View Full Version : A question about statistics

19-02-2015, 23:29
Hey guys, I have a question which torments me for a pretty much: what is the difference between "All" stats and "Se" stats, instead of se / se & fe thing ? Why there's more tags in "All" stats ? :shifty:


How much games and frags (or time ?) player should spent to be visible in both stats ? Maybe there should be the same settings for all and se stats ... Like for all, imo. :P

Also, since the activity is lower, I'd suggest to add those players to the statistics who played fewer games. For example, if you have 100 frags per a week and / or 3 games, you're in the statistics. I guess it's smth like 200 frags / 10 games for now ? :P

This is just an opinion .. ^^

20-02-2015, 21:50
So what's the difference ?
This table has no relation to reality.


23-02-2015, 00:09
I see ...
i'll check into it ...

26-02-2015, 22:58
Hey man, I have 190 frags and 9 deathes on 42 Adam Stats right now. That's impossible: I'm surely had over 30 deathes in one of games on 1.07 Pro Multimap Server, I thought it's Adams server .. Wtf ? Seems like stats are broken a bit : (


Sry for russian: на serioussam.su я вёл еженедельный обзор топ-30 лучших игроков статистики (после закрытия GameSpy - топ-15), но в данный момент не могу продолжать это из-за глюков со статой. Остап, я очень надеюсь, что ты это пофиксишь, т.к., во-первых, статистика очень уникальная и клёвая штука сама по себе, раньше такая была только на serioussam.ru/stats (1.05), но она сломана, уже как полтора года. Твоя даже лучше, т.к. можно смотреть по топ эфф, топ фраги и т.д., но очень грустно видеть её сломанной, или что там с ней. Кстати, сначала мой ник был в All, а потом чудесным образом появился в Se. )


Вообще, я бы с учётом закрытия GameSpy немножко изменил бы параметры (не навязываю мнение, просто предлагаю :P), скажем, чтобы было не last 7 days, а last 30 days ... Будет сочнее выглядеть : D Ну, и чтобы эта штука с All / SE была пофиксена, желательно. (


I'm sorry for russian again : /

27-02-2015, 08:48
If you dont tell anyone - you can keep it :)
192 is a nice number ;)

anyway - i had no time yet to fix it ...
i'll try this weekend

27-02-2015, 10:32
after a quick look - it seems that after complete "reset" of statistic cache - top list looks correct

check your list :

If this list is correct than bug is just question of invalid cache

05-03-2015, 00:26
This Stats are really bugged :P
Screen From match:

05-03-2015, 08:54
sorry but i just had no time to fix it ...
I'll try this weekend

05-03-2015, 12:13
No Problem :)

09-03-2015, 03:10
I see everything is fixed now, at least it looks like that. Thank you Ostap ! ^__^

10-03-2015, 20:08
Yeah everything seems ok now ;)

22-03-2015, 02:43
It's broken again, look on stats. ><
The last time when I had 63/0 was probably 2012, :P

23-03-2015, 22:25
It's broken again, look on stats. ><
The last time when I had 63/0 was probably 2012, :P

Should be fixed now
Problem was your nik name:

this is ending of your nik:

double reset tag (^r) caused to miss all records when you were fragged.
you and couple more players with this bug ...

24-03-2015, 20:43
Ah .. xD So should I edit my tag or you've fixed it ? :P Thanks anyway !

24-03-2015, 21:18
Ah .. xD So should I edit my tag or you've fixed it ? :P Thanks anyway !

no need to change the nik

26-03-2015, 21:52
To fix faulty stats - all records older than 3 days removed (prior bug fix)
Also from now on stats will be kept for 14 days instead of 7

27-03-2015, 07:04
Sorry for russian - немножко не понял, если записи теперь за последние 3 дня, то к чему эти "14 дней" ? ) Чёрт, совсем бедненько теперь выглядит список игроков, с 14 днями было жирненько так : D

27-03-2015, 08:27
Sorry for russian - немножко не понял, если записи теперь за последние 3 дня, то к чему эти "14 дней" ? ) Чёрт, совсем бедненько теперь выглядит список игроков, с 14 днями было жирненько так : D

3 days last records :)
they will accumulate in no time back to 14 .....