View Full Version : Alien Hunter 2016

06-02-2016, 06:22

Good news everyone !!!

Once again ...
We'd like to proudly announce the new coming COOP event for Serious Sam (FE/SE).

Ancient Hunter 2016

Event description:
This is the second COOP event that will include another (more extended) specially designed activity tracker.
Now - we can track everything! .. Kills, deaths, pickups....you name it.

The goal of the event is to kill as much as possible monsters...and of coz - collect all the keys ...
Deaths are not counted...if you die ... pity ..just press the button to re-spawn
Winners of the event will be chosen by most kills and most found keys combined.

Event days:
The official start of the event:
"19/02/2016 00:00:00 CET" until "26/02/2016 23:59:59 CET"

Event hours:
"00:00 CET (02:00 Moscow)" until "00:00 CET (02:00 Moscow)"
Basically - 24/7...

Registration will be possible on any 42Amsterdam COOP servers (FE/SE 1.05/SE 1.07)
and will be active from "12/02/2016 00:00:00 CET" until "18/02/2016 23:59:59 CET"

Registration is performed by typing command @hunter inside the game.
Once the command is issued - player name and other identifier's will be recorded for later score tracking.
Due to different server types (FE/SE-1.05/SE-1.07) - Participants will be required to register on all servers they'd like to play during the event.

Accepted registrants ....and all registered accounts will be merged automatically during event statistic computation.
Duplicate registrants will be removed.

Event Rules:
1 - No outside map walking
......If player is caught outside map - player will be directly disqualified and banned from the event.
2 - No speed running. If player is caught speed running - player will be directly disqualified and banned from the event.
3 - No interference (blocking the doors or lifts...etc) Actions like that will lead to direct disqualification and eventual ban if repeated.

PS: Not knowing the rules does not count as an excuse.

Servers List:
1 - Alien Hunter 2016 [Hard]
2 - Alien Hunter 2016 [Serious]
3 - Alien Hunter 2016 [Serious] (Custom Maps)

SE 1.05:
1 - Alien Hunter 2016 [Hard]
2 - Alien Hunter 2016 [Serious]
3 - Alien Hunter 2016 [Serious] (Custom Maps)

SE 1.07:
1 - Alien Hunter 2016 [Hard]
2 - Alien Hunter 2016 [Serious]
3 - Alien Hunter 2016 [Serious] (Custom Maps)

Server Settings:
gam_iStartDifficulty.......................=Seriou s / Hard

06-02-2016, 16:51
Why is swimming not allowed in this event?
It doesn't give any advantage in co-op and it's funny to do :lol:

07-02-2016, 13:27
Why is swimming not allowed in this event?
It doesn't give any advantage in co-op and it's funny to do :lol:

True ... this event does not require strict rules...
they've been adjusted ...

07-02-2016, 13:51

Good news everyone !!!

Once again ...
We'd like to proudly announce the new coming COOP event for Serious Sam (FE/SE).

Ancient Hunter 2016

Event description:
This is the second COOP event that will include another (more extended) specially designed activity tracker.
Now - we can track everything! .. Kills, deaths, pickups....you name it.

The goal of the event is to kill as much as possible monsters...and of coz - collect all the keys ...
Deaths are not counted...if you die ... pity ..just press the button to re-spawn
Winners of the event will be chosen by most kills and most found keys combined.

Event days:
The official start of the event:
"19/02/2016 00:00:00 CET" until "26/02/2016 23:59:59 CET"

Event hours:
"00:00 CET (02:00 Moscow)" until "00:00 CET (02:00 Moscow)"
Basically - 24/7...

Registration will be possible on any 42Amsterdam COOP servers (FE/SE 1.05/SE 1.07)
and will be active from "12/02/2016 00:00:00 CET" until "18/02/2016 23:59:59 CET"

Registration is performed by typing command @hunter inside the game.
Once the command is issued - player name and other identifier's will be recorded for later score tracking.
Due to different server types (FE/SE-1.05/SE-1.07) - Participants will be required to register on all servers they'd like to play during the event.

Accepted registrants ....and all registered accounts will be merged automatically during event statistic computation.
Duplicate registrants will be removed.

Event Rules:
1 - No outside map walking
......If player is caught outside map - player will be directly disqualified and banned from the event.
2 - No speed running. If player is caught speed running - player will be directly disqualified and banned from the event.
3 - No interference (blocking the doors or lifts...etc) Actions like that will lead to direct disqualification and eventual ban if repeated.

