View Full Version : 42 Amsterdam Bi Lingual

14-12-2018, 08:25
Good news everyone

As everyone might already noticed -
42 is able to display text in both English and Russian
for Russian and English users

Today - we proudly announce - that 42 Servers are complete !
Everything there is to be displayed in English - is also available in Russian
Samtrack from now on is Bi-lingual system.

16-12-2018, 15:28
Not checked yet: how is russian written? With latin or cyrillic fonts?

10-01-2019, 20:12
Not checked yet: how is russian written? With latin or cyrillic fonts?

If your IP is from Russia/Ukraine/Khazakstan/Belarus (or @ru is selected) - and you have Russian version of Sam - you'll see Russian text from samtrack


Manually selected language is persistent and stays selected as long IP is the same.

10-01-2019, 21:34
If your IP is from Russia/Ukraine/Khazakstan/Belarus (or @ru is selected) - and you have Russian version of Sam - you'll see Russian text from samtrack

Yesterday a player from Ukraine (RoN) said to me that he has a problem and he sees my name <Наблюдатель 2> written with some hieroglyphics and that he could not read it... I told him to write @en, or install Russian version of the game
It is possible that more people have this issue (since they could have English version of game for some reason)

10-01-2019, 22:17
Yesterday a player from Ukraine (RoN) said to me that he has a problem and he sees my name <Наблюдатель 2> written with some hieroglyphics and that he could not read it... I told him to write @en, or install Russian version of the game
It is possible that more people have this issue (since they could have English version of game for some reason)

True - i cannot detect (i wish i could) what version of Sam client has.
But once selected @en - it stays selected ....as long IP wont change ... - i cannot link settings to GUID either ...coz there are still a lot players with duplicate ID's... from different countries.

19-08-2019, 11:06
Last night I joined a server as a observer (Frag 06 - Little Trouble, I guess) and 2 Admin messages in russian appeared on console:


^c00FF00: ^o^cFFFFFF^c00FF00Если тебе что-то не нравится или не устраивает. Тебя никто здесь не держит.



^c00FF00: ^o^cFFFFFF^c00FF00Как не посмотрю на твои сообщения, дак каждый читер по твоему мнению. Харе уже ныть, научись играть, и не бомби.

Which translated are basically the russian version of an old message appearing on the Survival of The Sickest server years ago.

Since when I entered observing, no one was writing anything on chat, is this an automated response to precise words as it was for anyone who wrote "lag" during the past years?

19-08-2019, 18:37
Last night I joined a server as a observer (Frag 06 - Little Trouble, I guess) and 2 Admin messages in russian appeared on console:

Which translated are basically the russian version of an old message appearing on the Survival of The Sickest server years ago.

Since when I entered observing, no one was writing anything on chat, is this an automated response to precise words as it was for anyone who wrote "lag" during the past years?

That was just personal message to the player from admin - not automated one

19-08-2019, 21:22
Which translated are basically the russian version of an old message appearing on the Survival of The Sickest server years ago.

How? The 2nd one is clearly personal) Also idk if Google Translate can get the word "chare" lolo

Since when I entered observing, no one was writing anything on chat,

Nobody was writing because our boy, Rampage, was probably muted... (he trashes alot and accuses everyone who beats him in frag of cheating)

20-08-2019, 12:16
That was just personal message to the player from admin - not automated one

Aah, ok. :)

How? The 2nd one is clearly personal) Also idk if Google Translate can get the word "chare" lolo

Ah, yes, I made a mistake: only the first sentence is similar to that old message, it was like "If you don't like this server, you are free to leave".

About "Харе уже ныть", Google Translate translates it as "Hare already whining" both in english and in italian (hare is a relative of the rabbit). In my logic, unless in russian or in ukrainian this could be metaphorical, it doesn't make sense.
That's why I have been using a site called "glosbe.com" for a while now. That site doesn't translate exactly as Google the same sentence (even if it uses the same instant translator!), but it has examples of translations for a word in multiple contexts or some sentences (not for this case, btw... and it is multilingual, not only in russian).

So, when I typed харе, it showed me a lot of meanings, as a proper name, but also as a variant of харя. Then I typed this one too and I clicked on "Show declension of харя" and харе is the dative form.

As said above, it has multiple meanings, but one of these is "face" and this makes sense if the infinitive form ныть (again, I checked for declension) means "to whine". My only doubt is dative form: does it work as the latin dative form? Or maybe the admin is not russian (Petar?)?

Anyway, I thought to translate simply like this: "Your face is already crying, learn to play and don't bomb on my mail box".

Ooh, wait: I checked more carefully and the form харе is also prepositional... what's the difference?

