View Full Version : Jack of Diamonds...

04-04-2017, 17:55
Someone may remember that i was banned once for ''Trashing'' this guy called Jack Of Diamonds,maybe the thread is still here somewhere but i'm too lazy to check.
Btw,''TRASHING'' was : ''Go 1vs1'',''U scared?'',''Cock of diamonds'' (as he called many players ''cock'' and as he says it is not insulting..;))

Now,he keeps trashing me while i'm not even answering most of the times,i've also tried to be nice with this guy but there is no way,an example is today he called me ''italian shit'' and ''faggot'' or something like that lol,you can check logs on 42ams shotty server.
He also got angry cause i killed him by hitting his body after he was killed so he died as he spawned,that's funny because he does it intentionally every time even on 1 vs 1.

You may wonder,why this post?.
I saw that this is a common behaviour by Jack,trashing and insulting so.. as i was banned for this (but unfairly i might add) why does this guy keep acting like that and no one does anything?.Was i banned only because i am no one in this forum while he is somehow known here?.

Ostap you said ''This is not gz bla bla no trashing here'',''Rules are for all'':yes:

Also i don't want him to be banned,i just want us to be all on the same level,otherwise i can start trash and insulting too with no consequences right?<_<

04-04-2017, 18:25

(Huj wie ile ja to razy mówiłem)

04-04-2017, 18:29

(Huj wie ile ja to razy mówiłem)

I know you said it many times,but this is not inherent with the thread

04-04-2017, 18:52
Who will care about this shité trashing, have that n+1 times (to this day) and im not making dozen of topics "jackofdiamods is trashing me plez bann him kurwa mać".

04-04-2017, 19:02
Who will care about this shité trashing, have that n+1 times (to this day) and im not making dozen of topics "jackofdiamods is trashing me plez bann him kurwa mać".

I know you'r trying to be a funny guy and that's ok,but first of all this is my first post and second he is the one who makes this kind of posts and complains about trashing,you should read twice before posting as i said '' I don't want him to be banned''.
Finally,this thread wasn't addressed to players but to admins,who should actually care about their servers,you may not but they probably do

04-04-2017, 19:52
Baw się dobrze.
Have fun.

04-04-2017, 19:57
na pewno

04-04-2017, 20:46
(Huj wie ile ja to razy mówiłem)

ye, 10 times + ... and i totally use it))) (sorry for ignoring you all sometimes people :)...)

05-04-2017, 09:54
oh wait did this "italian shit" playing with provoking tags? yea. so u just get what u deserve

05-04-2017, 09:57
oh wait did this "italian shit" playing with provoking tags? yea. so u just get what u deserve

Only after you insulted,log can tell ;)

06-04-2017, 16:14
Just ignore him, thats all :P

06-04-2017, 17:28
Just ignore him, thats all :P

Yeah bro i will and i usually do,but i was mostly talking about ''justice'',as i was banned for the same reason as many other players.
Again,i'm not asking to ban Jack for trashing (even if he deserves it),or he says i trashed first? bullshits(check logs) but you can ban both of us for me no problem :)
Just saying ''Rules are for all?'' nah..and that's all right to me,i''ll just laugh when any admin will say something like that again. ;)

EDIT : (Just to check what i am talking about) OLD Jack's post (ibo was my first account) > https://42amsterdam.net/samforum/showthread.php?t=1420 (there is thousand of posts by Jack refering to ''Trashing'' players i wonder why...:rolleyes:


(you'll may need to zoom a bit with your browser to read)

07-04-2017, 11:19
I got many bans aswell because of him :P altho he didnt, even when admins was on server.
Its useless to fight against him. Maybe one day he will grow up :rolleyes: :yes:

07-04-2017, 14:59
Hello! I don't wanna to defend nobody. But always someone start first. Please, don't use provocative (ofensive) nicknames, or trashtalking in game. If you have any issues to fix, do it in Skype,PM in forum but , not in servers !

07-04-2017, 15:44
Hello! I don't wanna to defend nobody. But always someone start first. Please, don't use provocative (ofensive) nicknames, or trashtalking in game. If you have any issues to fix, do it in Skype,PM in forum but , not in servers !

Can you please check servers log last week st?see who started first?,you are clearly defending jack btw now and then so close this post already as i.though it is completely useless to try to get an equal treatment.
There is nothing to fix,he is just pouring out on Sam.

PS: Rules are for everybody.....more or less.

07-04-2017, 22:23
since that Jack is a Campers member right now, it's my responsibility to make sure our players hold a proper behavior on our servers. I will talk with him :tup:

08-04-2017, 01:33
I got many bans aswell because of him :P altho he didnt, even when admins was on server.
Its useless to fight against him. Maybe one day he will grow up :rolleyes: :yes:

90% of ur posts is "lol" "omg" "lol" "omg" etc. and u r talking about "growing up"? lmao
also stop lying, u get ur bans coz u become mad and "jebem ti mater" or smthng like this, i cant remember correctly.

okay, i can confirm that i say "italian shit" first, but it was THE ONLY time, when i start trashtalking first. but lets look in the past - f9solo, provoking, faking nicknames. and after all of that - u come here, and start praying for justice? first of all - keep ur mouth closed, and try to say nothing to me, coz actually i have NOTHING to say to u.

"You say you're going hard - but nobody feels the same" (c) bones

08-04-2017, 04:11
90% of ur posts is "lol" "omg" "lol" "omg" etc. and u r talking about "growing up"? lmao
also stop lying, u get ur bans coz u become mad and "jebem ti mater" or smthng like this, i cant remember correctly.

okay, i can confirm that i say "italian shit" first, but it was THE ONLY time, when i start trashtalking first. but lets look in the past - f9solo, provoking, faking nicknames. and after all of that - u come here, and start praying for justice? first of all - keep ur mouth closed, and try to say nothing to me, coz actually i have NOTHING to say to u.

"You say you're going hard - but nobody feels the same" (c) bones

What about you just apologize and show some mature behaviour?,my problem is unfair behaviour between admins,i dont actually care about your insults and provocations,since let me say i dont know you and you dont know me,so it is just some random talking from an unknown person equal it has no meaning at all.
We are all adults here (at least i hope you are not 13 yrs old)so act like that,try to chill out and have fun,you cant really take seriously someone that says "best kill ever " "u so scared" since i'm certain you actually realized i'm not that kind of person (meta knows me very well and He knows what has always been my behaviour)

13-04-2017, 00:54
some things never change aye? ;D