View Full Version : New vs Old Server

28-06-2014, 10:11
Hi everyone
Since server is moved to Germany - i hear some controversial opinions about it
some say its better some not ...

Vote only about ping ...
My vote - old one was better ... i've now 240ping :)

But German server has 64Gb memory and 2x faster CPU :)

28-06-2014, 10:27
Old Good Enough To Play Without Lag
Since New Server Hosted
Lags Never Stop

---------- Post added 28-06-2014 at 09:29 ----------

But German server has 64Gb memory and 2x faster CPU :)
If It's Better,
Why So Laggy?

28-06-2014, 13:51
old server was better :)

28-06-2014, 19:14
played a little bit today, everything was perfect.

28-06-2014, 20:27
Germany is closer to mine country,so I awaiting better ping.But in dutch servers I had lower ping. Is strange,but is true! I guess my provider have fault. Anyway is a just game for fun :)

Friendly Sniper
29-06-2014, 01:00
Old Server,300-400 ping :o

Friendly Sniper
29-06-2014, 19:21
please go back to old server, the ping is getting worse and so is the lag. today I had 833, 701, 957, and 649. My usual ping is 200-100. please go back to dutch server, I cant play 42 servers without leaving because of the lag

Friendly Sniper
29-06-2014, 23:53
1,000 ping??!!! WTF I cant even play on any 42 servers without leaving because of the lag!

30-06-2014, 13:24
My ping (latency) obviously is better in Dutch server...

30-06-2014, 16:50

---------- Post added 30-06-2014 at 16:50 ----------

must admit that older is better

03-07-2014, 15:49
so what? :shifty:

03-07-2014, 18:30
so what? :shifty:
so back to old servers :shifty:

03-07-2014, 21:53
the new server is way better...less lags, lower ping

04-07-2014, 21:20
Sorry for everyone with better ping :)
but all servers are moved back to Holland just now

04-07-2014, 21:47
Yeah OK better ping for me there too, well mostly just less spikes

04-07-2014, 22:07
Sorry for everyone with better ping :)
but all servers are moved back to Holland just now

Holland #1 :yes:

04-07-2014, 23:03
Holland #1 :yes:


Friendly Sniper
05-07-2014, 02:14

05-07-2014, 19:30
oh finally, i don't need to play with 180-200 ping with ultra or scorpy's scripts. :tup: