View Full Version : Out of Map...

21-04-2018, 22:22
Good evening,

I tried Hunting Grounds server on FE and I noticed that a player went out of map in Oasis.

Since this mode is a Fragmatch emulating the Serious Sam HD's "Beast Hunt" one, I would ask to add a kick (or a temporary ban) directly inflicted by SamBOT, with the following reason:

"Out of Map is NOT allowed in Hunting Deathmatch".

I saw that in some Co-op servers there's a script that automatically sights when a player goes out of the map and also displays a message about that. The same "out of map sighter" could be used in Hunting Grounds for kick players who go out.

Note: I ask this rule should afflict Hunting servers ONLY, NOT Co-op!

23-04-2018, 07:26
Yep ... it were missing on FE server ..
Thanx - it's added now