PS: Not knowing the rules does not count as an excuse.

Servers List:
1 - Ancient Hunter 2016 [Hard]
2 - Ancient Hunter 2016 [Serious]

SE 1.05:
1 - Ancient Hunter 2016 [Hard]
2 - Ancient Hunter 2016 [Serious]

SE 1.07:
1 - Ancient Hunter 2016 [Hard]
2 - Ancient Hunter 2016 [Serious]

Server Settings:
gam_iStartDifficulty.......................=Seriou s / Hard

Hey, Ostap, do I have to download a special mod for this (ST8, PESE/PEFE) or I could play also from original Sam, too?

I still don't know if I can join tourney.

07-02-2016, 23:15
Hey, Ostap, do I have to download a special mod for this (ST8, PESE/PEFE) or I could play also from original Sam, too?

I still don't know if I can join tourney.

Absolutely not ... the mod i've created is on the server side ... and does not affect any clients...

---------- Post added 07-02-2016 at 22:21 ----------

I still don't know if I can join tourney.

Absolutely yes :)... .. sorry for wrong description ....

Mod is only server side ...and created for samtrack only... to allow to track player activities ....
for players ...it would means absolutely nothing ... - just connect and play....

08-02-2016, 12:38
Absolutely not ... the mod i've created is on the server side ... and does not affect any clients...

---------- Post added 07-02-2016 at 22:21 ----------

Absolutely yes :)... .. sorry for wrong description ....

Mod is only server side ...and created for samtrack only... to allow to track player activities ....
for players ...it would means absolutely nothing ... - just connect and play....

Thanks for reply. :)

Ok. Now I have two more doubts.

About the "out of map" rule, is it also for secrets? For example, the secret of heart on Hatshepsut or the secret of heart+200 Armor in Dunes, are they considered out of map? Or is it "collect all the keys"?

I before said I don't know if I will join in it because I want to know if a gamer has to play continuously all the maps, or he/she could play when he/she can. I just don't have much time to play all day long.

08-02-2016, 13:45
About the "out of map" rule, is it also for secrets? For example, the secret of heart on Hatshepsut or the secret of heart+200 Armor in Dunes, are they considered out of map? Or is it "collect all the keys"?

I guess I can answer that for you: secrets are (obviously?) part of the map and are thus considered accepted terrain. Out of the map would be jumping over the left/right walls in for example Metropolis (FE) and running in a straight line towards the end in the flat desert environment.

08-02-2016, 15:23
1 - No outside map walking
NO Above the map
NO Below the map
NO Bypass maps on the walls

Examples :

http://savepic.ru/8611203m.png (http://savepic.ru/8611203.htm) http://savepic.ru/8617347m.png (http://savepic.ru/8617347.htm) http://savepic.ru/8601987m.png (http://savepic.ru/8601987.htm) http://savepic.ru/8609155m.png (http://savepic.ru/8609155.htm) http://savepic.ru/8594819m.png (http://savepic.ru/8594819.htm)

================================================== ===

I before said I don't know if I will join in it because I want to know if a gamer has to play continuously all the maps, or he/she could play when he/she can. I just don't have much time to play all day long.
You can play any maps on choice.
The full game is not required.

08-02-2016, 19:18
How about to add custome maps or is it already ?

08-02-2016, 20:33
How about to add custome maps or is it already ?

I'd like to have custom maps in this event, too :) ..and somebody who wants to play them with me :redface:

08-02-2016, 23:25
I guess I can answer that for you: secrets are (obviously?) part of the map and are thus considered accepted terrain. Out of the map would be jumping over the left/right walls in for example Metropolis (FE) and running in a straight line towards the end in the flat desert environment.

NO Above the map
NO Below the map
NO Bypass maps on the walls

Examples :

http://savepic.ru/8611203m.png (http://savepic.ru/8611203.htm) http://savepic.ru/8617347m.png (http://savepic.ru/8617347.htm) http://savepic.ru/8601987m.png (http://savepic.ru/8601987.htm) http://savepic.ru/8609155m.png (http://savepic.ru/8609155.htm) http://savepic.ru/8594819m.png (http://savepic.ru/8594819.htm)

================================================== ===

I understand: I observed a lot of players doing that in Karnak, months and months ago. :asd:

You can play any maps on choice.
The full game is not required.

Today I made some training: in 1 hour and quarter I played since Hatshepsut to Kings Valley. So, if I play the first maps in the first day, could I "continue" in the next day?

