View Full Version : 1st of April

01-04-2015, 03:55
I know, it's stupid and childish, but I made some preparations for the 1st of April.
My husband went to sleep earlier than me, and I used this time to fullfill my dark plans.
First of all I made some "adjustments" to his shaving gel, shampoo, shower gel and razor.

Doing the shaving gel:


We need a plastic foil folded several times to avoid breaking of it if my husband tries to force the button


Wrapping around the bottle tip


Placing the button back to it's place


And the cap


Fixing it with a transparent sticky tape


Doing the same procedure with the shampoo



Now it's not going to come out of the bottle


The same with the shower gel


His razor blades were also covered with a scotch tape, not easy to notice it if you don't look at it close.
Then everything was taken back to it's place in shower. I hope he won't use my shampoos (in pink bottles) instead of his :)


Then I attached a blue thread around the end of one of his jacket sleeves


And put aluminium foil into his shoes



Not visible from the usual point of view


That's it. The jokes are pretty innocent and in my opinion not offensive. :P
By the way, whole this week is easter holidays in Norway, so, he won't be in a hurry, trying to collect himself to work. ;)

01-04-2015, 11:23
Nice jokes. Is good when people have a sense for humor. I like it too. Keep doing that Glassy! :) :tup:

01-04-2015, 12:14
Glasslady you have short finger nails. and that shaving gel looks good. i need that to shave my beard

01-04-2015, 15:17
Yeah, I have a 3 years old child, and keep nails short to not hurt her when I dress/bath/play with her. Since she was born, I keep them short, and feel happier since then LOL. Before I came to Norway I used to keep reeealy long nails, but that was while I was studying at university.
Now I work as a chemist in Norway. Working in a laboratory with long nails is not only uncomfortable, but can also be dangerous. Those hand gloves that are used in the lab are pretty thin (one-use type), and can become ripped. Corrosive crystals of chemicals can come under lon nails, and burn really badly. :woot:

01-04-2015, 22:29
The joke went fine, my husband liked. First he tried shower gel, then shampoo, and then undertood that it was me who arranged it.
He called me funny bunny, and told that he regrets that he did not prepare any jokes for me. :P

02-04-2015, 14:08
Very Funny Joke :D :D

02-04-2015, 18:49
смена назначений кнопок на мышке через панель управления(левая - на правую, и наоборот) - дала намного больше профита плане смехуечков ;D жертва 3 раза пк перезагружала xD

Heheh. My husband can't be tricked like that, he is smart. And I never touch his computer, don't want to get infected with his linux-mania :wacko:

05-04-2015, 00:46
Well made : D