View Full Version : New Server

01-07-2015, 09:54
Good news everyone

To continue fighting all those bad pings
I've rented another server located in Germany (Frankfurt) (IP:

I'll try to configure it durring the day if i'll have the time ...(otherwise after work)
Thus i'm expecting to switch over to new server somewhere close to 20:00 - 21:00 CET..

For now - anyone can try pingig it to see if its better than current one located in Holland

You can ping both servers:

Dutch - nl.ostap.eu
German- de.ostap.eu

01-07-2015, 10:51
that's a very good news dude :tup:
but i think it won't make my ping any better :D

01-07-2015, 12:02
My ping in holland is often too low, giving me a very ennoying shake. So a server that causes my ping to be a little higher would be perfect :unsure:

01-07-2015, 18:41
I hope connection will be better ! :)

01-07-2015, 22:54
Welcome to New Game Servers in Frankfurt ... :)

02-07-2015, 00:13
Amazing job, spikes are gone finally :kneel: Thank you Ostap ! B)

@ EVO: install this -> https://42amsterdam.net/samforum/downloads.php?do=file&id=191

02-07-2015, 12:26
I'll download it,.. but it's sadly only for sam TSE
If someone can write a way to open, adjust and save dll files then I can try to change it myself xD

13-07-2015, 22:48
The new IP is tottaly unplayable for me
I have to choose 2 options; 1) 100-140 ping with ultra full box of spikes
2) 150-200 ping with some weird lag.... Never had similar lags

This is now for me #2 russian server

14-07-2015, 04:57
For me it's still the same ping and the spikes have gone too.

14-07-2015, 08:11
The new IP is tottaly unplayable for me
I have to choose 2 options; 1) 100-140 ping with ultra full box of spikes
2) 150-200 ping with some weird lag.... Never had similar lags

This is now for me #2 russian server

First of all - you should check your network settings... coz i bet you use some custom network scripts...(also stop downloading "My little ponny" cartoons while playing). Secondly - new server is much closer to you than the old one (Frankfurt ....instead of Middenburg) ...and connected to 1Gb network..

And just for the fun
try to trace route to both servers .... see witch one has shorter route...
...from the windows console type this:

tracert nl.ostap.eu

and then:

tracert de.ostap.eu

14-07-2015, 11:33
for me:
nl.ostap.eu; 9
de.ostap.eu; 8

14-07-2015, 15:29
I had less lags while my sister use wifi from laptop or/and iphone, on old ip

14-07-2015, 18:58
I had less lags while my sister use wifi from laptop or/and iphone, on old ip

Still - new server has MUCH better network than the old one...

I would check your network ..if i were you... If you used custom network settings - you probably configured it for old server..
try a few other settings that might be better for current one.
... also - try this "TCPOptimize" proggy ...(in downloads) ... it might help a bit too...