09-02-2016, 19:14
I'd like to have custom maps in this event, too :) ..and somebody who wants to play them with me :redface:

Yes!!! I will! :D just contact me when u want :P

09-02-2016, 20:42
Today I made some training: in 1 hour and quarter I played since Hatshepsut to Kings Valley. So, if I play the first maps in the first day, could I "continue" in the next day?

No, unless there is a different system in place since the last tournament (but i highly doubt it).

Every time you disconnect from the server you have to start over again, even when the reason for you disconnecting is the too many bad syncs error message.

You can however return to the map you were playing with the @map command

10-02-2016, 15:38
No, unless there is a different system in place since the last tournament (but i highly doubt it).

Every time you disconnect from the server you have to start over again, even when the reason for you disconnecting is the too many bad syncs error message.

You can however return to the map you were playing with the @map command

Yes, I know command "@map", it is like to choose custom level in single player.

The important thing I want to know is if the score and progress I made in the first session I play (let's suppose Hatshepsut-MoonMontains), remain registered in tourney stats (in forum) or if they start from zero in next session (from Oasis to Alley of The Sphinxes, let's suppose again) I restart to play in Ancient Hunter server. In the case the stats will count 2 or more separate games, will they be merged manually in this thread by admins?

10-02-2016, 22:37
The important thing I want to know is if the score and progress I made in the first session I play (let's suppose Hatshepsut-MoonMontains), remain registered in tourney stats (in forum) or if they start from zero in next session (from Oasis to Alley of The Sphinxes, let's suppose again) I restart to play in Ancient Hunter server.

The scores are cumulative, yes. If you get 2 points for example on day 1, then on day 2 you will have 2points + what you make on that day (and so on).
I hope everything is clear now?

10-02-2016, 23:31
Yes!!! I will! :D just contact me when u want :P

okay :tup:

11-02-2016, 18:14
The scores are cumulative, yes. If you get 2 points for example on day 1, then on day 2 you will have 2points + what you make on that day (and so on).
I hope everything is clear now?

Ok, thanks for your explanations and your patience! :D

I hope my questions and your answers will help players who will have the same doubts in next days. :)

17-02-2016, 12:21

Registration for each game is separate. FE / SE/ SE 1.05
That is, you can only play in those versions of the game, in which you are registered.

* If you want to play on only one of the listed versions of the game, accordingly, additional registration is not required.
** If you want to play in the SE and FE accordingly, you should register in both versions of the game.
*** If you want to play in the FE, SE and SE 1.05 accordingly, you should register in three versions of the game.
For registration is desirable ( but not necessarily ) to use the same nickname which was registered earlier.

!!! Registration for the Event is performed on any COOP Server - by entering the command @hunter in game chat.


Регистрация для каждой игры осуществляется отдельно. FE / SE/ SE 1.05
То есть, вы сможете играть только в той версии игры, в которой вы зарегистрировались.

* Если вы хотите играть только на одном из перечисленных версий игры , соответственно, дополнительная регистрация не требуется .
** Если вы хотите играть в SE и FE соответственно, необходимо зарегистрироваться в обоих версиях игры.
*** Если вы хотите играть в FE, SE и SE 1.05 соответственно, необходимо зарегистрироваться в трех версиях игры.
Для регистрации желательно ( но не обязательно) использовать тот же ник который был зарегистрирован ранее.

!!! Регистрация на Мероприятие осуществляется на любом Кооперативном Сервере - путем ввода команды @hunter в игровой чат.

18-02-2016, 23:22
Event start in 1.5 hours ..
There will be 3 more servers with custom maps ....

19-02-2016, 01:12
alien hunter server locked = Password ?

19-02-2016, 03:19
alien hunter server locked = Password ?

Dere is no password :P

Also i must admit,the counting system is buggy as hell...
I played 2 games.1st was on hard server and it counted correctly:2 maps.
I played second game on serious server, and it stopped counting on hathsepsut..i finished playing on metropolis..
I killed way more enemies..
And i died maybe 25 times.. not 0.. :P

19-02-2016, 19:25
Dere is no password :P

Also i must admit,the counting system is buggy as hell...
I played 2 games.1st was on hard server and it counted correctly:2 maps.
I played second game on serious server, and it stopped counting on hathsepsut..i finished playing on metropolis..
I killed way more enemies..
And i died maybe 25 times.. not 0.. :P

Thanx for report - it should be fixed now ....

