted about it.

23-02-2021, 17:55

Something tragic has happened and Ostap cancelled his request for reasons I don't want to mention. He knows why he cancelled and it's his choice, though unfair in my opinion.

I finished my entry but released it as something non-related to this contest, because I don't want to be related to it anymore. Here's the maps if you want to play on them: https://rakanishu-sed.itch.io/insomnium

Thanks for having thought about this though.

23-02-2021, 18:39
Good job, Rakanishu! Your creativity is amazing!

23-02-2021, 18:47
Good job, Rakanishu! Your creativity is amazing!

Thank you. I appreciate the kind words!

24-02-2021, 13:15

Something tragic has happened and Ostap cancelled his request for reasons I don't want to mention. He knows why he cancelled and it's his choice, though unfair in my opinion.

It's a shame that such an event couldn't go on, but I'll try to imagine the reason myself and won't ask any further.

I finished my entry but released it as something non-related to this contest, because I don't want to be related to it anymore. Here's the maps if you want to play on them: https://rakanishu-sed.itch.io/insomnium

Thanks for having thought about this though.

Thank you for the link and the information! I took a quick look at the page last night, but something is not clear to me: is it just a map pack or a new mod with both levels?
Second, please correct me if I'm wrong: do I have to get another mod in order to obtain the entities and classes for the new enemies? Thanks in advance. :)

And, you worked at it for many months, I assume this was a very intensive job to do! :kneel: :kneel: :kneel: I'm going to give it a try these days. :tup:

24-02-2021, 14:31
It's a shame that such an event couldn't go on, but I'll try to imagine the reason myself and won't ask any further.
In short, I'm not sure to be welcomed by Ostap here, that's why I decided not to post any maps anymore, though, if people ask for it, I may push my newest levels on this site.


This is a pack of 2 levels, that contains new enemies which are compatible with the vanilla game (no need to install mod), there's a readme file in order on how to install but basically:

- Open Insomnium.zip
- Extract its content (Bin, Classes & Insomnium.gro) in your main Serious Sam directory
- Play the game and the maps :)

25-02-2021, 17:22
In short, I'm not sure to be welcomed by Ostap here, that's why I decided not to post any maps anymore, though, if people ask for it, I may push my newest levels on this site.


This is a pack of 2 levels, that contains new enemies which are compatible with the vanilla game (no need to install mod), there's a readme file in order on how to install but basically:

- Open Insomnium.zip
- Extract its content (Bin, Classes & Insomnium.gro) in your main Serious Sam directory
- Play the game and the maps :)

Oh, I downloaded the original version (the first link) instead of Vanilla. Is it the same? However, I followed step 3 on readme and it worked correctly. :)

Since I'm part of the category :lol: "weaker computers" :lol: I decided to give it a try at Tourist. I want to say that, even if I had low frame rates, I noticed the maps (especially the first one) are better optimized than the original game!


Original game maps: after 30-45 mins the frame rate decreases until 0.3 and it is unplayable.

Your maps: I have huge drops and some freezes (especially in the lava zone with all of those Golems and in the final arena) when I fight the enemies, but... AFTER THE ARENA IS CLEAN, FRAME RATE RAISES AGAIN to 18-22 average (this wouldn't happen on original SE maps), so I find it even more stable than Croteam original maps!

Sounds: I recognized the Pinky/Spectre Demon from DOOM sound when those Stapins appear. :)

Monsters: the white one seems from Serious Sam 2, but its death sound (and animation) reminds me the Shambler from Quake. And... Didn't expect a Green Cannon Biomechanoid! :eek:

Secrets: For now, I found only a secret pill in the second map. I'll play again!

Keep up the good work! :tup:

PS. I read at strategic data. :) Text seems like written by some :lol: forum director :lol: with those Emperor, minions, etc... :D

It must be completed by adding RLOS, blyadspisok and decision not negotiable :troll-face-high-resolution: :xd:

EDIT: Uh, and last but not least, I had no crashes! :)

25-02-2021, 22:51
Yeah it is a heavy level, try running on lower settings - but most important disable flares.

The levels were designed on medium-strong machines so sorry for the bad frames :(

Glad you enjoyed!