20-08-2019, 12:40
Hmm no I don't think that is what it means.... I am not good in this grammar stuff so I have no idea what you are talking about there)
I also don't think there can be an accurate translation for it..... it is some sort of slang and the closest thing I could replace it with that would make sense to me is "давай хватит" but dunno)

21-08-2019, 16:38
Hmm no I don't think that is what it means.... I am not good in this grammar stuff so I have no idea what you are talking about there)
I also don't think there can be an accurate translation for it..... it is some sort of slang and the closest thing I could replace it with that would make sense to me is "давай хватит" but dunno)

I'm not that good too, I was trying to guess, on a basis of a literal translation for "уже" (already) and "ныть". Maybe you are right, if I write those words together ("уже ныть"), some translations are about to "stop it!". In my opinion, there are two problems:

- translations vary from language to language;
- incorrect punctuation.

Go here https://glosbe.com/ru/en/уже%20ныть and look at this sentence:

Да перестань ты уже ныть!

English translation (taken from website): Oh, enough with the whining already.

Italian translation (I put in english): And stop whining!

Now, put a comma: "Да перестань, ты уже ныть!" In italian it will become: "Stop it, you are already whining!" Is this an exact translation? I don't know: I found out in russian a sentence is constructed differently from italian (and english).

Now, getting back to what did our admin say, it is possible he meant "Come on, stop it now" (is this the sense of "Хватит, давай" that you gave me as a synonymous?). What remains? The word харе (forgive me and be patient, I want to conclude explaining my point of view).

Now, looks like its first meaning is "mug". We do know every language has words that change totally their meanings when the context changes (and you could tell me dozens of examples in bulgarian).

So, another meaning I found for this word is something like "boy", "dude", which would match with your translation: "Stop it now, dude, learn to play, and don't bomb on my mail box"(I left unvaried the rest of translation, since with "и не бомби" is clearly referred to mail box spamming* activity - or spamming in console if you prefer -, not to rocket-grenade shooting ingame!).

*I better should say "Ingame Messages To Admin" box in the stats page (and its thread updated by SAMBOT on this forum) once you type @ADMIN to send a message.

22-08-2019, 11:28
Now, put a comma: "Да перестань, ты уже ныть!"

No, I don't think you can put a comma here... it doesn't sound right...

So, another meaning I found for this word is something like "boy", "dude", which would match with your translation: "Stop it now, dude, learn to play, and don't bomb on my mail box"(I left unvaried the rest of translation, since with "и не бомби" is clearly referred to mail box spamming* activity - or spamming in console if you prefer -, not to rocket-grenade shooting ingame!).

No, this doesn't mean mug or boy or dude) It is just slang.... and he wasn't posting anything in @admin- не бомби means stop flaming (when people in a game lose they tilt and start trashtalking to others it is called "бомбить").

23-08-2019, 21:25
No, I don't think you can put a comma here... it doesn't sound right...

Eeh, I still don't get how do they put commas. I still think in latin/italian, which have different period analysis.

Hey, trial-and-error should help, though (I hope so).

No, this doesn't mean mug or boy or dude) It is just slang....

Yes, I got it is slang. I wanted to test my interpretation skills! :D Did I get close to it at least?

and he wasn't posting anything in @admin- не бомби means stop flaming (when people in a game lose they tilt and start trashtalking to others it is called "бомбить").

Like flooding the chat then?

24-08-2019, 18:33
Did I get close to it at least?
No, it is a slang for "хватит"

Like flooding the chat then?
Just trashtalking

03-09-2019, 12:46
True - i cannot detect (i wish i could) what version of Sam client has.
But once selected @en - it stays selected ....as long IP wont change ... - i cannot link settings to GUID either ...coz there are still a lot players with duplicate ID's... from different countries.

If your IP is from Russia/Ukraine/Khazakstan/Belarus (or @ru is selected) - and you have Russian version of Sam - you'll see Russian text from samtrack


Manually selected language is persistent and stays selected as long IP is the same.

Ostap, you know what? If your system can't detect client' Sam language pack, I think there is no need to check for it.

A new variable could be implemented on Fix42Mod that gives the possibility to russians/ukrainians/belorussians, etc... to activate russian SAMTrack language on console client-side. Obviously, all these people will still need a patched Console1.fnt inside their gro or extracted to Fonts folder.

Anyway I tested @ru two nights ago and I was able to see SAMTrack messages in russian. :)
Maybe the commands remain to be translated, like @игрок (or игрокы or игроков) in the place of @players.

03-09-2019, 16:07
Maybe the commands remain to be translated, like @игрок (or игрокы or игроков) in the place of @players.

I don't think this is a good idea at all... even if people can see what is written there, the fact that people cant write in cyrillic remains, so if its changed to @игроки only 2 % of Russians will be able to use it...

04-09-2019, 21:12
I don't think this is a good idea at all... even if people can see what is written there, the fact that people cant write in cyrillic remains, so if its changed to @игроки only 2 % of Russians will be able to use it...

Damn, yeah, I remember now: it was possible on WinXP only! :(

On Windows 7 (and later I think) russian layout allows you to write only numbers and symbols from number keys (by pressing SHIFT), but not cyrillic letters...