View Full Version : Admin / Super Admin rules review 2014

19-07-2014, 02:58
Hi everyone

Just thought it would be nice to review the rules once in a while
last changes were made more than 1 year ago ... so we are right on track ..

it does not mean that something "must" change...
it only means - review ..

if nothing changes - means - last year we made it good enough ...

there are 2 sets of rules ..
for admins ..and for super admins ...
(do not add rules that give you super powers .. - we have no space for batteries for that)

19-07-2014, 22:39
All servers rules:
*No trash talking (provocations, insulting, sex related messages etc...) 2weeks max
*No console spamming (multiline spamming) - SAMBOT - 5min, 1week max
*No unfair teaming (for example, avoiding to kill friend is counted as teaming) 1week max
*No using game bugs (out of map, swimming...) SAMBOT - autokick, 2week max
*No cheating (custom advantage - modifications and external game hacks are prohibited) - 3months max
*No server hacking - Or no candies tonight

Specified FE frag strict server rules (not gaming violations by default, and cannot be controled properly):
*No re-spawn frags - 5days max
*No Camping - 5days max

Coop rules:
*No trash talking (provocations, insulting, sex related messages etc...) 2weeks max
*No console spamming (multiline spamming causing server crash) - Bindings are allowed, 1week max
*No server hacking - Or no candies tonight
*NOTE - Cheating, killing other players in FF, out of map etc... is allowed in coop and ban shouldn't be applyed

*No tag copy - 1week max
*No F9 drum (connecting all time to reset the score is prohibited) - SAMBOT - 10min, 1week max

I think we should remove the maximum times of bans and bring decisive times. If same player done the same thing again, the ban time should triple (x3) everytime. If the time of triple ban doesnt meet the available times of bans, it will rounded the nearest higher number. i.e: 5 Hours Ban / x3 = 15 Hours >> 1 Day / x3 = 3 Days

And bans should be deterrent. It should make player not to do the same thing again.

For example:

*No trash talking (provocations, insulting, sex related messages etc...) - 5 Hours / 2nd Time:1 Day / 3rd Time: 3 Days
*No console spamming (multiline spamming) - 3 Hours / 2nd Time: 12 Hours /3rd Time: 3 Days

Its a bit confusing but a good way to avoid cheaters, copyers, spammers.

If the list of banned players expended, it would be better to follow how many times the player banned.
And all admins should write the "Ban Reason" place that number of the bans of the player.
