View Full Version : uTorrent is no longer safe !!

01-03-2018, 05:32
Hi yo ...

According to the info i've picked from the net .
uTorrent ... (3.x version ... so far) is no longer safe
If you have 3.x version and you are directly connected to the internet ...you are in trouble !!

Original news came from dutch news site : https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/technieuws/lek-in-download-app-utorrent-laat-hackers-computer-overnemen

Official bug were reported here ...: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1524

so far..
all i can say that older versions of uTorrent are not affected ... 2.2.1 .. is fine !
for anyone who's looking for an older version of sofware - here is the site : http://www.oldversion.com/windows/utorrent/

02-03-2018, 20:41
Tested for a long time different versions.
From 1.8 to 3 ...

The result, if shortly => versions above 1.8.5 differed by strong instability and bugs.

In the end, I stopped at 1.8.2 as the most optimal.

Rus. :
Тестировал давно разные версии.
С 1.8 до 3...

Результат, если коротко => версии выше 1.8.5 отличались сильной нестабильностью и багами.

В итоге, остановился на 1.8.2 как наиболее оптимальной.

07-03-2018, 02:21
1.8 is basically identical to 2... whats the diff ?