---------- Post added 19-02-2016 at 19:41 ----------

Small Announcement

Due to the minor bugs in activity tracker - some players had they results zeroed out.....without possibility to restore the stats.
To remedy the situation - Alien Hunter event will be prolonged for 2 more days.. until 28th 23:59:59 (just for the sake of anymore errors that may occur today or tomorrow)

Sorry for inconvenience. My fault.
Activity tracker were tested before launch ....but it seems that it wasn't good enough for the live event.

23-02-2016, 22:33
...Few days later....
The buggy activity tracker got to be fixed now ...!!!!
There were some unexpected issues with Sam SDK ... (with player indexing.....but it's resolved now)

All kills should be correctly tracked now....

26-02-2016, 01:51
Today I spotted some bugs:
1) Bonemans are not counting correcly (im not sure if it concerns only them "kleers")
2) Items like fire/water are still not counted
3)Sometimes tracker register maps randomly as Great Pyramid. I played Karnak and 2x Metropolis after that. When i checked my progress at the website, Tracker just registered it as 3x "The Great Pyramid" :huh:

26-02-2016, 02:04
2) Items like fire/water are still not counted
This is not considered to be key

This is the key :
http://savepic.ru/8821193m.png (http://savepic.ru/8821193.htm)

The other elements are present only in a single player mode.

26-02-2016, 02:46
This is not considered to be key

This is the key :
http://savepic.ru/8821193m.png (http://savepic.ru/8821193.htm)

The other elements are present only in a single player mode.

They are listed with other "items/keys", so I thought they will be counted as well.

But... okay, thank you for fast reply.

26-02-2016, 08:53
Bonemans are not counting correcly

Can you be more specific ? ... how incorrectly ?

26-02-2016, 15:02
They are listed with other "items/keys", so I thought they will be counted as well.
These elements are not always displayed in the game.
Besides water element - it is usually at the site.

Most often, the lack of elements happens when you play with a partners.
Many times such notice.

26-02-2016, 20:53
Can you be more specific ? ... how incorrectly ?

yesterday i did 2x Great Pyramid
3 first waves of bonemans and 3 waves of werebulls.
It should be about 129 bonemans counted and 106 werebulls.

Here is the result:

As you see, just 22 bonemans.
For compare here you have the same 6 waves run which i did 5 days ago:


28-02-2016, 22:10
I can't finish the game. It's at least the second day I attempt to play The Great Pyramid, and I get disconnected for 'Too many bad syncs' when I reach the point of final corridor near the Pyramid, after killing the orange reptiloid and a lot of biomechs and bulls, when Ugh-Zan III is in the middle of this corridor.

I usually get this problem in fragmatch also, but it is more rare than this and it happens only when I have a lot of lag.

I played with an edited netscript and I got the disconnection. But it is the same when I use xDSL default script. I got disconnected also in the first days, when I played the first maps, but it was rare, happening maximum once. But in The Great Pyramid it's mathematic that I get disconnected in that point, even if in the last game I arrived to kill the skeletons with biomechs coming from the Pyramid.

The only edited file I have in 'Bin' folder is 'Engine.dll', edited in 28/07/2014 because it was the patch replacement for Master Server I downloaded here. Others are all edited in 2001.

Any other who had this issue?

28-02-2016, 22:55
I can't finish the game. It's at least the second day I attempt to play The Great Pyramid, and I get disconnected for 'Too many bad syncs' when I reach the point of final corridor near the Pyramid, after killing the orange reptiloid and a lot of biomechs and bulls, when Ugh-Zan III is in the middle of this corridor.

I usually get this problem in fragmatch also, but it is more rare than this and it happens only when I have a lot of lag.

I played with an edited netscript and I got the disconnection. But it is the same when I use xDSL default script. I got disconnected also in the first days, when I played the first maps, but it was rare, happening maximum once. But in The Great Pyramid it's mathematic that I get disconnected in that point, even if in the last game I arrived to kill the skeletons with biomechs coming from the Pyramid.

The only edited file I have in 'Bin' folder is 'Engine.dll', edited in 28/07/2014 because it was the patch replacement for Master Server I downloaded here. Others are all edited in 2001.

Any other who had this issue?

Engine.dll dosent affect in game,only entities.dll affect.
About that problem,try reinstalling sam...
I have same problems with syncs on random coop,when im on xenox and maybe 2 or 3 players join.