View Full Version : SSL Error while entering 42Amsterdam.net!

15-10-2015, 11:15
Hi there,

These days I came back to play Sam, and I usually visit the stats page to see if is there anybody playing in the servers and take a look to forum homepage.

Now, I don't know if "News and Information" is the right section to post this; if not, admins could move this topic in the right section, just in case. So, I'm apologize in advance.

I have got a problem while entering on this website, stats or homepage, at once: SSL certificate is not valid for this site, and this could be dangerous for privacy and stuff like that.

I post a screen here, and I translate (it is in italian language):


"You attempted to visit 42amsterdam.net, but this server presented a certificate issued by an entity not considered reliable by your computer's OS. This could mean that this server generated security credentials on its own, upon which Chromium cannot rely on for the informations about server identity. It's also possible that somebody is trying to intercept your communications.

Don't proceed any further, especially if you never noticed this warning on this website before.

Proceed anyway - Back to protected area".

I'm using Chromium right now (as you see in the screenshot and in translation), but I encounter the same error if entering via Chrome. I will post Chrome's error message later, because the strange thing is that when I have Chromium opened (now, while writing, for example) and I try to open stats page on Chrome, it opens successfully. If I'm not online and I open Chrome, I notice the error also in Chrome, too.

So, does anybody notice the same issue while entering this site, or not? I want to comprehend if 42Amsterdam changed its certificate or if I have to renew/update my SSL for the internet.

Thanks for the attention and support.

Update: On Chrome, today I don't get the error anymore. But until yesterday I got that warning page of Chrome (with a picture of a thief) for this website. :confused:

15-10-2015, 13:05
This is known problem

Sometimes servers (not 42amsterdam ) that responsible for validation of websites certificates - do not respond in time ....

as you see in this image - all website (forum and stats) are accessible .... just press refresh ...


15-10-2015, 13:30
If the error persists ...

Than it might be related to how some routers handle secure connections.
I would suggest to search on booble "ssl connection problems with xxxxxx" your router model.

15-10-2015, 16:09
This is known problem

Sometimes servers (not 42amsterdam ) that responsible for validation of websites certificates - do not respond in time ....

as you see in this image - all website (forum and stats) are accessible .... just press refresh ...


Now I'm on Chrome and 42amsterdam loads ok. There is only one little difference: the "https" is red, as the image I posted before.

Instead, if I press refresh in Chromium, I get the error again, until I click on "Proceed anyway".

So, I think I will use Chrome to check stats and forum.

If the error persists ...

Than it might be related to how some routers handle secure connections.
I would suggest to search on booble "ssl connection problems with xxxxxx" your router model.

The router could be a cause, I should take a look to that.

Thanks for all suggests. :)

Curiosity: I tried also in Steam browser, the message is a bit different:

Screen (http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/392169906048847195/88BCDD140FC8D9DDBA6BA81732D6A9348E85589B/).

Looks like that also depends by browsers.

17-10-2015, 14:44

Today I opened 42Amsterdam.net via Chromium and the situation seems to be back to normality:


Note: I don't have updated Chromium or modified router settings. What can I say? That's good that problem is now solved. :)

However, it would be useful to leave this topic on the topboard, if anybody will have this same issue in future.